A request for compensation by Lazar Rosentzveig to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor

Identifier D_0102:793/1821
Title A request for compensation by Lazar Rosentzveig to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Subject Lazar Rosentzveig, Izrael Hertzeg, Salamon Veisz and Samuel Sonnenfeld, Jewish Inn, Renting, The Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor, Request, Compensation,
Description Thank-You Note by Peter Weidmann, expressing gratitude towards the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor for the letter regarding the land autentification granted to Weidmann.
Creator Lazar Rosentzveig
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Lazar Rosentzveig, The Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Date sinne anno
Type Text; Request
Language Latin
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, 1821
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Amplissime Magistratus!

Cum evidenti Juris mei Arendatitii prejudicio sit et factum est, quod, esto in cujus Prevaricatores Multa omnino 12 florenorum et quidem in moneta conventionali, toties quoties desumenda, contractualiter statuta sit: erga meam tamen, tam Domino Consuli, et una Judici, quam ipsi jam etiam A. Magistratui, verbaliter factam insinuationem, nullam contra eos assistentiam, obtinuerim et obtineam.
Cum autem Contractus Contrahentibus vim legis imporiat; alioqui vero pacta, non observatis conditionibus, disolvi oporteat.
Ob id ipsos Prevaricatores Izraelem Hertzeg, Salamonem item Veisz et Samuelem Sonnenfold …… ad solvendam previam multam, in resarcitionem cessantis Lucri, sub nunc prateritis nundinis per se mihi erepti, et quod ex destructis carnibus et aliis victualibus, quas et qua pro illis provisorio modo comparaveram, realiter emersit damni cessuram; vel ad ipsum onus Contractuale, ultra mihi refundendos, quos in Contractuali hoc Beneficio debite fruendi fine conductum et reparatum quarterium investivi 10 florenos; reluenda item Scamnas, Mensas, Lecticas et Lectisternias poculaque ac Lagenas et alia Requisita in se recipiendum – sine meo influxu, Magistratualiter stringi, meque adeo a Contractu – in casu hoc posteriori absolvi, supplico.

A. Magistratus
Humillimus famulus
Lazarus Rozentzveig
Sicdicti Judaici Tracteur Arendator

Ad Amplissimum Magistratum Libere Regieque Civitatis Zombor
Lazarus Rozentzveig sic dicti Judaici Tracteur Arendator, sui hujus Juris arendatitii prevaricatores Izraelem Hertzeg, Salamonem Veisz et Samuelem Sonenfeld, vel ad reluendam inque sui cessantis Lucri et emergentis damni resarcitionem cessuram multam Contractualem; vel ad ipsum onus Contractuale ultra relvendorum relvitionem, in se recipiendum – sine suo influxu Magistratualiter, seque adeo a Contractu – in casu hoc posteriori relevari supplicat.
Exalted Magistrate!

The obvious damage to my lease agreement is what certain first-timers did, and that is that I had to pay them the amount of 12 florins of conventional coin, although the contract states exactly under what conditions and how many times this amount is taken. Although I have orally informed the consul, the judge, and even the exalted Magistrate about this, I have not yet received any help against them.
What the law requires the signatory of the contract must be respected and other agreements that do not respect the provisions of the contract should be terminated.
The mentioned fraudsters Izrael Hertzeg, Salamon Veisz and Samuel Sonnenfeld forced me to pay them the above-mentioned amount in the name of alleged damage and to compensate for the profit because they lost meat and other groceries that I really procured for them. However, according to the provisions of the contract, I also need to be reimbursed for the invested 10 florins that I gave to equip the accommodation. I need to be compensated for chairs, tables, beds and bedding, plates, glasses and other furniture, and the Magistrate should make sure that the amount in question is reimbursed to me. Otherwise, I ask to be released from contractual obligations.

Humble servant
Of the Exalted Magistrate
Lazar Rosentzveig
The tenant of the mentioned Jewish inn

To the Exalted Magistrate of the free royal city of Sombor
Lazar Rosenzweig, the tenant of the Jewish inn, is seeking either a Magistrate's decision to compensate him for the damage inflicted on him by Izrael Hertzeg, Salamon Veisz and Samuel Sonnenfeld, or at least to compensate him under the terms of the contract for the amount he gave for the equipment of inns; otherwise he begs to be released from contractual obligations.