A request by Solomon Weiss (Salamon Vaisz) to build a log cabin or an inn

Identifier D_0128:35/1813
Title A request by Solomon Weiss (Salamon Vaisz) to build a log cabin or an inn
Subject Solomon Weiss (Salamon Vaisz), Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor, Privilege, Alcoholic beverages, Inn
Description Solomon Weiss (Salamon Vaisz) requests a permit to build a log cabin or inn from the remains of the building next to the city Curia, in order to use the privilege to sell alcoholic beverages.
Creator Solomon Weiss (Salamon Vaisz)
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Solomon Weiss (Salamon Vaisz), Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Date January 7, 1813
Type Text; Request
Language Latin
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, January 1813
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Amplissime Magistratus!

Quamquam nec pro illa peculiari Pratia et commiseratione, ex qua A. Magistratus tam relate ad meam paupertatem et penes hanc semper contenstatam ingenuam probitatem quam omni quoque occasione me Regio huicce Peculio utilem etiam exhibendi promptitudinem et alacritatem, non tantum cum victualibus et id genus miscellaneis vulgo Kräuslerey. Quastum exercendi; sed Liquores etiam spirituosos epocillandi facultatem abhinc jam indulserat, grati animi sensa salis exsplicare valeam: ex quo tamen census fornicum adeo ad notorietatem elevatus existeret, ut ex: qua illa summula, quam in exercitium hujus beneficii mutuare, ac invenire possem, una cum Lucello ex ea capiendo, nec vel ad hunc persolvendum, ne dum ad me cum vigore ac 7 adhuc tenellis miseris prolibus inter tenendumsuffectura esset; ex eo: ne optato tam insignis A. Magistratus in me favoris fructu et effectu, ob defectum fornicis aut potius talem conducendi modalitatis, carere omnino debeam: sed ut omnem e converso futuram meam fortunam, et felicitatem ipsius precise A.Magistratus protectioni et misericordia grato in perenne tempus animo referre valeam, id, ut penes vacuum murum Curia Civica intra hujus Portam occidentalem et nova macella, usque dum saltem Domus Civica eo nefors etiam extensa non fuerit, mihi necessarium Tugurium sive Tabernam ex asseribus construere liceat, gratiosissime adhuc admitti per quam enixe supplico et in omni humilitate persevero.

A, Magistratus!
Zombor Die 7a januarii 1813.
Humillimus et obsequentissimus famulus Salamon Vaisz gremialis pauper Judaus.

Ad Amplissimum Libere Regieque Civitatis Zombor Magistratum Dominos mihi gratiosissimos
Salamon Vaisz gremialis miser Judaus
Penes vacuum murum Curia Civica intra ejus Portam occidentalem et nova macella, tugurium sive Tabernam ex asseribus construendi Licentiam gratiosissime sibi admitti supplicat.
Exalted Magistrate!

The exalted Magistrate, out of its great generosity and compassion for my pauperism, but also taking into account my sincere honesty and the fact that I deftly and tirelessly endeavored to be of use to this kingdom at every opportunity, allowed me to supply people not only with mixed food, which are popularly called ..., but also to supply the city residents with alcoholic beverages, and I am deeply grateful to the exalted Magistrate for that. Based on that decision, I already have a grocery store, but the small amount I earn thanks to this privilege and the overall profit are not enough to support the seven children I have. Therefore, I humbly ask the supreme Magistrate, in order for the privilege granted to me to have full effect and to exercise the right to serve alcoholic beverages, to allow me – since my happiness and future depend on the protection and compassion of the supreme Magistrate – to build a log cabin or an inn out of the remains of a building next to the city Curia, which is located between the east gate and the new market, at least until the city house is expanded. Humbly always at your service,

To the exalted Magistrate
In Sombor, on January 7, 1813.
Humble and obedient servant Solomon Weiss (Salamon Vaisz), a poor member of the Jewish community

To the exalted Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor, esteemed gentleman
Solomon Weiss, a poor city Jew
He begs for a generous permit to build a log cabin or inn from the remains of the building next to the City Curia, between the east gate and the new market.