A letter of approval on request by Samuel Flesch regarding settlement and working permit in Sombor

Identifier D_0129:1129/1840
Title A letter of approval on request by Samuel Flesch regarding settlement and working permit in Sombor
Subject Samuel Flesch, Bački Monoštor, Senta, The Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor, Approval, Request, Settlement permit, Soap Maker
Description After request of Jewish citizen of Senta for settlement permit in Sombor, a letter of approval was sent to Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor regarding his good behaviour as citizen and soapmaker from the Royal Crown estate Bački Monoštor.
Creator Samuel Flesch, The Royal Crown estate Bački Monoštor
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Samuel Flesch, The Royal Crown estate Bački Monoštor, The Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Date August 28th, 1840.
Type Text; Thank-You Note
Language Hungarian and Latin
Coverage The Royal Crown estate Bački Monoštor, Senta, and the Free Royal City of Sombor, August 1828-1840.
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Mi Szabados Királyi Koronai Szenta mező várossának Bírója és Tanácsa ezennel bizonyitjuk és adjuk tudtára mindeneknek akiket illett, hogy e levelünk mutatója, e Tettes Megyében kebeledzett Monostorszegi származású Fles Samu Izraelita és szappanyos mester, ennek előtte 12 esztendővel helybéli lakosaink közé az éríntett helység Elöljárói által részére betsületes maga viseletéről és elbotsájtásáról kiadott Bizonyitványok erejénél fogva helybéli lakosaink közé számítattván, és városunk kebelében mesterségét közlakosaink tellyes megelégedésére olly dicsérendő módon, hogy kebelünkben egy jó karban és helyen lévő házat saját iparkodásával szerzett - egész készséggel folytatván, magát ezen idő leforgása alatt, mindenkor becsületessen jámborul és Istenfélően úgy annyira viselte, hogy a mi és községünk tellyes bizodalmú szeretetét bő mértékben megnyerte. – Melyrül is most amidön hitvessével és három élő gyermekeivel lakását sorsa javítása tekintetéből Szabad Királyi Zombor várossában is tenni szándékozna – Ön hozzánk intézett igazságos folyamodása következtében adjuk ezen városunk szokott pecsétjével megerősített bizonyítványunkat, és ötet az illető Törvényhatóságnak hathatós pártfogásában ajánlván – miután itteni mindennémű adóbeli tartozásait leróvta vólna – végképen elbotsájtjuk. Költ Szentán 8-ban 28-án 1840.
N.N. Bírája és Tanátsa
Szabados k. k. Szenta Mező
… Menyhárt h. Jegyző által
ad. N. Rez 1129/1840

Amplissime Magistratus, Domini Singulariter Colendissimi!

Quamvisquidem humillime infrascriptus occasione proxime asservata politica sessionis magistratualis tum a consequenda hic loci ingremiatione, quum et ne inprimis ab impentienda mihi facultate professionem meam exercendi motivo inferendi taliter nonnullis professionis mea Magistris proindicii in adversum …. articuli 177.1723 nec non art. XXIX Comitiorum recentissime pretergressarum amotus fuerim Amplissimum attamen Magistratum – tamquam aflictorum Consolamen – denuo atque rursus perdemissis precibus exorare sustineo: quatenus mihi petitam ingremiationem ductu previgentium etiam Legum patriarum concedere atque in tam desideratum gremium Civitatis me que gratiose recipere dignaretur et quidem tum vel ideo quod ego ad placandos illos gremiales professionis mea Magostros a continuatione prodeclarata professionis meo sponte ac benevole recedere velim; quod re secus obtenta Zenta – ut sub – legali, eaque plenaria dimmissione isthic vero non consecuta ingremiatione per divendita iam Zenta tenuta mea et isthic depactatam domum – velut Extraneis – enorme damnum preiclitari debeam, demum quod in gremium receptus et minutiorem quostum exercere et etiam pignoratitias Morostorszeghini …… – ab obitu parentis mei in me devolutus – cultivare taterque vita meo meorumque medii sufficere velim, anorum adusque et ubique gestorum probitate tenoribus proprovocatarum Dimmissionalium nec non per…….. quoque exhibitionum Cehalium aliorumque fidedignorum estetarum abunde contestata, atque remonstrata existere – imo in reliquo venerationis cum cultu perseverando.

Amplissimi Magistratus
Humillimus servus
Samuel Flesch

Ad Amplissimum Libere ac Regie Civitatis Zombor Magistratum, Dominos Singulariter Colendissimos.

Samuel Flesch Istraelita –ductu moriorum abintus uberius provocatorum argumentorum – denuo atque rursu semet in gremium Civitatis isthuius gratiose assumi petit eo dumtaxat sponte ac benevole declarato, quod ab impertirenda sibi facultate respectiorum suam professionem exercendi omnino recedat atque recedere velit.
We, the Judge and the Council of the Free Royal City of Senta, hereby testify and make it known to all concerned that the indicator of this letter of ours, received in the bowels of this county by SamuFlesch, a Jew and soap maker from BačkiMonoštor, 12 years ago Testimonies issued to him by the heads of the appointed place about his honest rule and dismissal, received among the local population and he performed his craft to the complete satisfaction of our residents in such a praiseworthy way that thanks to his craft he acquired a house in a good apartment and location. - Continuing with full skill, during this time he always behaved honestly, well and piously, so that he largely gained the trust of us and our municipality. What now, when he and his wife and three living children want to create a home for the betterment of life in the Free Royal City of Sombor - we give our testimony confirmed by the usual seal of our city after his request, and recommend him under the effective auspices of the legislature - after being here paid off his tax debts - and we forgive him completely. In Senta on the 28th of the eight Month, 1840.
N.N. Judge and Chamber
Free Roy. C.
byMenyhárt... Notary

ad. N. Rez. 1129/1840

The Exalted Magistrate, esteemed gentlemen!

Although I, humbly signed below, during the last session of the Magistrate where it was decided on my request to settle in this place, but also on the issuance of permission to engage in my work, such my request was denied, in accordance with Articles 177.1723 and also Article 29 at the recent session of the Assembly, I still ask the exalted Magistrate to reconsider my application for the following reasons: from his original request to be allowed to do his job. Namely, I once received both full legal rights in the city of Senta, but I did not settle there but sold everything I had in Senta and now I am forced to suffer great damage and be treated as a foreigner, even though I am in that city, although community was accepted me and engaged in petty trade in BačkiMonoštor since the death of my parent, thus managing to make ends meet. There I proved myself as an honest citizen, that everyone can testify about, and also as a merchant, which can be witnessed by members of the guild of trust. With great respect,

Humble servant
Of the Exalted Magistrate
Samuel Flesch

To the Exalted Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor, esteemed gentleman
The Jew Samuel Flesch, guided by the above reasons, again begs that he be generously allowed to settle in the city and at the same time voluntarily renounces his previously sent request to be allowed to do his job.