Minutes from the Assembly of elected citizens regarding the auction over a Jewish kitchen

Identifier D_0108:48/1825
Title Minutes from the Assembly of elected citizens regarding the auction over a Jewish kitchen
Subject Minutes, Assembly of elected citisens, Jewish kitchen, Solomon Weiss (Salamonis Weisz), Israel Hertzeg (Izraelis Herczeg), Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Description The minutes from the Assembly of elected citizens regarding the auction over a Jewish kitchen. It was decided to transfer the issue of decision to the Magistrate
Creator David Konjović (David Konjovits)
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor David Konjović (David Konjovits), Assembly of elected citizens
Date October 15, 1824
Type Text; Minutes
Language Latin
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, October 1824
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Extracus Prothocolli Electa Communitatis!

Gratiosum intimatum Excelsa Camera Regie Hungarico aulica dedato 18. 9bris a.c. no 33905 Buda emanatum, Instantiam Salamonis Weisz et Izraelis Herczeg gremialium Judaorum qua mediante novam licitationem culina Judaica motivis ex eo: cum unicus collicitant occasione servata licitationis licitasset, petunt sine prestando comite opinione, audita Electa Communitate, Relationis medio Am. Magistratus transponens.

Determinatum est:
Novae licitationi antelatam culinam Judaicam ex motivis instantionetenus deductis exponenda ad invenii Am. Magistratui sine instituendo licitationis quo ocyus representavi. In consessu Electa Communitatis die 15a Xbris 1824 celebrato

Extradatum per Davidem Konjovits, vicenotarium qua ……
Excerpt from the minutes of the Assembly of elected citizens!

By the order of the exalted Court Cameral Chamber of the Kingdom of Hungary issued on November 18th of this year under number 33905 in Buda, the request by Solomon Weiss (Salamonis Weisz) and Israel Hertzeg (Izraelis Herczeg), members of the Jewish community, to conduct a new auction for Jewish kitchen should be considered. As a reason, they state that only one person was registered at the previous auction, so they ask that their request be presented to the prefect and the Assembly of elected citizens through the exalted Magistrate.

It was decided:
For the above-mentioned reasons, the issue of a new auction over the mentioned Jewish kitchen should be transferred to the decision of the exalted Magistrate. At the session of the Assembly of elected citizens on October 15, 1824.

Published by David Konjović (David Konjovits), vice-notary