A request by Alexander (Sándor) Theodorovits to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor

Identifier D_0124:1460/1814
Title A request by Alexander (Sándor) Theodorovits to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Subject Alexander (Sándor) Theodorovits, Moyses Fischer, The Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor, Request, Compensation, Contract, Horses Trade, Svetozar Miletic estate, Nemesmilitics, Goldsmith
Description Alexander (Sándor) Theodorovits, a resident of Sombor and a city goldsmith, begs the Magistrate to intervene in terms of his compensation in the case of the Jew Moyses Fischer who moved to Szeged. He attached contract with Moyses Fischer on mentioned issue of horse trading.
Creator Alexander (Sándor) Theodorovits
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Alexander (Sándor) Theodorovits, The Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Date March 23rd, 1814
Type Text; Request
Language Latin and Hungarian
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, January-March 1814
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Amplissime Magistratus!

Moyses Fischer Judaus Iszakiensis alias Equorum pro parte aerarii Regii liferans stipulato hicce in origine adcopulato contractu, illam mecum inivit Conventionem, ut ego pro parte ipsius, quo plures possim equos qualitatibus inibi specificatis provisos coemere tenear, is vero tempore statuto pecunias prestet; in consequentiam hujus contractus ego complures equos in gremio Comitatus coemi et etiam arham desuper dedi , sed cum idem contrahens Judaus pro prestituto termino nec comparuisset, neque pecunias pro pretio equorum deferibiles attulisset imo nec transmisset, factum est, ut me in defectu tanti aeris, quo equos exolvere potuissem, Constituto et termino receptionis equorum evoluto, arha pro equis data periverit, et ita in 80f in Schedis Reluntionalibus uno aereo, et 24f bibiflorenatiis hoc …… erogatis damnificatus exstiterim. Cum autem Contractus Contrahentibus legem ponerent et alioaquin idem Contrahens Fischer preter bonificationem harum pecuniarum insuper lenticulum 200f eodem contractu mediante stipulasset; modo vero cum equis et rebus suis semet ad civitatem Szegediensem transtulisset; Idcirco Amplissimo Magistratui humillime suplico, quatenus fine obtinenda mea indemnisationis porocurandaque rerum antelati Judai Moysis Fischer ad vires contractualis summa et expensarum sequestrationis semet apud Szegediensem Magistratum gratiose interponere dignaretur qui in reliquo gratiis devotus jugi cum venerationis cultu persevero.

Amplissimi Magistratus
Humillimus servus
Alexander Theodorovits inhabitator et inaurator gremialis

Presente die 23 martii 1814.
Ad Amplissimum Magistratum Libere Regieque Civitatis Zomboriensis

Alexander Theodorovits Ihhabitator et Inaurator gremialis instat fine obtinenda sua indemnificatonis apud Moysem Fischer Judaum Iszakiensem modo Szegedinum semet transponentem pro interpositione Magistratuali.

Egy részről Tsászári és Királyi Liseráns ló kereskedő Moyses Fischer, más részről Theodorovits Sándor zombori Polgár Urak között, és következendő egyezés tetetett és végeztetett úgy mint:
1.ör Theodorovits Sándor Úr kötelezi magát, hogy ő mentűl elöbb mennél több lovakat és pediglen egészségeseket a katonasághoz alkalmassakat, következendő képpen minden nagyobb hibáktúl, úgymint sántaságtul, kehességtűl mentes lovakat keresni fog mellynek következésében
2.or Theodorovits Sándor Úr tartozik 14 markos lovakat, és nem kisebbeket venni és keresni, mellyeket megszerezvén
3.or Moyses Fischer magát kötelezvén tartozik minden 14 markos és alkalmas lovat 100 …, 14 és egy fertály markossat százhusz … 14 és fél markossat, 130 … által venni és tüstént kifizetni
4.er Ha azonba Theodorovits Sándor Úr ezen meghatározott azon alkalmas lovakat nem szerezhetne, de az fáradságát még is megtenni, azon esetben a nevezett lókereskedő és Liferáns Moyses Fischer Úr Theodorovits Sándor Úrnak tartozik a költséget megtéríteni többnyire:
5.ör Ha Theodorovits Sándor Úr lovakat szerezvén akár nagyobb, akár kisebb szerüket a meghatározott mérték szerént Moyses Fischer úrnak által adna minden lótul a meghatározott azon felül még 10 … fizetni tartozik. Mellynek bátorságára
6.or Fischer Moyses tartozik e folyó hónapnak 23ára okvetlen akár maga, akár pediglen valamelly embere által elegendő pénzt hozzám Zomborba küldeni vagy hozni mellyet ha nem tellyesétene tartozik vinculumot 200 … fizetni, valamint Theodorovits Sándor Úr is, ha vasárnapig vagy el nem menne, vagy pediglen ha netalán vásárt lovakrúl hírt nem adna, tartozik Theodorovits Sándor Úr Fischer Moyses Úrnak fizetni, a kitett vinculumot
7.er Ha a már megírt mód szerint némelly lovakat netalán óltsóbban meg szerezhetne Theodorovits Sándor Úr úgy a mint ki alkudta Fischer Moyses Úrnak által adni tartozik az azonba fent tartvánd, hogy a lovak négy esztendősnél fiatalabbak és hét esztendősnél öregebbek ne legyenek. Mellynek nagyobb hitelére és valóságára, ki adtuk e jelen való egyező levelünket egyikének és másikának is, két egyforma párban saját kezeikkel nevüknek aláírásával megerősítve. Költ Nemes Milititsen 18-ik Januar 1814-ik Esztendőben Moyses Fischer m.p. Alexa Teodorovits m.p. Corani mie Antonio Hományi Nobilitary Poseszonis Nemes Militity notario
The Exalted Magistrate!

Moyses Fischer, a Jew who is in charge of procuring horses on behalf of the royal treasury, entered into an agreement with me, as it is written in the contract attached here, that I procure and buy on his behalf as many horses of the quality specified in the contract, and he will pay the money for it at the agreed time. Respecting the provisions of the contract, I supplied as many horses as possible from the area of ​​the County and gave a down payment for them. However, the mentioned Jew with whom I made an agreement did not show up or bring money for the delivered horses at the agreed time, nor did he send the agreed money. The fact is that I did not have enough gold to pay for the mentioned horses, so my down payment therefore failed, as well as my 80 florins for saddles and another gold coin and 24 florins for equipment for horses, so I was damaged in that way. The mentioned contract also legally foresaw that the Jewish Fischer would make a deposit of 200 florins to settle his debts, which he did, but in the meantime he moved to Szeged with his horses and belongings. Therefore, I humbly ask the exalted Magistrate to make sure that I am compensated in the case of the aforementioned Jew Moses Fischer and that I am paid the amount that was stipulated in the contract. I also ask the Szeged Magistrate to honor me to deal with the case in question. With due respect and always at your service,
Humble servant
Of the Exalted Magistrate
Alexander (Sándor) Theodorovits, a resident and goldsmith of the City of Sombor

To the Exalted Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor, on March 23rd, 1814.
Alexander (Sándor) Theodorovits, a resident of Sombor and a city goldsmith, begs the Magistrate to intervene in terms of his compensation in the case of the Jew Moyses Fischer who moved to Szeged.


On the one hand, between the imperial and royal horse trader Moyses Fischer, and on the other hand, Alexander (Sándor) Theodorovits, both citizens of Sombor, the following agreement was made and executed as:
1. Aleksandar Teodorović undertakes to procure as many horses as possible as soon as possible, and they are healthy, suitable for the army, that is, they will look for horses without major flaws (deficiencies), such as lameness, restlessness, as a result of which
2. Mr. Aleksandar Teodorović is obliged to look for and buy horses with a height of 14 palms (remark: old measure for the length, ie for the height of the horse, 1 palm 10.5 cm) and not less, after which the purchase is
3. Moyses Fischer obliges to pay immediately 100 florins for each horse of 14 palms, 120 florins of a horse of 14 palms and one quarter, and 130 florins of a horse of 14 and a half palms to pay immediately
4. However, if Mr. Aleksandar Teodorović does not find such suitable horses, but still tries, in that case the appointed horse trader Moyses Fischer is obliged to reimburse Mr. AleksandarTeodorović for the costs, as follows:
5. which Mr. Aleksandar Teodorović procured in relation to the given measure of larger or smaller horses, Mr. Moyses Fischer is obliged to pay another 10 florins for each horse
6. Moyses Fischer is obliged to deliver enough money to me in Sombor by the 23rd of the current month, either personally or by one of his men, which if he does not fulfill, he is obliged to pay me 200 florins deposits, then if Mr. Aleksandar Teodorović does not leave by Sunday, do not send the news about thehorses, then Mr. Aleksandar Teodorović is obliged to pay Mr. Moyses Fischer the deposit
7. If Mr. Aleksandar Teodorović is able to procure some horses cheaper than Mr. Moyses Fischer is obliged to give for them, he, however, reserves the right to demand that the horses must not be younger than four or older than seven years. For greater credibility and reality, we issued identical letters to both, in two identical pairs confirmed by signing their names with our own hands. Created in Svetozar Miletić (Nemes Militics) on January 18th1814. Signed by Moyses Fischer, Aleksa Teodorović,and Antonio Hományinotary of the Noble estate Svetozar Miletić (Nemes Militics).