Legacy and debts of late Philip Heiduschka
Identifier | D_0122:224/1811 |
Title | Legacy and debts of late Philip Heiduschka |
Subject | Philip Heiduschka, legacy, pia legata, debts |
Description | Legacy and list of debts of late Philip Heiduschka, along with the confirmation that the debts will be paid. |
Creator | Abraham Mrazovics, Constantine Jankovits, Joannes Petrovics |
Publisher | Historical archive Sombor |
Contributor | Abraham Mrazovics, Constantine Jankovits, Joannes Petrovics, Jacob Stein, Schendel Stein, G... Heiduschka, David Holender |
Date | March 8th, 1811 |
Type | Text; Legacy and debts |
Language | Latin, German |
Coverage | Free Royal City of Sombor, March 1811 |
Rights | This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor). |
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Infrascripti penes Commisionem Magistra`tualem pro preagenda bonorum post mortem gremialis Judai ac mercatoris Philippi Hajduschka remansorum, viduamque ejusdem relictam Schendl modo nuptam Jacobo Stein, atque proles numero sex, uti Abrahamum Herschl, Simonem jam majorem et, Isacum, Jacobum, ac Szaram adhuc orphanos Respicientium, divisione exmissi: In obsequium nobis eatenus Commisionis Magistratualis in conformitare testamenti, per denatum Philippum condam Hajduska, qua bonorum aquisitorem conditi, cuncta bona remansa serie sequenti inter prius fatam viduam Schendl, modonuptam Stein, ac respectivos numero sex successores uti Herschl, Abrahamum, Simonem, Isacum, Jacobum ac Szaram divisimus: et quidem: Intra relationem a 1809 no prot. 1279. Prestitam summa bonorum Hajdusckianatum pro tunc conscriptorum efficiebat insimul ------------- 95232 f 18x Huic summa accedunt pro licitationaliter discento tenorio nundinali, ac pro pilis vulgo ………….. dictis plus accepti -------- 291 Insimul f 35523 18x 1. Ab hac totali bonorum summa precim juxta huic advolutam sub no 1 instrumentum …….. legata et passiva debita per viduam Schendl modonuptam Jacobo Stein exohenda subtrahentur cum ------- f 7518 47 x 2. In nexu instrumenti sub no 2 a pro dicta bonorum totali summa restantia in exigibiles subtrasuntur cum ---------- 488 f 28x 3. Juxta item licitantiam Davidis Hollander sub no 3 pro incassatione restantiarum …….. fatigii soluti subtrahentur 50f ____________ 8057f 15x manet idcirco deputatis deputandis summa inter successores dividenda cum ----- f27466 3x Summa totalis dividenda f27466 3x 1. Ex qua summa et quidem vidua Schendl modo Stein in comformitare testamenti habet septimam ratam Bonorum qua efficit -------- 2209 f 26 1/3 x Ex divendita bono ----------2000 f __________ 4209 f 26 1/3 x 2. Hershl in nexu testamenti ex bonis Septimam ratam cum -----------------2202 f 26 1/8 c Ex domo ratam denati fratris -------400f ______________ 20609f 26 1/8 x 3. Abrahamus vigore testamenti Septimam rationem bonorum ------------2209 f 26 1/8 x Ex domo ratam denati fratris cum --------400f ______________ 2609 f 26 1/8 x 4. Simon tenore testamenti Septimam ratam bonorum ----------2209 f 20 1/8 x Ex distracta domo ----------------------2000 Ex eodem bonis ratam mortui fratris -------400f __________________ 4609 f 26 1/8 x 5. Isacus Septimam ratam bonorum ----------2209 f 20 1/8 x Ex vendita domo ----------------------2000 Ex eodem bonis mortui fratris ratam -------400f __________________ 4609 f 26 1/8 x Cujus capitale siqidem orphanus esset, in nexu testamenti Leopoldo Stein, qua constricta testamentaliter hujus orphani tutori ut sub no 4 parent obligationales extradatum est. 6. Jacobus Septimam ratam bonorum ----------2209 f 20 1/8 x Ex distracta domo ----------------------2000 Ex eodem fratris denati ratam -------400f __________________ 4609 f 26 1/8 x Hujus aeque orphani capitale apud matrem naturalem Schendl reado nuptam Stein in conformitate testamenti, ut sub no 5 obligatoriales perhibent, praecistit 7. Szara Septimam ratam bonorum ----------2209 f 20 1/8 x Ex distracta domo ipsa testamenti ----------------------2000 __________________ 4209 f 26 1/8 x Orphano hujus aeque capitale juxta tenores testamenti apud matrem naturalem Schendl uti obligatoriales sub no 6 docent exhorentur ______________ Summa priori aequalis 7 Sprecificum Restantiarum inexigibilium post mortem gremialis Judai Philippi condam Hajduska remansarum no f xs 1 Hraszszovics 7 14 2 Anicsics 6 / 3 Maria Gosctovics 9 / 4 Leovics 6 30 5 Vollff Zigel 23 / 6 Zöllö vidua 11 / 7 Gyro Ioanovics 1 / 8 Prihada filia / 30 9 Thodor Konyovics 4 5 10 Szava Konyovics 48 / 11 Antun Gyrics 26 / 12 Crintula Pal 9 / 13 Ferentz Szabo 26 / 14 Vicinola apud d. Fratricsevics 3 / 15 Vicinola apud d. Palkovics 2 / 16 Lehrer Joanes 3 58 17 Ferentz Szabo 6 / 18 Blinder Zeirel 50 / 19 Pemon vidua 13 10 20 Altenberg Burghart Kernaja 2 43 21 Hercz 20 21 22 Sinkovicz 10 / 23 Nag Ianos 3 49 24 Gremmer Mathias 2 / 25 Lorenti Daits in Szivats 7 30 26 D. Stephanus Zomborii 6 15 27 Thodor Capamansia 1 / 28 Klia Knezsevics n. Milicsevics 8 30 29 Ferentz Haynal vidua 24 / 30 Palar 20 / 31 Aloyzi Shneider 20 16 32 Zaharia Zatics 15 10 33 Jovanics Z…. 5 21 34 Ignyatz Milin 4 39 35 Lazar Stephanovicz 3 24 36 Schefhevitza 1 30 37 Lovra Stolicsics 8 24 38 Cretpelits 16 / 39 Nicola Antonics 2 30 40 Isak Janovics 17 45 41 Jano Stapanovszky 9 12 42 Siere Misse 11 / 43 Kolcetim 20 / Insimul 488 28 Per deputationem eatenus Magistratualiter ordin. Pia Legata und passiv Schulden, des gestorbene Philip Hayduscha 1. Denen armen Juden laut Testament 50 2. Denen armen catholischen und orientalischen 20 3. Der catholischen Kirsche 25 4. Der orientalischer Kirche 25 5. für daß Zoll in Tempel 30 6. Den Neusatzer, Bayer und Theresiapler Rabiner 150 7. für alhiesige Jüdische freydthof 75 8. für Csonopler Jüdische freydthof 50 9. für Grabstein Jüdische freydthof 150 10. dem Moyzes Lazar Pekles 100 11. dem David Hollender 50 12. dessen Tohter 50 13. für neuerbauende Synagoga 500 14. denen 3 Töchtere Juliana, Ursula und Nachema 900 Passiv Schulden 1. Marko Boker an Capital und Interesse 818 2. Hanisch halbjärige Interesse 90 3. an die Iloschiske Massa 364 4. Lorenz Basch 595 5. Leopold Stein 150 6. Maudl Petersheim aus Presburg 225 7. Johan Veszelovszky 260 8. Isak Holisch 90 9. Maudl Maudl aus Presburg 220 10. Offenheimer 9 11. Senaret Hasiaderis 10 12. Schulprager 25 13. laut Specification Hund Sechszehn 1026 14. dessen Summa die in Inventario zweymahl gesetz ist 1310 15. eine sielberne Lampe welche auf 150 f. geschegt ist, hat die Massa der Tempel geschenkt 150 In Summa 7518 Aus vier unterzeichenten laut diesen Specification, Pia Legata und passiv Schulden, mit Sieben tausend funf hundert achtzen gulden fürchzig sieben kr. ... Testament aus der pers. Philip Heyduskischen Massa, auszahlen werden, hiermit und in solidum obligeren. 28ten Marty 1810. Jacob Stein Schendel St... ... Heiduschka Super qua precio modo per nos peracta bonorum inter respectivos Philppo Hajduskianos condivi dictes remensotum divisione presentem perstramus Amplissimo Magistratui Relationem. Sig. Zombor die 6 martii 1811 Abrahamus Mrazovisc magistratualiter comissionatus senator Constantinus Jankovits magistratualiter aeque commisionatus senator Joanes Petrovics que actuarius Relatio Super peracta inter successores Philoppo Hajduskianos Bonorum divisione Quittung Über fünfzig Rh. gulden, welche ich ...gefertigter aus der Philips Hayduskischen Massa für Einkassirung in sieben einliegenden Dorfern, wie auch hier in der Stadt, oder durch erden Tutor Ferentz Dasch von Topolya conventionirten Schulden ... , lohn anfangen zu haben, hiemit betreue David Holender |
We, the undersigned, on the order of the Magistrate to distribute the remaining property of the member of the Jewish community and merchant Philip Hajduska (Philippus Hajduschka) after his death, state that his widow Schendl, now married to Jacob Stein, participates in the division, as well as six children of whom Abraham, Herschl and Simon are adults, and Isaac, Jacob and Sarah are still minors. In order to perform the duty ordered by the Magistrate, and in accordance with the will, we divided all the remaining goods between the mentioned widow Schendl, now married to Stein, and the six heirs - Herschl, Abraham, Simon, Isaac, Jacob and Sarah as follows. According to the report of 1809, protocol No. 1279, the total amount of money to be divided among the listed Hajduska’s heirs is a total of ------------- 35232 florins and 18 kreuzer To this amount should be added the amount obtained at the fair auction by selling grindstones -------- 291 Which totals 35523 florins and 18 kreuzer 1. From all this sum the active and passive debts contained in document number 1 should be deducted, which are kept as something to be collected from the widow Schendl, now married to Jacob Stein ------- 7518 florins 47 kreuzer 2. Amount related to document number 2 ---------- 488 florins 28 kreuzer 3. For the auction to David Hollander, 50 florins are allocated for the collection of the rest of his debt ____________ 8057 florins 15 kreuzer Which in the end means that the amount to be divided among the heirs is ----- 27466 florins and 3 kreuzer The total amount to be divided is 27466 florins and 3 kreuzer 1. Od te sume udovica Šendl, sada Stajn, u skladu sa testamentom treba da dobije sedmi deo Od postojećih dobara -------- 2209 florena 26 1/3 krajcare Od prodatih dobara ----------2000 florena __________ 4209 florena i 26 1/3 krajcare 2. Heršl prema testamentu Sedmi deo od dobara -----------------2202 florenai 26 1/8 krajcare I od dela kuće rođenog brata -------400f ______________ 2609 florena 26 1/8 krajcare 3. Avram po testamentu Sedmi deo dobara------------2209 florena 26 1/8 krajcara I deo kuće rođenog brata --------400florena ______________ 2609 florena 26 1/8 krajcara 4. Simon prema testamentu Sedmi deo dobara ----------2209 florena 20 1/8 krajcara Od deobe kuće ----------------------2000 florena Od dela imovine pokojnog brata -------400florena __________________ 4609 florena 26 1/8 krajcara 5. Isak Sedmi deo dobara ----------2209 florena 20 1/8 krajcara Od prodaje kuće ----------------------2000 Od dela imovine pokojnog brata -------400florena __________________ 4609 florena 26 1/8 krajcara Njegov kapital, budući da je maloletan u vezi je sa testamentom Leopolda Stajna gde se po testamentu raspolaganje njegovim novcem dodeljuje tutoru, kako piše u dokumentu pod brojem 4. 6. Jakov Sedmi deo dobara ----------2209 florena 20 1/8 krajcara Od prodaje kuće ----------------------2000 florena Od dela imovine rođenog brata -------400florena __________________ 4609 florena 26 1/8 krajcara Kapital ovog maloletnika pripada majci Šendl, sada udatoj Stajn, u skladu sa testamentom kako je navedeno u obavezama u dokumentu pod brojem 5. 7. Sara Sedmi deo dobara ----------2209 f 20 1/8 x Od deobe kuće po ovom testamentu ----------------------2000 florena __________________ 4209 florena 26 1/8 krajcare Kapital ove maloletnice pripada majci Šendl, sada udatoj Stajn, u skladu sa testamentom kako je navedeno u obavezama u dokumentu pod brojem 6. ______________ Ukupno 7 osoba deli imovinu 1. Of that sum, the widow Schendl, now Stein, is to receive a seventh installment in accordance with the will. Of the existing goods -------- 2209 florins 26 1/3 kreuzer Of goods sold ---------- 2000 florins __________ 4209 florins and 26 1/3 kreuzer 2. Herschel according to the will Seventh part of the goods ----------------- 2202 florins 26 1/8 kreuzer And from the part of the house of his own brother ------- 400f ______________ 2609 florins 26 1/8 kreuzer 3. Abraham by will Seventh part of the goods ------------ 2209 florins 26 1/8 kreuzer And part of the brother's house -------- 400 florins ______________ 2609 florins 26 1/8 kreuzer 4. Simon according to the will Seventh part of goods ---------- 2209 florins 20 1/8 kreuzer Since the division of the house ---------------------- 2000 florins From part of the property of the late brother ------- 400 florins __________________ 4609 florins 26 1/8 kreuzer 5. Isaac Seventh part of goods ---------- 2209 florins 20 1/8 kreuzer Since the sale of the house ---------------------- 2000 From the part of the property of the late brother ------- 400 florins __________________ 4609 florins 26 1/8 kreuzer His capital, since he is a minor, is related to the will of Leopold Stein, where according to the will, the disposal of his money is assigned to the tutor, as it is written in the document under number 4. 6. Jacob Seventh part of goods ---------- 2209 florins 20 1/8 kreuzer From the sale of the house ---------------------- 2000 florins From the part of the property of his own brother ------- 400 florins __________________ 4609 florins 26 1/8 kreuzer The capital of this minor belongs to mother Schendl, now married to Stein, in accordance with the will as stated in the obligations in document number 5. 7. Sarah Seventh part of goods ---------- 2209 f 20 1/8 x Since the division of the house according to the will ---------------------- 2000 florins __________________ 4209 florins 26 1/8 kreuzer The capital of this minor belongs to mother Schendl, now married to Stein, in accordance with the will as stated in the obligations in document number 6. ______________ A total of 7 people share the property Specification The remaining debts of the late Philip Hajduska, a member of the Jewish community no f xs 1 Hraszszovics 7 14 2 Anicsics 6 / 3 Maria Gosctovics 9 / 4 Leovics 6 30 5 Vollff Zigel 23 / 6 Zöllö vidua 11 / 7 Gyro Ioanovics 1 / 8 Prihada daughter / 30 9 Thodor Konyovics 4 5 10 Szava Konyovics 48 / 11 Antun Gyrics 26 / 12 Crintula Pal 9 / 13 Ferentz Szabo 26 / 14 Neighbour Mr. Fratricsevics 3 / 15 Neighbour Mr. Palkovics 2 / 16 Lehrer Joanes 3 58 17 Ferentz Szabo 6 / 18 Blinder Zeirel 50 / 19 Widow Pemon 13 10 20 Altenberg Burghart Kernaja 2 43 21 Hercz 20 21 22 Sinkovicz 10 / 23 Nag Ianos 3 49 24 Gremmer Mathias 2 / 25 Lorenti Daits in Sivac 7 30 26 D. Stephanus Zomborii 6 15 27 Thodor Capamansia 1 / 28 Klia Knezsevics n. Milicsevics 8 30 29 Widow Ferentz Haynal 24 / 30 Palar 20 / 31 Aloyzi Shneider 20 16 32 Zaharia Zatics 15 10 33 Jovanics Z…. 5 21 34 Ignyatz Milin 4 39 35 Lazar Stephanovicz 3 24 36 Schefhevitza 1 30 37 Lovra Stolicsics 8 24 38 Cretpelits 16 / 39 Nicola Antonics 2 30 40 Isak Janovics 17 45 41 Jano Stapanovszky 9 12 42 Siere Misse 11 / 43 Kolcetim 20 / total 488 28 Authorized by the decision of the Magistrate Legacy and debts of the late Philip Hajduska 1. for poor Jews according to the will 50 2. for poor Catholics and Orthodox 20 3. to the Catholic Church 25 4. to the Orthodox Church 25 5. for the expenses of the Temple 30 6. for Rabbis of Novi Sad, Bavaria and Theresiapler 150 7. for the local Jewish cemetery 75 8. for the Jewish cemetery in Čonoplja 50 9. for Jewish tombstones 150 10. to Moses Lazar Pekles 100 11. to David Hollender 50 12. to his daughters 50 13. for newly built Synagogue 500 14. to his daughters Juliana, Ursula and Nachema 900 Debts 1. Mark Boker on capital and interest 818 2. Hanisch semi-annual interest 90 3. for Iloschiske mass 364 4. Lorenz Basch 595 5. Leopold Stein 150 6. Maudl Petersheim from Pressburg (Bratislava) 225 7. Johan Veszelovszky 260 8. Isak Holisch 90 9. Maudl Maudl from Pressburg (Bratislava) 220 10. Offenheimer 9 11. Hasidic Senaret 10 12. Schulprager 25 13. specification one hundred and sixteen 1026 14. the amount twice deposited in inventory 1310 15. a silver lamp bought for 150 f. and which was donated to the temple 150 Total: 7518 The four signatories confirm this specification, the legacy and the debts of seven thousand five hundred and eighteen guilders and forty-seven krajcars, and undertake that the will will be paid from the legacy of Filip Hajduska. Jacob Stein Schendel Stein ... Heiduschka I am submitting this report to the exalted Magistrate on the precise manner of division of property that I carried out among the heirs of Philip Hajduska. Certified in Sombor, on March 6, 1811. Avram Mrazović, senator authorized by the Magistrate Konstantin Janković, also a senator authorized by the Magistrate Jovan Petrović, executor The report About the division of property among the heirs of Filip Hajduška Receipt As for the fifty Rhenish guilders, which I received from Hajduska’s legacy for payment in seven surrounding villages, as well as here in the city, or for the conversion of debts to the supervisor Ferentz Dasch from Topola, I hereby entrust the beginning of the payment. David Hollender |