A request by Isaac Kretzmer (Isaacus Kretzmer) to be examined as a witness

Идентификатор D_0099:195/1825
Наслов A request by Isaac Kretzmer (Isaacus Kretzmer) to be examined as a witness
Тема Isaac Kretzmer (Isaacus Kretzmer), Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor, Witness, Court hearing
Опис Isaac Kretzmer (Isaacus Kretzmer), a graduate city surgeon, asks for permission to be examined as a witness under the seal of the city of Sombor
Стваралац Isaac Kretzmer (Isaacus Kretzmer)
Издавач Historical archive Sombor
Доприносилац Isaac Kretzmer (Isaacus Kretzmer), The Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Датум March 2, 1825
Тип Text; Request
Језик Latin
Место Free Royal City of Sombor, March 1825
Права This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Amplissime Magistratus!

Quod nemo – preter gremialem apothecarium Alexandrum Peak – contra me querelam coram Amplissimo Magistratui a tempore habitationis hic loci mea – deposuerit – quodne me mori gerum excubuerim testis sub civitatis hujus Libere Regieque sigillo mihi expediri humillime supplico – plena cum veneratione perseverando. Zombor die 2a Martii 1825.

Amplissimi Magistratus
Humillimus servus
Isaacus Kretzmer
Diplomaticus chyrurgus gremialis

Ad Amplissimum Libere Regieque Civitatis Zombor Magistratus
Isaacus Kretzmer Diplomaticus chyrurgus gremialis sibi super intus advocatis testes sub sigillo civitatis hujus expediri humillime supplicat.
Uzvišeni Magistratu!

Pošto niko osim člana ove zajednice, apotekara Aleksandra Pejaka, nije podneo tužbu protiv mene uzvišenom Magistratu od perioda od kako u ovom gradu živim, ponizno molim da mi pod prečatom ovog slobodnog kraljevskog grada bude dozvoljeno da budem saslušan kao svedok u slučaju koji se vodi protiv mene. U Somboru, dana 2. marta 1825.

Uvaženom Magistratu
Ponizni sluga
Isak Krecmer
Diplomirani hirurg gradske zajednice

Uzvišenom Magistratu slobodnog kraljevskog grada Sombora
Isak Krecmer, diplomrani gradski hirurg, moli da mu se izda dozvola da pod pečatom grada Sombora bude saslušan kao svedok