A Complaints against Salamon Weisz to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor regarding malversation on renting Jewish inn

Identifier D_0112:752/1829
Title A Complaints against Salamon Weisz to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor regarding malversation on renting Jewish inn
Subject Salamon Weisz/Veisz, Lazarus Stein, Martin Boross, Moses Basar, Jewish inn, Complaints, Court Chamber of the Kingdom of Hungary, Renting, Janos Ambrozovitz
Description Lazarus Stein and Janos Ambrozovits complaining against Lazar Stein, Jew who destroyed the competition for renting a Jewish inn for several years.
Creator Lazarus Stein and Janos Ambrozovits
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Lazarus Stein and Janos Ambrozovitz, Court Chamber of the Kingdom of Hungary
Date March 10th-August 11th, 1829
Type Text; Complaints
Language Latin, Hungarian and German
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, March-August 1829
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Infrascriptus A. Magistratui officiose refero, quod postquam sub no Prothocoli Politici 464 a.c. – erga Gratiosos Ex. Camera R.H. aulica dedato 1a Aprilis a.c. no 10222. ad Civitatem hanc intuitu subversantis ratione Judaici Tracterii inter recurrentem Lazarum Stein et Salamonem Weisz nec non respective inter Cassam gremialem Cameraticam arendalis controversia dimissos Grat. Ordines clarificantem informationem exigentes, sine prestando audito eatenus etiam Salamone Weisz desiderata clarificationis exmissus extitissem, cotum Lazari Stein recursu ad Ex. Cameram Regiam H. aulicam dato, eique acclusis actis, nec non expetita per me Salamonis Weisz hicce readvoluta Declaratione in debitam combinationem assumptis, sequentes oboriri reflexiones conspicuum evasit:
1.Computum inter Salamonem Weisz et Cassam Cameraticam nullum iniri posse, quia Salamon Weisz neutiquam, verum ut sub no 9a in recursu provocato ratione deutralis arendalis summa Lazarus Stein Shemati proventuum illius temporis, insertus non sine ratione ……. Ideo fuerat, quodque serie de tempore haud deletus, solvere debuerit.
2.Ut autem inter recurrentem Lazarum Stein et Salamonem Weisz computus instituatur, impossibilitas subversatur ea, quod ambo ad hunc benevole non accedendo illius institutionem difficultens, quod item Weisz usum atque usuroborationem alicujus Arendalis Contractus perneget, idque nec per Lazarum Stein continuationem arendalis beneficii recognoscat, neque cessationem ejus et affirmatam medio communitatis Judaica beeficii usuationem sollide demonstret. Accedit huc:
3.Quod Relatio Domini cotum Senatoris modo Lazaro Steiniani Mandatorii Martini Boross nimiopere in Salamonem Weisz invectiva, per Salamonem eundem Weisz controvertatur, essentialia autem Documenta uti in specie Contractus altius ratihabiti et usuroborali utriusque litigantis desint, autsaltem in lucem non producntur: Ac tandem
4.In toto deutrali controverso negotio tanta sunt inveterata involutiones et perplexitates , ut vili opinione mea, argumenta pro favore Lazari Stein citra lationem legalis procedure, in medium conferri nequeant, siquidem nec relatio Borossiana rei gesta fere coetanea sub no 5. Recursui adcopulata, ex triplicis ordinis annorum 1819, 1820. et 1821. allatis arendatoribus utpote Weiszio, Steninio et Judaica communitate, an? Et quis? Quantum re? in proportione solvere teneatur, determinaverit, nec erga expressam uti sub no 6. Recursui inactatus Extractus perhibet Magistratualem inviationem determinatum esse Recurrens hac quoque vice per me tam ille quam eius modo advocatus, tunc temporis …….. senator dominus Boross provocati docerent.
Hinc opinio mea esset: ut cum debita pro negotii finali decisione clarificatio ex hucdum allatio prestari non possit, Lazarum Stein in quantum heribus suis fidit intuitu quastonata controversia ad suo modo in via solemni Juris agendum, inviandum esse, et hoc ipsum Ex. Camera Regie Hungarico Aulica representandum esse; pro omni autem casu, bina cautionales, utpote: Bartholomei Wolff et Ignatii Raab in quantum per omne insperatum intabulate non essent intabulentur et assecurentur. Sigilatum Zombor die 20a Julii 1829.

Joannes Ambrozovich senator.

No 923 Domino referenti commititur ut audita etiam gremiali Judaica Communitate super expositione instantionali uberiorem clarificatorians relationem prostet. In Senatu Zombor diebus 10 et 11 Aug. 1829. Celebrato
Relatio ad no Prothocolli politici 464 anni 1829 prestita

Nagy érdemű nemes Városi Tanáts
Nékem leg kegyesebb Úraim!
Számtalan ember társaim tsupán egyedül azért, hogy engemet a magas végzések ebbéli hit vallással megajándékoztak – azon kívül azért, hogy mivel szegény sorsom miatt sem magamnak, sem pediglen másoknak némű jótévőségeket nem nyújthatok – egy általjában nem tsak meg károsíttani, sőt önkényük szerint ha a hatalom nékiek kedvezhettne – minden Törvény nélkül szegény állapotomat és gyermekeimet nem tekintvén e világból ki sanyargattatni készen volnának.
Nagy érdemű Nemes Városi Tanáts, kegyes Uraim több esztendöktől való sanyarúság midőképp békességes tűréssel el szenvedett visszontagságok között forogván – mindenkor ártatlanságomat és becsületes józanbéli viseletemet minden Törvényhatóságok, úgy más törvényes személyeknél – valahányszor tőlem meg kivántatott – bé mutattam – melynél fogva jövendőben akár mely tárgyban is – igazságos kéréseimet bé világosíttani kegyes vagyok.
Szívbéli fájdalommal tehát sajnossan koros szép Eszetendeimre némely ellennem törekedő - s bal keresettel járulók által – nevezetessen Stein Lázár ennek előtte 11 Esztendők előtt volt Zsidók Közssége Tractér háznak kibérlője – azonkívül más idegen falusi magam nemzetségéből való Zsidók – kik ellenem több ízromban törekedvén – irígységök ki világosodván – kérelmükről el mozdittattak – s így csupán illyes fél mértékel fel épültt személyek által háborgattattom.
Ezen szünet – és minden helyes ok nélkül Stein Lázár Zombori Zsidó s Kereskedő által épültt adósságbéli keresetét, melyet rajtam, a vagyis néhai Volff Posta Mesterem mind kezessemen tekervényes útokon rajtunk követelni kíván – e következendőképpen megczáfolom és pedig:
1 Én, a mint is állittatik – soha nem emlékezem arra, hogy 1818-ik esztendőtül fogva egész 1821-ik a nemes nagy városa Tanátsával a Zsidói Tractér árenda név alatt Contractust magam keze írássával mint árendás meg erősítettem volna.
2 Arra sem vagyok elegendőképpes azon Contractust meg szemlélni – mely a Nagy Méltóságú Magyar Udvari K. Kamara által alá írásom erejéhez képpest, meg erősitetett volna, végtére
3 Stein Lázárnak azon állítása, hogy ő 1818. és 1819. Esztendőben a kérdésben forgó tracter háznak kibérlője nem volt – meg mutattyák az ide alázatossan rekepített tulajdon keze irása és a Nemes Városi Tanács Gyülése kivonása sub N 501. ahol maga Stein Lázár a Licitátion jelen lévén 104 forintokba meg állapított
Ennél fogvást tehát én sem árendátorja sem pedig valakinek adóssa magamat nem esmérhetem annyival is inkább; minthogy első Licitátió alkalmával mint licitátiós vagyonom heányossága végett bé nem vetítődtem - ujjra Licitátióra bocsájtatott a dolog – hogy pedig Volf néhai Posta Mester helyettem kezess lett volna – meg nem foghatom mivel érintett Posta Mesterrel gyakortább lévén – soha említést arról nem tett. Következésképpen Stein Lázárnak kelletett a Tractér háznak ki bérlője lenni, mivel ő fizette b a Várossa Cassába – a mostanában rajtam törvénytelenül kereső 208 forintokat.
Mind ezeknek tekintetéből a Nagy érdemű Nemes Városi Törvényhatóságot leg mélyebb alázatossággal meg kérem az eránt, hogy engemet é Pőrtől fel szabadíttani – Stein Lázárt pedig a rajtam minden helyes ok nélkül követelő 208 f- és 30 f… költség fejében adott volna törvénytelen Summától el mozdítani méltóztasson.
Ki egyébb eránt a Nagy érdemű Nemes Városi Törvényhatóság – Kegyes uraim pártfogásába a midőn magamat ajánlanám – leg mélyebb alázatossággal s engedelmességgel vagyok.
A Nagy érdemű Nemes Városi Tanátsnak kegyes uraimnak
legalázatossabb szegény szolgája
Veisz Salamon
helybéli Zsidó.
Zombor die 15. July 829.

A Szabad Királyi Zombor Várossa Nagy érdemű Törvényhatóságához, nékem legkegyessebb Uraimhoz nyujtandó
alázatos könyörgése
ad N. 752. 1829
Bács ügye hites … által
a belül vittatott

Kope von Jüdes auf Deutsch übersezt

Zum freind Saloman!
Ersuche hier um ausgleichung nemlich fon 4 ... Wein
von 6 bis 10f komst mir – 16f
hernach komst mir fon ... - 8
Jezt komst mir wider antizipade - 8
/ 32 f

Er Wein wirdt dise Wochen bey iber gebe
Die Rechnung geschehen
Bitte mir solche 20 f. zu senden den ich br.. solle 20 f
Ihr freind Moses Basar

am Monath August 1829

Excelsa Camera Regia Hungarico Aulica Domini Gratiosissimi!

Salamone Veisz gremiali commorante Judao per diversas fraudulentas Technas Beneficium exarendati Tracterii Judaici Cassae Civica non contentandam annuam arendam inferens eo deduxit ut nemine propter eum ad collicitationem concurrere volente proventus iste Cassae iam iam penitus petivrit, ratione ex illa: quia suis continuis involutionibus aliis molestias et damnosa projudicia causando, aliosa collicitatione deteruit, vel si ipse Jus hoc in arendam obtinuit, perpetuis Recursibus suis novas et novas difficultates causavit, ut adeo annis 1819, 1820 et 1821 ingens numerus instantiarum Magistratui Civico et Recursuum per eundem Veisz Excelsae Camere Regiae Hungarico Aulica exhitorum, gratiosorum item Intimatorum ad Representationes per Magistratum Civicum ad Instantias ejus hoc in merito submissas editorum in Tabulario Civitatis actu adsint.
Et enim antelatus Veisz instituta Licitatione Juris Tracterii Judaici pro triennio id est a 1a 9bris 1818 usque ultimam 8bris 1821 annuam arendam cum 403 f.v.v. plurimum offerendo arendator evasit, sed arendali hac summa nimia vita recurrit ad Excelsam Cameram Regiam Hungarico-Aulicam pro Relaxata, qua eidem denegata, nova Licitatio Beneficii hujus erga periculum illius institui est, ut sub numero 1. qua ut sub numero 2. perhibente advoluto Extractu prothocolli rite ac prescripto modo legali instituta, ego qua 104 florinis plurimum offerens ad semialterum annum usque ultimam 8bris 1821 arendator factus sum; quia vero fatus Salamon Veisz denuo ad Excelsam Cameram Regiam Hungarico Aulicam identidem recurrendo iam 150, iam vero 160flw benevole obtulisset, Instantia ejus remissa et per Magistratum Civicum cum electa Civicum Communitate communiata fuit, in cujus congressu docente Extractu die sub numero 3tio adnexo Beneficium vix tribus mensibus et quod excedit diebus vi stipulati ast mox in Veiszium translati contractus per me tentum et a me receptum Salamoni Veisz quo plus offerenti pro 150 florinis w. annue solundis concessum est, pro majori Cassae Civica Securitate, cum Salamon Veisz nihil in orbe Terrarum proprii habeat, desideratus per Electam Communitatem Statutus per Veiszium Cavens Bartholomeus Volf Propostae per magister gremialis Cautionales super 150flw annuis de se expedivit, apud archivo Civitatis ut sub numero 4. illata sunt, his tamen non obstantibus, quia Salamon Veisz novis Recursibus et ad eos editis gratiosis ordinibus statum arendalem cocquina Judaica continuo turbasset, et Cassae Cameratica officium ad illam perpletitatem posuisset, ut directe ignorari debuerit, a quo et quantum titulo arendae pro usuato Tracterii Judaici Beneficio incassari debeat, pro invstigandorum investigatione Martinus Boross senator Magistratualiter exmissus est, qui advocatis in subsidium necesariis aetis et labore inprobo instituta investigatione super operato suo Relationem sub numero 5. Magistratui exhibuit, ad quam Magistratus ductu Extractus protocollaris sub numero 6. adcopulati licet, in eadem prestita relatione totum seriatim cum preexistentibus provocatis exhaustum et in fine specifica restantiarum Deductio diserte exposita fuisset, atque judicium duntaxat desuper ferri debuisset, ulterior specifica deductio restantiarum innecessario commissa erat, qua ex quacunque demum ratione adherente, negotii quoque hujus plena densio adhesit: quare licet vi contractus me inter et Civitatem stipulati non observata quacumque angaria ego ex usu Beneficii exturbari, et Jus Tracterii ad mecum periculum licitationaliter exarendari debuisset, ego tamen qua arendator in Schemate Proventenum pro annis 1820 et 1821 per Magistratum et in Cassae officio errore qua restantiarius pro duobus annis ducebat quique a me durante arendali tempore aut etiam postea arenda petita, aut ego eatenus auditus fuissem. Accidit itaque quod dum anno 1825 pro percipienda pro administratis Civitati huic mercibus asstignata summa Cassae Cameratica officium ingressus fuissem, Contra Agens Civitatis Casparus Zomborii ex summa mihi exsolvi assignata 38fl 12xr con. mon. seu 208 flw.w. titulo arenda duorum annorum obvenientes, absque respectu quod arendam tantum 3tius mensibus et aliquot diebus tenuerim potentiose detraxit et detrahendo detinuit, ut sub numero 7 Ego fine respective violenter detenta pecunia mea restitutionem coram Civico Magistratu ut sub numero 8vo sollicitavi, ad quam Instantiam meam secum Communicatam prefato contra Agente responsum prestante, Computus quisquiam inter Cassam Cameraticam et Salamonem Veisz instituendus die 24a Januarii 1825 ordinatus est ut sub numero 9. sed quia culposus Vaisz comptum non censit, et Cassa Cameratica pecuniam a me detentam in possessorio habuit, actus ipse computualis intermisus est, quem in finem ut pecuniam meam megaliter detentam tandem reobtinere valeam, Exmissionem pro ineundo inter Veisz et Cassam Computu ordinaria petii, pro quo instituendo ut sub numero 10. Senatores Joannes Ambrozovits et David Kongovits 14a Mai 1827 exmissi sunt quia vero hi exmissi Senatores delata sibi provincia defungi cunctati fuissent, eos tam ipse presertim posteriorem interpelavi, quam etiam medio legitimi hominis mei requiri curavi, ut ordinetus Computus instituatur, igitur tandem aliquando post multas preces et adursiones antelati exmissi sibi Commisum opus 24a 9bris 1828 ad eoque fere post semialterum annum aggressi sunt, sed toto Coelo aliter, quam ipsa rei essentia et qualitas objecti exegisset, nam eisdem perhibente Provocato sub numero 9. commissum fuit: ut inter Cassam Cameraticam et Salamonem Veisz Computum faciant, illi autem mecum Salamon Veisz, confrontantes Relationem dumtaxat et Martini Boross sub numero 5. provocatam assumpserunt et quia omnia Documenta ibidem provocata, tamquam utique ad suos fonticulos pertinentia intraset annos corsum negotia in relatione aulusa non reperissent, quorere (quonere) autem eadem eisdem todiosum videretur licet ipse Salamon Veisz coram iisdem recognovisset, provocatos in Relatione sub numero 2. tres originales contractus cum Civitate super exarendato per se Tracterii Judaici Jure expeditos propria manu subscriptos esse his tamen non obstantibus: nec computu aliquo inter Cassam et Veisz facto, imo nihil ad datam premissam Commissionem accommode acto e Relatione per eosdem exmissos Magistratui super operato suo prestita et hic sub numero 11. adcopulata cum stupore intelligere debui quod me revera irrealiter arguere non vereantur, quasi ego eundem computum non ursissem; illum quidem ego urgere nec debui, quia teste deterimnatione Magistratuali sub numero 9. me non concernebat sed vel Cassae officium vel Salamon Veisz, quia inter illos ineundis dispositus erat, quem tamen ego sed presertim advocatus meus Martinus Boross innumeris vicibus sine effectu ursit, porro antelati exmissi in relatione diserte recognoscunt, exponentque se aliud egisse et aliud in Commisione sub numero 9. et 10. sibi data contineri, quia ibidem iisdem commissum est, ut inter Salamonem Veisz et Cassam Cameraticam Computum instituant, illi autem ignotum quo ex principis, inter me et Salamonem Veisz, cum quo ego nullum nexum habeo Conputum facere tentarunt, cum igitur in principio ita in transversum per Exmissos senatores processum fuit utique non aliud sequi potuit, quam quod posteaquam nec commissa modalitate, nec actis necesariis deligenter exquisitis, sed superficialiter duntaxat actum fuisset, Relatio numero 11. signata incompleta et inadequata prestita sit, cuius neglectus illa est sequela, quod Cassa Civica juxta Fidejussionem Volfianam ut sub numero 4ro pro duobus annis 150flw stipulatam, per Veisz arendam summendo, preter restituendos mihi indebite detentos 208fl ad huc 92 florinos directe amittat, quod damnum propter neglectam Exmissionem exactam investigationem pati neutiquam debet.
Cum autem nemo pro illo Jure, quod non usuat, aut docente Documento numero 4. usuare impeditus exstitit, arendam solvere obligetur et porro nemo inauditus convinci aut pro alio solvere cogi possit, hoc ipsum vero mecum intervenisse e predicta Expositione mea Documentis fulcita sed presertim e Relatione Borossiana sub numero 5to provocata manifeste eveniat, et enim exarendatum mihi Jus Judaici Tracterii vix tribus mensibus usuatum a me receptum est, et tamen obveniens arenda, et qudem nec sub nec pro defluo Contractuali me concernente tempore, sed pro tempore aliena arendae et hoc post tres circiter annos, quin eatenus auditus, aut suo modo convictus fuissem, e pecuniis meis e Cassa mihi pro administratis mercibus assignatis percipiendis insperato contra resentuum meum violenter detenta est.
Ex eo Excelsam Cameram Regiam Hungarico-Aulicam suppliciter imploro; quatenus Magistratui Zomboriensi, ut meos 208 florinos w. me inauditos pro Beneficio non per me, sed per Veiszium usuato megaliter et via facti detentos, una cum interusurio a die detentionis calculando, nec non expensis iam hactenus cum 30 florinis conv. Moneta indebite causatis, e Cassa Civitatis mihi illico restituat et Cassam suam a nihil habentis arendatoris Salamonis Veisz Fidejussore Bartholomeo Volff Poste Magistro sua via realiter indemnisset gratiosissime demandare dignetur, Altis in reliquo gratiis devotus jugi cum venerationis cultu emorior. Excelsa Camera Regia Hungarico-Aulica Zomborini die 10a Martii 1829.

humillimus servus
Lazarus Stein

Ad Excelsam Cameram Regiam Hungarico-Aulicam
Supplex Libellus
Lazari Stein id petentis ut Zomboriensi Magistratui Civico comunitatur, quo sibi potentiose detenti 208 florini w. una cum expensis 30 florinos conv. m. efficientibus restituantur.

I, the undersigned, ex officio inform the High Magistrate that after being under Protocol No. 464, or on the basis of a document generously issued by the High Chamber of the Kingdom of Hungary on April 1 under No. 10222, regarding the dispute over the Jewish Inn and involving the complainant Lazarus Stein, Salamon Weisz, but also the City Treasury, that I shed some light on the whole case, that I took into account what Salamon Weisz said, what is written in the complaint of Lazar Stein and what I received from the Supreme Royal Chamber of Hungary. Taking all this into account, as well as the statement of Salamon Weisz, which was also attached to the documentation, I came to the following thoughts and conclusions:
1. The settlement between Solomon Weisz and the City Treasury cannot be reported because Solomon Weisz was not even obliged to pay the mentioned amount because, as can be seen in the attached document 9a, that amount had to be paid by another tenant, Lazar Stein, who was included there for a reason, and his name was not deleted.
2. However, there are difficulties in making a settlement between the complainant Lazar Stein and Salamon Weisz because neither of them provided sufficient evidence in their favor, and while Weiss claims that a lease agreement that does not apply to him is in force, Lazar Stein claims that his right to that lease ceased and that the contract with Weiss thus continued, and on the other hand there is no clear document that firmly proves that his / Stein's / right to this benefit has ceased.
3. We have, therefore, the report of Mr. Senator on the lawsuit filed by Lazar Stein through his lawyer Martin Boross against Salamon Weisz; on the other hand we have the counter-lawsuit of Salamon Weisz, and basic documents, such as certified and final contract, are not available to both sides, or at least has not yet made them available.
4. Finally, there are numerous ambiguities and doubts in this whole dispute, so that, in my humble opinion, it cannot be judged in favor of Lazar Stein because the documents he submitted are not enough, as well as the report of lawyer Boross attached to the lawsuit under number 5, and it is not clear on this basis to whom exactly during the year 1819, 1829 and 1821 the right of lease belonged - whether to Weisz, to Stein or to the Jewish community, and how exactly that lease was. The lawsuit is accompanied by an excerpt from the instructions of the Magistrate, who decided that the complainant or his lawyer, Mr. Boross, should turn to me for an opinion.
My opinion is the following: that since sufficient clarification cannot be provided to make the correct final decision; Lazar Stein should be instructed to give a statement not only by him, but also by people who can testify to it, and to take it with them under a solemn oath what he has before the Exalted Court Chamber of the Kingdom of Hungary; just in case, two guarantors, Bartholomei Wolff and Ignatius Raab, do the same, and they also give a statement about what may not be all officially written down. Certified in Sombor, on July 20, 1829.

Joannes Ambrozovich senator
No 923 The gentleman in question is also informed that the Jewish community should be heard in order to better clarify everything that relates to this case. In the Senate of the City of Sombor, on 10/11 August 1829.
Report relating to Protocol No. 464 of 1829

Highly Worthy Noble City Council
The Most Merciful Gentlemen!
Countless people just because the high ranks gave me faith in it - among other things because because of my poor destiny I can give nothing to myself or others - at the same time not only want to harm me, but would, if the government allowed them to do so, without any legality, they would be ready to expel me and my children from this world by torture.
Highly worthy Noble City Council, merciful Gentlemen, and when I calmly accepted the long-standing misery at all times, I showed all the authorities and people of the law my innocence and honest, common sense, so that in the future I am ready to clarify my true request.
With a pain in my heart (I see) unfortunately (despite) the good years of my age, several of those who work against me - and by those with demands - are especially Lázár Stein who 11 years ago was the tenant of the Jewish community inn - besides others The Jews of the village - who had worked against me on several occasions - thus shedding light on their envy - their pleas were rejected, and thus I am disturbed only by persons who are so used.
Without stopping and without any justifiable reason, Lázár Stein a Jew and merchant from Sombor, demands the payment of his debts from me and the former postal master Wolf, as my guarantor, in various ways, which I consequently refute:
1. Despite what is claimed - I do not remember that from 1818 to 1821, I signed the contract as a tenant with the noble City Council called the Lease of the Jewish Inn.
2. I do not even have the opportunity to see the Agreement certified by the Hungarian Royal Court Chamber, namely
3. Lázár Stein's claim that he was not a tenant of the mentioned inn in 1818 and 1819 was refuted by his signature, and an excerpt from the Minutes from the session of the Noble City Council No. 505 where Lazar Stein himself hit 104 forints at the auction.
So I'm nobody's tenant or anyone's debtor, especially since during the first auction I couldn't get it due to lack of my own funds for the auction, so the auction had to be held again - and the former postmaster Wolf was the guarantor instead of me - no I can understand because I've been with him often - and he never mentioned it to me.
It follows that Lázár Stein was the tenant of the inn because he paid 208 forints into the City Treasury, which he is now illegally asking from me.
Taking all this into account, I ask the noble legislative authorities of the city to release me from the lawsuit - and to remove Lázár Stein, who is asking me for 208 forints and 30 forints for no reason, from the illegal amount.
With the deepest humility and obedience, I remain highly worthy and noble to the City Legislature - and offer myself under the auspices of my merciful Gentlemens.
The most humble poor servant to the merciful gentleman of the High Noble City Council
Salamon Veisz
a local Jew

To be handed over to the high legislative body of the Free Royal City of Sombor, my most merciful Lord,
humble request
thing Bač ...
inside elaboration

Translated from Hebrew into German

Friend Saloman!

I am seeking compensation for 4 vessels of wine
from 6 to 10 florins comes to me - 16
followed by -8
Now it comes to me based on expectations -8
/ 32 f

The wine will be delivered this week
The bill amounts
Please send me the 20 florins I need - 20 f

Your friend Moses Basar
in the month of August 1829

Dear Royal Court Chamber of Hungary, gracious gentlemen!

Solomon Veisz, a Jew from our city community, through numerous frauds and various tricks led to the fact that he exclusively holds the privilege of renting a Jewish inn, without paying the annual rent to the City Treasury, and he made sure that no one came out as his opponent at auction, thus retaining in full the revenues of the said Treasury. With his incessant tricks, he caused difficulties and damages to some, and deterred others from bidding by keeping the right to rent all the time, while constantly writing complaints and causing new difficulties in such a way that for the years 1819, 1820 and 1821, there are a huge number of applications and complaints which he submitted to the Exalted Royal Court of Hungary through the City Magistrate, while the decisions of the City Magistrate on the subject of his submissions can also be found in the city registry.
After announcing the auction for the right to lease the Jewish inn for three years - that is, from November 1, 1818 to October 8, 1821 - Veisz emerged as the winner of the auction by offering the highest amount of 403 florins of Viennese currency. However, he immediately lodged a complaint with the High Court Chamber of the Kingdom of Hungary that the rent was too high, requesting that it be reduced, and since his appeal was not upheld, a new auction was launched for this right, as set out under Nos. 1 and 2 in the appendices excerpts from the protocol, and I legally offered the largest amount of 104 florins for a period of half a year and thus became a tenant for the period until October 8, 1821. Since the said Solomon Weiss again complained to the Exalted Court Chamber of the Kingdom of Hungary, offering 150 class of 160 Viennese florins, his request was considered by the city magistrate with the community of selected citizens and at their meeting, as can be seen in the excerpt under number 3, that privilege that belonged to me for barely three months was again transferred to Salamon Veisz because it was decided that he offered a higher annual sum of 150 Viennese florins. For the sake of greater security of the City Treasury, since Salamon Veisz has nothing in the world from property, according to the decision of the Association of Elected Citizens, it was decided that Weiss was guaranteed by Bartholomew Volf, a city community official, who guaranteed 150 Viennese florins a year, the guarantee is attached as No. 4 as well as in the city archives. However, that did not end there either, because Salamon Veisz again violated the lease of the Jewish kitchen with new complaints, and brought the City Treasury into such a dilemma that she no longer knew to whom exactly and how much rent she had to charge for the privilege of renting a Jewish inn. In order to clarify and investigate the mentioned situation, the Magistrate authorized senator and lawyer Martin Boross, who made an effort on the topic of the mentioned case and carried out an investigation, about which there is a report to the Magistrate attached under 5th point. Based on that, an excerpt from the protocol Annex 6 the Magistrate was supposed to make a final verdict with all the previously mentioned documents. Further detailed research established that despite the fact that there was an agreement between me and the city community on the right to rent a Jewish inn, that I was hindered in fulfilling my rights, and that I was mistakenly listed in the income list, both in the Magistrate and in office of the City Treasury as a tenant for 1820 and 1821, that is, for two years, although I was not questioned either during or after the lease. It turns out, therefore, that I was inscribed on that list of the City Treasury office as someone who was assigned to pay the sum of 38 florins and 12 kreuzers of conventional coin, or 208 Viennese florins in the name of a two-year lease without taking into account that I held only three leases month and a few days, as can be clearly seen in Annex 7. I made sure to return my money withheld from the City Magistrate (Annex 8) and I received a negative answer to that, since the prescribed settlement between the City Treasury and Solomon Weiss was established. on January 24, 1825, as can be seen in Appendix 8, but since Weiss did not pay anything and the city treasury had money in its possession that it kept from me, this whole calculation was not done. Since I tried to get my money back, which had been kept for so long, I again asked for a settlement between Weiss and the City Treasury (Appendix 10), and Senators Joannes Ambrozovits and David Konjović were authorized for that task on May 14, 1827. Since the authorized senators postponed it due to other obligations, I re-submitted the request and made sure to do it through my authorized lawyer so that the calculation could finally be done. Finally, after my strong pleas and pressures, the two of them, only after half a year on November 24, 1828, began to deal with it (as can be seen in Appendix 9). They took into account the showdown between Solomon Weiss and the City Treasury as well as my showdown with Solomon Weiss by comparing it to the report submitted to them by Martin Boross under number 5, comparing it with their sources, however, they complained that they did not have all the necessary evidence although it also seemed indicative to them that Solomon Weiss himself recognized in their presence the three original contracts (here in connection with Appendix 2) which he had personally signed with the city for the lease of the Jewish inn. Also, there was no confrontation between the City Treasury and Weiss, nor did the authorized senators do anything about it and expose it to the Magistrate, so they did not even hesitate to say that my complaint was unfounded (Appendix 11), which really left me amazed and I was still reprimanded for not paying what I had to. The fact that it was not my obligation to pay is evidenced by the decision of the Magistrate under number 9, where it says that this payment does not even concern me, but it is a matter between the cash register and Solomon Weiss, which I and my lawyer Martin Boros emphasized innumerable times without any result. Further, the above-mentioned authorized senators in connection with the case show that they did something other than what was entrusted to them in the appendices under 9 and 10, because their task was to establish a showdown between Solomon Weiss and the city treasury, and they are, for completely unknown reasons, they tried to determine a showdown between me and Solomon Weiss, although I have nothing to do with it. In the end, it turned out that the authorized senators did not do their job or carefully study the material given to them for that purpose, but did their job superficially, which can be seen under 11 where we had an incomplete and inadequate document where the guarantor's civil oath was completely ignored. Wolf, who under number 4 vouched for the sum of 150 Viennese florins in two years, in order for Weiss to take over the lease, and where it is clear that I need to return 208 florins, and now 92 florins because I am not obliged to suffer so much damage investigations and unfinished business.
Since no one is obliged to pay for the right he does not use, which can be seen from document number 4, and no one can be forced to pay something for another without a hearing, and all this is perfectly clear from my previous presentation, supported by a report. of my lawyer Boross under number 5, it follows that I had the right to lease the Jewish inn for barely three months and that I only used it that much, and that it turns out that I have to pay the rent for a time that does not concern me at all, and for a period from the next three years when that right was used by someone completely different, and therefore my money that remained in the cash register was forcibly and illegally withheld.
Therefore, I humbly ask the Supreme Court Chamber of the Kingdom of Hungary, as well as the Sombor Magistrate, to return my 208 Viennese florins, which I gave for a privilege not used by me but Salamon Veisz, and to add to that amount the interest calculated from the first day of illegal retention , as well as an additional 30 florins of conventional coin in the name of expenses that I had for no reason, and that what should be collected either from Solomon Veisz who has nothing or his guarantor Bartholomew Volf. With great respect, appreciation and dedication. To the Exalted Court Chamber of the Kingdom of Hungary. In Sombor on March 10, 1829.

Humble servant
Lazar Stein

To the Exalted Court Chamber of the Kingdom of Hungary
A humble request
Lazar Stein, who is asking that the city magistrate of Sombor be transferred to return the 208 Viennese florins with the remaining costs of 30 florins of conventional coin.