The lease agreement between Lazar Rozentzveig and the Free Royal City of Sombor on renting the Jewish inn

Identifier D_0114:804/1821
Title The lease agreement between Lazar Rozentzveig and the Free Royal City of Sombor on renting the Jewish inn
Subject Lazar Rozentzveig, Lease agreement, Jewish inn, Royal Court Council of Hungary, Free Royal City of Sombor
Description Onthe behalf of the Royal Court Council of Hungary, count Josephus Malath sent the lease agreement between Lazar Rozentzveig and Free Royal City of Sombor on renting the Jewish for archiving.
Creator Josephius Malath, The Royal Court Council of Hungary
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Josephus Malath, Royal Court Council of Hungary; Lazarus Rozentzveig; Augustinus Balasy, The Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Date November 21st, 1821-July 1st, 1822
Type Text; Thank-You Note
Language Latin
Coverage Kingdom of Hungary, City of Buda, 1821-Free Royal City of Sombor, 1821-1822
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Prudentes ac Circumspecti Domini!

Arendalem Contractum super exarendato Jure Tracterii Judaici ad triennium, inde a 1a 9bris 1821. computandum, cum plurimum offerente Lazaro Rosezveig erga pendendum annuum 51f conv. m. canonem in emolumentum Cassae Civicae stipulatum praesentibus ratificari; Eidemque Civico Magistratui erga remonstrationem suam sub 22a 8bris a.c. idcirco factam in adjacentibus duobus exemplaribus, solita ratificationis formula insignitis pro congruo usu iterum remitti.

Comes Josephus Malath
Ex Consilio Cancellarie H.Aul. Buda die 21a 9bris 1821
Emericus Fridmansziky

Contractus super exarendato Judaico Tracter cum Lazaro Rozentzveig initus et cameraliter ratificatus transponitur


Inter Liberam ac Regiam Civitatem Zomboriensem ab una partibus vero ab altera Lazarum Rozentzveig Judaum gremialem in merito mox declarando ad altiorem ratificationem Excelasa Camera Regia Hungarico-Aulica initus et celebratus.
1.Pars 1i Ordinis Contahens Libera quippe at Regia Civitas Zomboriensis Jus Educilli Judaici, una cum adnexo Jure diversorii sic dicti Tracter Parti 2di Ord. Cotrahenti Lazaro Rozenzveig velut plurimum offerenti ad affuturum Triennium idest a 1a 9bris 1821 usque ultimam 8bris 1824 in arendam elocat, per quod continuale tempus eadem Pars 2di Ordinis Contrahens plenum et exclusivum Jus peregrinantes et commorantes Judaos hospitio excipiendi, vinum illis epocillandi et victu providendi habitura est; et hinc
2.Nemini gremialium Judaorum sub pena 12f toties quoties incurrenda et in medietate arendatori resignanda, alia Cassa Civitatis inferenda licitum erit erga solutionem extraneos Judaos victu aut hospitio excipiendi, aut vinum iisdem subministrandi, assistentia hoc in merito ex parte Civitatis omnimode stipulata.
3.Pars 2di Ord. Contrahens plurimum per se oblatam quinquaginta unius idest 51f con.mon. annuam arendam reccurrente qualibet angaria anticipato ad Cassam Civitatis Cameraticam deponere obligabitur; Casum enim in Contrarium Contrahens Civitas plenum Jus sibi reservat, excuso in instanti via facti ex usu beneficii arendatore Cassam suam absque omni Juris via cui velut et cunctis Juridicis remediis arendator solemniter renunciat, ex omnibus arendatoris ubi ubi reperibilibus et quoquo nomine vocatis bonis mobilibus et immobilibus presentium vigore selective denominandis et licitatione mediante illico distrahendis tam quoad restantem arendam quam et quavis accesoria indemmisandi ipsum vero beneficium Contractuale nova Licitationi exponendi, alteri exarendandi et relate ad defectum ex nova hac exarendatione proviturum Cassam suam plene modalitate mox attacta indemmisandi.
4. Pars 2di ord. Contrahens relaxatum quampiam a Civitate vel altius pretendendi Jus non habebit.
5.Quod si vero Pars 2di ord. Contrahens a premissis Conditionibus recedere vellet, casum in hunc Pars 1i ord. Contrahens Contractuale beneficium ad periculum 2di ord. Contrahentis nova Licitationi ea Lege exponet, ut ad casum emersuri defectus, eventurum pro integro triennio defectum hunc 2di ord. contrahentis tam mobilibus quam immobilibus selective denominandis et licitationaliter illico distrahendis peragenda Cassa Civitatis Cameratica plenariam eatenus indemmisationem procurare possit.
6.In omnibus occursuris differentiis Contractum Presentem tangentibus Pars secundi Ordinis Contrahens altiori decisioni Excelsa Camera Regia Hungarico-Aulica semet substernit.
Ad qua, et premissa Parti Secundi Ordinis Contrahenti lingua vernacula explanata Partes ab utrinque Contrahentes sponte et benevole accedunt et presentem Contractum uniformi tenore stylisatum in triplici exemplari expediunt. Sigilatum Zomborini die 30a Julii 1821.

N.N. Consul et Senatus Libere Regiieque Civitatis Zomboriensis
Lazarus Rozenzveig

Presentem Contractum arendalem Cameraliter ratificari.
Ex Consilio Regio Camere….. Buda die 21 9bris 1821
Augustinus Balasy

Intabulatus in Libera Regiaque Civitate Zombor die 1a Julii 1822. No prot. Intabulationalis 92.
Dear and respected gentlemen!

The lease agreement in connection with the issuance of the right to a Jewish inn for the period of that year, i.e. from November 1, 1821, made with Lazar Rosentzveig, who made the highest bid and who is obliged to deposit 51 florins of annual lease in the city treasury, is ratified in this way. Two copies of this document are issued to him for specific use under the date of October 22 of the current year in order to present it to the City Magistrate.

Count Josephus Malath
From the Royal Court Council of Hungary on November 21, 1821.
Emericus Fridmansziky


Between the free royal city of Sombor on the one hand, and Lazar Rosentzveig, a member of the Jewish community on the other, in accordance with the already determined rights confirmed by the Exalted Royal Court Chamber of Hungary, contained in the following.
According to the First Article of the binding decree of the free royal city of Sombor, the right of the Jewish winery together with the right of lodging, provided for in Article 2 of the Binding Decree, is leased to Lazar Rosentzveig, as the highest bidder, for a period of three years. 1821 until the last day of October 1824, and for the duration of the contract, in accordance with Article 2 of the Binding Decree, he will have the full and exclusive right to provide hospitality to foreign and domestic Jews, to pour them wine and provide food.
Let none of the other members of the Jewish community dare to give the mentioned accommodation and food to foreign Jews, nor to participate in providing wine for them under the threat of a fine of 12 florins for each individual violation, and the city should respect and encourage that in every way.
According to the second article of the Binding Decree, the bidder with the highest bid will be obliged to deposit fifty-one, i.e. 51 floren of the annual lease in the city treasury through the tax that is paid in advance. In case of non-compliance with the Agreement, the city reserves the right to settle the coffers in such a way that from what movable or immovable goods, without any exception, what it owes, without any possibility of legal remedy or appeal.

According to the second article of the Binding Regulation, the one who concludes the contract will not be entitled to any relief or modification of this contract, either by the city authorities or higher instances.
If, on the other hand, the one who concludes the contract, according to the second article of the Binding Regulation, wants to withdraw from the contract under the stated conditions, in that case the one who signed the contract in accordance with the first article of the Binding Regulation. Binding decrees, according to the law, a new auction is organized, so that the person who terminates the contract is obliged to cover all losses for a period of three years that would be a consequence of termination of the contract, and the city treasury has the right to select to expose them to public auction, as the city treasury and in what way it would not be determined.
All disagreements and disagreements arising from this agreement, which concern Article 2, are subject to higher decisions pronounced by the Exalted Royal Court Chamber of Hungary.
Everything contained in the second article of the Binding Regulation is presented in an understandable language to both parties and both parties have acceded to this Agreement voluntarily and by their decision and this Agreement in a single form will be made in triplicate. Certified in Sombor, on July 30, 1821.

N.N. Judge and Senate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Lazar Rosentzveig

The submitted Lease Agreement has been ratified by the Chamber
From the Royal Court Council in Buda, on November 21, 1821.
Augustine Balasy

Registered in the Free Royal City of Sombor on July 1, 1822. Number of protocols in books 92