A resolution of a complaint regarding the lease of the Jewish inn

Identifier D_0117:163/1825
Title A resolution of a complaint regarding the lease of the Jewish inn
Subject Jewish inn, Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor, Lease, David Hollander, Solomon Weiss (Salamon Weisz), Israel Hertzeg (Israel Herczegh)
Description A resolution of a complaint regarding the lease of the Jewish inn to David Hollander filed by Solomon Weiss and Israel Hertzeg.
Creator Court Chamber of the Kingdom of Hungary
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Court Chamber of the Kingdom of Hungary, Council of Lieutenancy of the Kingdom of Hungary
Date February 9, 1825
Type Text; Order
Language Latin
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, February 1825
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Recurrentibus significari: cum ex actis objectum novibus exarendati in Civitate Zomboriensi Beneficii coquina jaudaica; respicientibus , clare eveniat non solum mox attactum Beneficium quatennis plane vicibus publice declarationis expositum, verum etiam actum licitationis illius occasione cujus David Hollander plurimum offerens svasit, in concursu trium collicitantium prescripto modo et ordine institutum fuisse, hinc nec seratinum eorumdem et post conditum jam cum plurimum offerente Davide Hollander, intuitu vertentis in quastione Culina Judaica Contractum arendalem factum oblatum, sed nec petitum pro ordinanda nova licitatione formatum in obversum altissimarum ordinationum, tanto quidem minus in reflexionem summi posse, quanto certius est, Recurrentes oportuna ad arendam questionati Beneficii publice concurrendi occasione perasservatas quatuor plane licitationes nullatenus destitutos fuisse. Ex Consilio Regieque Cam. H. A. Buda die 9a februarii 1825. Josephus Kuneczy m.p.

Collatum per Ivannem Lippay magistratualiter ordinatus notarius


Inter Liberam ac Regiam Civitatem Zomboriensem ab una partibus vero ab altera Davidem Hollander Judaum gremialem in merito mox declarando ad altiorem ratificationem Excelse Camere Regie Hungarico Aulice initus et celebratur.
1. Pars 1mi Ord. Contrahens Libera quippe ac Regia Civitas Zomboriensis Jus Educilli Judaici una cum adnexo Jure Divresorii sic dicti Tracter Parti 2di ord. Contrahenti Davidi Hollander Judao gremiali velut plurimum offerenti ad affuturum triennium id est a 1a novembris 1824 usque ultimam octobris 1827 in arendam elocat, per quod contractuale tempus eodem Pars 2di ord. Contrahens plenum et exclusivum jus peregrinantes et commorantes Judaos hospitio excipiendi, vinum illis epocillandi et victu providendi habitura est; et hinc
2. Nemini gremialium Judaorum sub pena 12 florenos toties quoties incurrenda et in medietate arendatori resignanda, alia Cassa Civitatis inferenda licitum erat erga solutionem extraneos Judaos victu aut hospitio excipiendi, aut vinum iisdem subministrandi assistentia hoc in merito ex parte Civitatis omnimode stipulata.
3. Pars 2di Ord. Contrahens plurimum per se oblatam viginti unus florenorum idest 21 florenorum in Cons. Moneta annuam arendam recurrente qualibet angaria anticipato ad Cassam Civitatis Cameraticam deponere obligabitur; casum enim in contrarium Contrahens Civitas plenum Jus sibi reservat excusso in instanti via facti ex usu Beneficii Arendatore Cassam suam absque omni juris via cui velut et cunctis Juridicis remediis arendator solemniter renunciat ex omnibus arendatoris ubi ubi reperibilibus et quoquo nomine vocitatis mobilibus et immobilibus bonis presentium vigore selective denominandis et licitatione mediante illico distrahendis tam quoad restantem arendam quam et quovis accessoria indemnisandi ipsium vero beneficium Contractuale nova licitatoni exponendi alteri exarendandi et relate ad defectum ex hac nova exarendatione proditurum Cassam suam plene modalitate mox attacta indemnisandi.
4. Pars 2di ord. contrahens relaxatam quampiam a Civitate vel altius pretendendi jus non habebit.
5. Quod si vero Pars 2di ord. contrahens a premissis conditionibus recedere vellet, casum in hanc Pars 1mi ord. contrahens contractuale Beneficium ad periculum 2di ord. contrahentis nova licitationi ea lege exponet, ut ad Casum emersuri defectus eventurum pro integro triennio defectum hunc Pars 2di ord. contrahens bonificare obligetur et Fiscus Civitatis via summaria executione mediante in universis bonis tam mobilibus quam immobilibus selective denominandis et licitationaliter illius distrahendis peragenda Cassa Civitatis Cameralica plenariam eatenus indemisationem procurare possit ac valeat.
6. In omnibus occursuris differentiis Contractum hunc tangentibus Pars 2di ord. contrahens altiori decisioni Excelse Camere Regie Hungarico-Aulice semet substernit.
At qua et premissa Parti 2di ord. contrahenti lingua vernacula explanata Partes ab utrinque contahentes sponte ac benevole accedunt et presentem Contractum uniformi tenore stylisatum in triplici exemplari expediunt. Sigillatum Zomborini die 12a octobris 1824.

N.N. Consul et Senatus Libere Regieque Civitatis Zomboriensis

David Hollander

Presentem contractum arendalem ad unum annum hisce ratificari ex Consilio Camera Regia Hungarico-Aulica
Buda die 9a februarii 1825
Ivannes Parczeny

super exarendato Judaico Tracter Libere ac Regie Civitatis Zomboriensis a 1a novembris 1824 usque ultimam octobris 1827.

Prudentes ac Circumspecti Domini!

Altissimis normativis ordinibus id diserte precipientibus ad contractus arendales via publica licitationis prescripto modo asservate initi in vigore suo conserventur, atque oblata, post consummatum actum licitationis facta, haud acceptentur, petito Judeorum Salamonis Weisz et Israelis Herczegh Beneficium ejatis Culina Judaicae gremiali Judeo Davidi Hollander erga annuum 21f censum via publica licitationis recenter exarendatum erga annuum 40f canonem sib. Cedi, vel vero tale nova licitationi exponi supplicantium, hic loci formato et relate ad posterius membrum, etiam ex parte C. hujus Magistratus et electe communitatis obsecundato, delatum haud esse, Civico huic Magistratui erga relationem sub 10a Januarii a.c. no 53 prestitam, pro congruo notitia statu presentibus rescribitur: eo subjuncto: ut isthic adjacentem indorsatam erga recursum preeati actorum recurrentium in conformitate premissorum extradatam iisdem admanuarii procuret.
In reliquo contractus arendalis intuitu preattacta Culina Judaica, cum suprafato Davide Hollander, ut premissum est, ad tres annos intuitus et isthuc oper remonstrationis sub 12a octobris anni superioque facta, submissus, non quidem ex incidenti preallati recursus, verum precise ex respectu illo: quod arendalis census antea in 51f c.m. subsistens – 21f proinde multum ultra medietatem decreverit, tantum ad unum annum hisce ratificatur ejusdemque duo exemplaria, solita ratificationis cassalis formula insignita, civico huic Magistratui pro capiendo ulteriori congruo usu in ad voluto ea cum commissione remmittuntur: ut pro instituenda cum 1a nov. a.c. ejusdem beneficii nova exarendatione terminum licitationis tempestive prefigat et fine ordinanda ejusdem, etiam medio ephemeridum publicarum divulgationis, una cum contractualibus conditionibus isthuc remonstret.

C. Josephus Malat
Ex Cons. Regie Camere Hungarico-Aulice
Budae die 9a februarii 1825.
Josephus T………

Hollander cum Davide utrius ratione Judaici Tracterii Contractus ad unum dumtaxat annum ratificat et Salamon Vaisz cum Israele Hertzeg apperitis jus ratione novitur exarendandi Tracterii amoventur.
With regard to the case of the appeal against the recently issued privilege of renting a Jewish kitchen, the appellants should be informed as follows: whereby, in the prescribed manner and order, there were a total of three bidders. Therefore, it is appropriate that the bidder was the one who offered the most – David Hollander, and the amount that the complainants later offered for rent cannot be taken into account, nor can their request for organizing a new auction according to the highest regulations be accepted. Therefore, the complainants should submit their bid when the auction for the privilege in question is made public again, and on that occasion, there were already four of them, they were not deprived of their right in any way. From the exalted Council of Lieutenancy and the Chamber of the Kingdom of Hungary, in Buda, on February 9, 1825

Joseph Kuneczy, M. P.
Taken over by Ivan Lipaj (Ivan Lippay), officially authorized notary


Between the Free Royal City of Sombor on the one hand, and David Hollander, a member of the Jewish community on the other, in accordance with the already determined rights confirmed by the exalted Royal Court Chamber of Hungary, contained in the following.

1. According to Article 1 of the binding decree of the Free Royal City of Sombor, the right of the Jewish winery together with the right of lodging, provided for in Article 2 of the Binding Decree, is leased to David Hollander, as the highest bidder, for a period of three years since the first day of November 1824 until the last day of October 1827, and for the duration of the contract, in accordance with Article 2 of the Binding Decree, he will have the full and exclusive right to provide hospitality to foreign and domestic Jews, to pour them wine and provide food.

2. None of the other members of the Jewish community should dare to give the mentioned accommodation and food to foreign Jews, nor to participate in providing wine for them under the threat of a fine of 12 florins for each individual violation, and the city should respect and encourage in every way.

3. According to the Article 2 of the Binding Decree, the bidder with the highest bid will be obliged to deposit twenty-one, i.e. 21 florins of the annual lease in the city treasury through the tax paid in advance. In case of non-compliance with the Agreement, the city reserves the right to settle the treasury from what movable or immovable goods he has, without any exception, without any possibility of legal remedy or appeal.

4. Under Article 2 of the Binding Decree, the contractor shall not be entitled to any facilitation or modification of this contract, either by the city authorities or higher authorities.

5. If, on the other hand, the contractor, according to the Article 2 of the Binding Decree, wishes to withdraw from the contract under the stated conditions, in that case the one who signed the contract in accordance with the Article 1 of the Binding Regulation, and to prevent damage stated in Article 2 of the Binding Decree, a new auction is organized by law, so that the person who terminates the contract is obliged to settle all losses for a period of three years that would be a consequence of termination of the contract, and the city treasury has the right to select his movable and immovable property and to expose them to a public auction, so the city treasury is nota damaged in any way.

6. All disagreements arising from this Contract, which concern Article 2, are subject to higher decisions pronounced by the exalted Royal Court Chamber of Hungary.
Everything contained in the Article 2 of the Binding Regulation is presented in an understandable language to both parties and both parties have acceded to this Contract voluntarily and by their decision and this Contract in a single form will be made in triplicate. Certified in Sombor, on October 12, 1824.

N.N. Judge and Senate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
David Hollander

The submitted Lease Agreement was ratified for one year by the exalted Court Chamber of the Kingdom of Hungary
In Buda, on February 9, 1825.
Ivan Parczeny

About the lease of the Jewish inn of the Free Royal City of Sombor from the first day of November 1824 to the last day of October 1827.

Wise and respected gentlemen!

According to the highest regulations, the lease and the lease agreement are conducted in the prescribed manner through a public auction, and therefore the disputed auction was conducted in accordance with the regulations and the subsequently offered amounts cannot be accepted, although there is a request from Jews Solomon Weiss (Salamon Weisz) and Israel Hertzeg (Israel Herczegh) to receive the privilege of leasing Jewish cuisine. It has already been awarded through a public auction to a member of the Jewish community, David Hollander, for the amount of 21 florins per year, although the prescribed minimum amount is 40 florins per year. The applicants were therefore not allowed to hold a new auction, and this decision was made by the city Magistrate and the Association of elected citizens, as can be seen in the document issued by the city Magistrate on January 10 of this year under number 53: in order to settle complaint and request in accordance with the law and all of the above.
On the other hand, the mentioned lease agreement for the Jewish kitchen in question, signed with the above-mentioned David Hollander, was concluded for three years, which can be seen in the document of October 12 of this year, and as such cannot be fully respected not because of the complaint submitted above, but precisely for other reasons: because the amount for the lease was previously 51 florins, and the amount of 21 florins is more than twice less than that, and the mentioned agreement and its two copies are ratified only for a period of one year, and they are sent to the city Magistrate with instructions to announce the date of the new auction in the foreseeable future, by the end of one year, and to announce all the conditions for concluding the contract mentioned above.

Count Joseph Malat
From the exalted Court Chamber of the Kingdom of Hungary
In Buda, on February 9, 1825.
Joseph T ……

The contract concluded for the lease of the Jewish inn with David Hollander is ratified for one year, and Salomon Weiss and Israel Hertzeg are given the opportunity to compete at the next auction for the lease of the inn.