
D_0001:160/1852 A request for citizenship filed by Joachim Flesch
D_0002:502/1852 A request for a permission to use a machine
D_0003:1483/1855 A request for delivery of a letter to builder Carl Pfeller, sent by the military construction management (Militär bauleitung) in Sremska Kamenica
D_0004:16/1846 An authorisation for Gustaf von Filakofgy by Joseph Kargeli
D_0005:289/1802 A thank-you note by Peter Weidmann to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
D_0006:30/1860 Tax evasion of the butcher Josef Stifter
D_0007:488/1788 An order by the administration in Novi Sad (Neusatz) to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor, regarding Jewish artisans
D_0008:512/1789 An order regarding the statement by Jews from Kupusina (Kupuszina)
D_0009:516/1788 An order resolving the issues noted during the previous examination of condition of Jewish brotherhoods
D_0010:517/1788 An order requesting that deceised Jews are to be buried within 48 hours
D_0011:554/1788 An order regarding Jewish teachers's Tolerance tax exemption
D_0012:7/1861 A notification regarding the conscription in Sombor
D_0013:907/1788 Order requesting that the county of Bacs-Bodrog should monitor the implementation of the Court decree No. 13864/1035
D_0014:1327/1854 Inquiry regarding passport issuance
D_0015:223/1859 A notification regarding the expulsion of Adam Gotzy
D_0016:560/1789 A request regarding the implementation of the Order No. 1828 from 31st March 1789
D_0017:6079/1859 Reminder regarding the protocols regarding dentist Gabriel Jablonkoviz
D_0018:6863/1860 A recruitment list
D_0019:723/1789 An identification card template regarding the assets of the Jewish communities
D_0020:749/1788 An order requesting mobilization of Jews
D_0021:924/1789 Resolution regulating inheritance among Jews
D_0022:1003/1806 A List of Jews who settled and live in the Community of the Free Royal City of Sombor
D_0023:102/1791 An order requesting compliance with previous orders regarding school inspections
D_0024:1133/1808 The Contract between the city of Sombor and the Jew Isaac Estereicher
D_0025:1134/1808 A request by Isaac Ostereicher to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
D_0026:1202/1808 A Report on the beating of Jew Laurentio Hertzeg
D_0027:127/1809 A request for investigation of unlawful lodging in Jewish community
D_0028:135/1789 An order requesting that Jewish convicts are no longer fed separately
D_0029:175/1807 A request for permission to buy house by Isaac Oesterreicher
D_0030:18/1810 A request by Abraham Hajduska to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
D_0031:19/1809 A notification regarding the public selling of the Jacob Stein's house
D_0032:206/1800 A request concerning Lazar Stein's request
D_0033:225/1810 A request by Simeon Hajduska for increase of allowance money
D_0034:23/1810 A statement by Schendl Stein regarding Abraham Hajduska's request for right to trade
D_0035:24/1809 A request for compensation by Isaac Oesterreicher and denial of the accused
D_0036:250/1809 A request for compensation
D_0037:34/1809 A notification regarding Joseph Wittman's citizenship request
D_0038:350/1810 Tolerance tax report
D_0039:364/1792 A complaint by members of Trader's guild
D_0040:387/1806 A request for return of stolen goods
D_0041:402/1810 An opinion reqarding Jewish community's request for building a synagogue
D_0042:406/1802 Census of Jews living in the Free Royal City of Sombor
D_0043:411/1798 An offer for purchasing buckwheat
D_0044:419/1800 A report by Latinovits Josephus to the City Government of Sombor for collecting tax
D_0045:421/1799 A report by Latinovits Josephus to the City Government of Sombor for collecting tax
D_0046:419/1800 A report by Philippus Fratricsevits,and Nicolaus Simits to the City Government of Sombor regarding the Jewish cemetery
D_0047:437/1809 A request by Philippus Hajduska to the City Government of Sombor for premission to sell his house
D_0048:445/1799 Legal case regarding the opening of the new Jewish store
D_0049:471/1799 Appeal of Lazarus Stein to the Magistrate for the opening of the new store
D_0050:558/1793 Decision of the Magistrate that Jew Philippo Hajduska can setlle permanetly in the Royal City of Sombor.
D_0051:569/1809 A request of the Jewish Community to be released from the obligation to provide recruits
D_0052:65/1798 An order regarding people who left their residences without permission
D_0053:67/1798 An order regarding the Tolerance tax
D_0054:678/1805 An order not to allow Jews to buy crops before collecting provisions for the army
D_0055:703/1808 The official complaint of the doctor to the Magistrate that the Jews should have chapels at their cemetery
D_0056 The request of the Jewish community by Demetrius Papphary to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
D_0057:993/1806 A humble request by Salaman Weiss to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
D_0058:1152/1845 A letters of Approval for Márk Hirsch citizenship request by the Sombor City councilor János Parcsetics and the Royal Chamber of Ratkovo
D_0059:116/1866 The Correspondence regarding the collection of statistical data on Jewish schools in Bács-Bodrog County
D_0060:1428/1878 A copy of minutes from the Administrative Board Meeting of the City of Sombor regarding Jewish schools decision
D_0061:1476/1875 A request of Mayor of the City of Sombor to the City Archivist for preservation of founding letter of Johanna Stein Foundation
D_0062:1540/1895 The Correspondence regarding tree growing course in Sombor Jewish Schools
D_0063:1559/1860 A cover letter by János Ambrozovits to the City Government of Sombor
D_0064:169/1825 A Petition by Jozef Štulić, Deputy Prefect of the Bács County to the City Council to suspend Jewish surgeon Izsák Kretzmer
D_0065:2120/1871 The Statute of the "Hungarian Jewish Women's Association" sent to approval
D_0066:2/1890 The Report on Closing Jewish schools by Chief of Police in Sombor to Mayor of the Free Royal City of Sombor
D_0067:2196/1819 A request by City Council of City Paks to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor regarding Herczig Lörincz and Schön Léná renting agreement
D_0068:227/1846 A request by Ignácz Frey for admission to the citizens registry
D_0069:2452/1879 Report on the application for a building permit by Jakab Lusztig
D_0070:275/1831 A petition by named local goldsmiths and citizens to the Noble City Council of the Free Royal City of Sombor to not allow working permit to Sámuel Herschenberger, a Jew
D_0071:3/1841 The report on the settlement and working permit request of Jew Flösch Salamon to the City Council of the Free Royal City of Sombor
D_0072:366/1841 A letter of approval for soapmaker Solamon Hőschl by the councilers of the Parliament of the Council of Lieutenancy of the Kingdom of Hungary
D_0073:41/1886 The request by Hermann Kánn to the president of the "Johanna Stein Marriage Foundation" and mayor of Sombor to donate for his daughter marriage
D_0074:4303/1878 Correspondence regarding complaints against new Orthodox Jewish community and their butcher
D_0075:512/1841 A request by Mihály Szinger to the Noble Council for the settlement and working permit
D_0076:5889/1890 A cover letter for sending Sombor Jewish school Bulletin for 1889-90
D_0077:721/1872 The Request by Jewish Community of Sombor to the Noble City Council to prevent the irregularities and unauthorized actions on their property
D_0078:646/1823 A excuse letter by fiscal Joannes Ambrozovits from Magistrate of the Free City of Sombor regarding election of Jewish judge
D_0079:301/1829 A request by to the City Government of Sombor for collecting tax
D_0080:583/1831 A report by Jews of Sombor regarding their numbers, occupation and incomes
D_0081:270/1826 A petition by citizens of Sombor regarding surgeon Isaac Kretzmer (Isaacus Kretzmer)
D_0082:862/1811 A correpondence between members of the Jewish community and officials of the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor regarding right of Jews for indepent election of representatives
D_0083:624/1824 A report about the Jacob Hirschl who bought the silverwafe from the theft in Subotica
D_0084:298/1826 The report of the legal case regarding the Isaac Kretzmer
D_0085:609/1816 A plea of Josephus Flesh for the money he is eligible to receive
D_0086:517/1814 A report on the topic of allocating the property of Philip Hajduska (Filip Hajduška) and his orphans
D_0087:520/1825 A report by Mathias Lovsz accuses of fraud and spread of diseases
D_0088:148/1822 A request by Lazar Stein (Lazarus Stein) to be issued written testimony
D_0089:1042/1811 A humble request by Jacob Stein to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
D_0090:350/1821 A request of the Trade Association to the City regarding the plea of Hertzeg
D_0091:339/1825 Heinrich Löbl, Jewish painter, asks to be admitted to the city community, for the reasons stated in the document.
D_0092:198/1829 A request of the Privileged association of merchants for implementation of their privileges
D_0093:68/1822 A notification regarding the lease of Jewish inn
D_0094:306/1821 A report regarding the plea of Iszrael Hertzeg (Israel Herceg), a Jew and a city merchant, who asks for permission to buy a house and build a shop
D_0095:195/1833 An order regarding birth, death and marriage protocols
D_0096:213/1821 A request by Israel Hertzeg (Iszrael Hertzeg) for settlement in Sombor
D_0097:714/1820 A complaint letter by members of the Jewish community to the Magistrate against brother Stein and their interference in payment obligations and election issues followed by statement of accused
D_0098:645/1823 A plea from the Jewish Community regarding the new election of the judge from the Jewish community
D_0099:195/1825 A request by Isaac Kretzmer (Isaacus Kretzmer) to be examined as a witness
D_0100:356/1829 Plea of Jewish merchants of Sombor for obtaining new rights
D_0101:858/1813 Printed order by the King regarding travel documents for the Imperial-Royal Army issued from the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
D_0102:793/1821 A request for compensation by Lazar Rosentzveig to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
D_0103:438/1816 A report by Abrahamus Mrazovich about traders that are violating rules
D_0104:723/1811 A request by Salamon Veisz to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
D_0105:421/1799 A report about the dispute between Joannem Petrovicz (Jovan Petrović) and Jew Scön
D_0106:215/1822 A request by Martin Boroš (Martinus Boross), asking for further information
D_0107:202/1825 A verdict regarding the case of Isaac Kretzmer
D_0108:48/1825 Minutes from the Assembly of elected citizens regarding the auction over a Jewish kitchen
D_0109:718/1812 A request for list of Jews in Sombor on behalf of the Council of Governors of the Kingdom of Hungary to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
D_0110:29/1829 A request for tax reduction
D_0111:111/1825 A request by surgeon Isaac Kretzmer
D_0112:752/1829 A Complaints against Salamon Weisz to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor regarding malversation on renting Jewish inn
D_0113:383/1829 Complaint and the act regarding the issue of held florins of Lazar Stein
D_0114:804/1821 The lease agreement between Lazar Rozentzveig and the Free Royal City of Sombor on renting the Jewish inn
D_0115:80/1811 An order to cellect arrears of the Tolerance Tax
D_0116:27/1822 A request for the lease of the Jewish inn
D_0117:163/1825 A resolution of a complaint regarding the lease of the Jewish inn
D_0118:906/1813 The report About renting out a Jewish inn for the next three years
D_0119:1567/1822 A request by Laurentio Herczegh to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
D_0120:884/1820 Report regarding the tolerance tax for Jews
D_0121:289/1802 A thank-you note by Peter Weidmann to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
D_0122:224/1811 Legacy and debts of late Philip Heiduschka
D_0123:458/1801 A catalog of Jewish books approved by censorship
D_0124:1460/1814 A request by Alexander (Sándor) Theodorovits to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
D_0125:1001/1813 A report on Tolerance Tax collection and storage in the City Treasure in Baja
D_0126:96/1811 A request by Jacob Stein (Jacobus Stein) to open a store
D_0127:953/1820 Excerpts about Jewish fugitives
D_0128:35/1813 A request by Solomon Weiss (Salamon Vaisz) to build a log cabin or an inn
D_0129:1129/1840 A letter of approval on request by Samuel Flesch regarding settlement and working permit in Sombor
D_0130:1046/1811 A humble request by Jacob Stein to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
D_0131:101/1811 A request by Lorentz Herczeg (Laurencius Herczeg) to open a shop in the city
D_0132:946/1811 A request by city soap makers
D_0133:874/1838 A report by Petrus Schverer (Petar Šverer) and Joannes Athanatskovits (Jovan Atanacković) against Jewish merchants in Sombor and wider area.
D_0134:1099/1811 A request by Jacob Stein to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
D_0135:1044/1813 A request by Salamon Veisz to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor regarding admission to lodging
D_0136:1744/1821 A census of Jews population in Sombor (1821)
D_0137:878/1843 A report about the condition of the house of Jacobo Klisaritsianorum (Jacob Klisarić's) heirs, after research and inspection
D_0138:907/1820 Report on the census of Jews living in Sombor
D_0139:1681/1815 A request for debt payment
D_0140:304/1787 A complaint by Sombor traders
D_0141:11025/1903 A cover letter for Bulletin for 1902/1903 of the Jewish primary school in Sombor
D_0142:16175/1903 A correspondence about building issue by Gáspár Teltsch
D_0143:5369/1900 A correspondence on building issues by Jewish community in Sombor
D_0144:184/1904 A correspondence on request by Sándor Schlieser for instalement of water tank