A report by Abrahamus Mrazovich about traders that are violating rules

Identifier D_0103:438/1816
Title A report by Abrahamus Mrazovich about traders that are violating rules
Subject Mrazovich (Avram Mrazović), The Government of the Free Royal City of Sombor, Sombor, trade, penality
Description A report by Abrahamus Mrazovich (Avram Mrazović) about traders who refused to appear during the public announcement of the decision of the High Royal Local Council on the topic of opening stores during the holidays.
Creator Abrahamus Mrazovich (Avram Mrazović), senator and commissioner of the Privileged Trade Association
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Abrahamus Mrazovich (Avram Mrazović), Petrus Veszelinovics (Petar Veselinović), Joannes Demeracz (Jovan Demerač), Georgius Veszelinovics (Đorđe Veselinović), Josephus Vranits (Jozef Vranić), Josephus Hank (Jozef Hank)
Date April 5th 1816.
Type Text; report
Language Latin
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, April 1816
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Infrascriptus presentium per vigorem Amplissimo Magistratui obsequiose refero; quod ad exigentiam data mihi Commisionis Magistratualis, Convocata die 1a aprilis a.c. Compagnia Mercantili eidem Benigne gratiosum Intimatum Excelsi Consili Regii Locumtenentialis Hungarici dedato erga querellam per nonnullos mercatores in eo positam, quod ob aperitionem diebus festivis fornicum executionem subire debuerint, emanatum, suo modo publicari curaverim, eidemque sub incurrenda certius actione fiscali coherentes ad latam Determinationem Magistratualem tam Clanculariam quam et apertam mercium et articulorum quorum vis diebus festivis distractionem prohibentem; interim quamquam Congressum hunc, ex eo ne infuturum semet Benignam Resolutionem ignorasse allegare possint, sub pena 12 florenos indixerim, attamen mercatores isthic sub conscripti comparere contumaciter detrectarunt quamquam iteratim vocati fuerint.
Sequenti dein die Reliquos gremiales mercatores et Judaos Convocari Curavi et ipsis pariformiter prelaudatam B.gratiosam Resolutionem sub modo publicavi; interim siquidem ex his aeque Josephus Vranits et Georgius Hank comparere detrectassent, ad manutenendam authoritatem Commisariorum Cehalium censerem hos refractarios in singillativa 12florenum Cassa Civica cessura pena mulctari. Sigilatum Zombor die 5a Aprilis 1816.

Abrahamus Mrazovich Senator et Commissarius Compagnia Mercantilis Comissionitis.

Super publicatis gremiali mercantili Compagnia atque aliis mercatoribus et Judais B. Gratiosa Resolutione ad Instantiam cotum emanata.

Mercatorum qui ad publicationem B.Gratiosi Intimati Excelsi Consilii Locumtenentialis Regii Ratione ad aperitionem fornicum diebus festivis emanatati comparare noluerunt.
Petrus Veszelinovics
Georgius Veszelinovics
Joannes Demeracz
I, signed bellow
have the authority to submit the following report to the Supreme Magistrate: that on the order of the Magistrate on April 1 of the current year I received an order to act on the orders of this High Local Council of Hungary based on the complaint of many traders during the holidays, and I was entrusted to publicly inform the Association of Privileged Traders of the decision of both the Magistrate and the Office that the sale of goods in stores and on open stalls is prohibited on holidays. In that way, even after this decision, it will not be possible for the traders in question to complain that they were not informed about such a decree, and I was also ordered to impose a fine of 12 florins for those who do not respect this decision. However, I report to the exalted Magistrate that some traders did not respond, although they were repeatedly invited to do so, to hear and respect this decision.
The next day, I called other merchants from the city community, as well as Jews, and I publicly and precisely announced this well-intentioned decision to them. However, Josephus Vranits et Josephus Hank (Jozef Vranić and Jozef Hank) refused to appear and hear the above-mentioned decision, and I believe that in order to maintain their authority over the guilds, they should be fined 12 florins, which would be paid into the city treasury. Certified in the city of Sombor, on April 5, 1816.

Abrahamus Mrazovich (Avram Mrazović), senator and commissioner of the Privileged Trade Association

The report
On the topic of the decision that was mercifully pronounced and announced to the Trade Association and other merchants and Jews

About traders who refused to appear during the public announcement of the decision of the High Royal Local Council on the topic of opening stores during the holidays.

Petrus Veszelinovics (Petar Veselinović)
Georgius Veszelinovics (Đorđe Veselinović)
Joannes Demeracz (Jovan Demerač)