A request by city soap makers

Identifier D_0132:946/1811
Title A request by city soap makers
Subject Soap Makers, Request, Lorenz Hertzeg (Laurentious Hertzeg), Karl Frantz (Carolus Frantz), Anthony Stank (Antonius Stank), Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor, Privilege, Alcoholic beverages, Inn
Description Solomon Weiss (Salamon Vaisz) requests a permit to build a log cabin or inn from the remains of the building next to the city Curia, in order to use the privilege to sell alcoholic beverages.
Creator Karl Frantz (Carolus Frantz), Anthony Stank (Antonius Stank)
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Karl Frantz (Carolus Frantz), Anthony Stank (Antonius Stank), Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Date November 15, 1811
Type Text; Request
Language Latin
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, November 1811
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Amplissime Magistratus, Domini Singulariter Colendissimi!

Gremialis Judaus Laurentius Hertzeg Pestino in majori quantitate Candelas ex sabo quastus exercendi causa recentissime in gremium devexit quas in manifestissimum prejuditium nostrum liberatim, pretio, ut collimamus viliori distrahit, Amplissimo itaque Magistratui humillime supplicamus, quatenus antelatumJudaum a distractione hac prejuditiosa inhibere et eundem ad divendendas et distrahendas candelas suas occasione Nundinarum annualium, vel Extra gremium fiendas inviare dignaretur. Cum nos ab opificio nostro annuam solvamus contributionem, hui in reliquo gratiis dicati jugi venerationis cum cultu perseveramus.

Amplissimi Magistratus
Humillimi servi
Carolus Frantz
Antonius Stank
Smigmatores gremiales

Ad Amplissimum Magistratum Dominos Singulariter Colendissimos
Humillima instantia
Caroli Frantz et Antonii Stank Smigmatorum gremialium supplicantim ut intus.
Exalted Magistrate, esteemed gentlemen!

A member of the Jewish community, Lorenz Hertzeg (Laurentious Hertzeg), recently brought a large number of candles from Pest to the city, to our obvious detriment, since he sells them at a price lower than ours. Therefore, we humbly ask the exalted Magistrate to prevent the mentioned Jew from distributing and selling the candles in question during the annual fairs, and to instruct him to sell the mentioned goods outside the city center. Since we pay annual taxes for the work we do, we ask that our request is met. With due respect and at your service

Humble servants
Of the exalted Magistrate
Karl Frantz (Carolus Frantz)
Anthony Stank (Antonius Stank)

City soap makers

To the exalted Magistrate, esteemed gentleman
A humble request
Karl Frantz and Anthony Stank, city soap makers on the topic mentioned in the document