A report regarding the plea of Iszrael Hertzeg (Israel Herceg), a Jew and a city merchant, who asks for permission to buy a house and build a shop

Identifier D_0094:306/1821
Title A report regarding the plea of Iszrael Hertzeg (Israel Herceg), a Jew and a city merchant, who asks for permission to buy a house and build a shop
Subject Iszrael Hertzeg (Israel Herceg), The Government of the Free Royal City of Sombor, Jewish Community, shope, house, Sombor, Senate
Description Iszrael Hertzeg (Israel Herceg), a Jew and a city merchant asks for permission to buy a house and build a shop in this city, he is mentioning that his father has lived for over 40 years in Sombor.
Creator Senate of the City of Sombor, Joannem Lippay (Jovan Lipaj),
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Iszrael Hertzeg (Israel Herceg), Paulus Fratricsevisc (Pavle Fratričević), Joannem Lippay (Jovan Lipaj), Basilius Athanatskovits (Vasilije Atanacković)
Date March 28, 1821
Type Text; report
Language Latin
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, March 1821.
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Infrascripus ad exigentiam Magistratualis erga readvolutam gremialis Judai Israelis Hertzegh hic loci extra vallatum domum emendi et fornicem mercantilem erigendi facultatem sibi concedi supplicantis instantiam d.d. 28a Martii a.c. n. protocoli politici 244. interventa determinationis opinionem meam deprompturus humillime censeo supplicantis petito – si, et in quantum expositionem illam, quod jam pater ejus ante quadraginta fere abhinc annos solicitato pro nunc per eum jure re ipsa gavisus fuerit, in sua realitate fundari Amplissimo Magistratui notum est – habita etiam cetero tum in instantia ejus aducto cum motivarem ratione ad sensum articuli 38 1790/91 deferri posse. Zomborini die 4a maii 1821.

Paulus Fratricsevisc prelibato Civitatis ord. fiscali

Fisci Magistratualis Libere Regieque Civitatis Zomboriensis erga readvolutam gremialis Judai Israelis Hertzegh hic loci extra vallatum domum emendi et fornicem mercantilem erigendi facultatem sibi concedi supplicantis instantiam deprompta.

Amplissime Magistratus!

Ante quadraginta fere adhuc annos pater meus ingremiationem consequendo facultatem domum in gremio Civitatis sibi comparandi et fornicem erigendi obtinuit; ac revera in domo ubi actu D. consulis Basilius Athanatskovits constituitur fornicem mercantilem erexit et mercaturam longa annorum serie continuavit ego juribus patris mei insistens, cum prolibus copiosioribus provisus essem et easdem inter tenere debeam, ad Amplissimum Magistratum supplex confugio humillime exorando, quatenus mihi facultatem domum extra vallatum in gremio Civitatis hujus comparandi et fornicem errigendi gratiose concedere dignaretur, et qudem potissimum ideo, quod vi legis in statu quo relicti ad mentem interpretatoriarum 60 consilii ordinum jus patris in me qua ipsius filium derivatum sit; quod item fratri meo Laurentis facultas concessa sit domum emendi; adeoque quo ad jura minime dispartim quod tandem cessante fornice mercantili Jacobo Steiniano, actualis status fornicum in augeatur sed in suo esse permaneat. Duarum ductu dum iterum iterumque previo in merito supplicarem omni cum venerationis cultu persevero. Amplissimus Magistratus humillimus servus Iszrael Hertzeg Judaus questor gremialis.

Cum fisco Magistratuali fori prestanda de super declarationis communicari. In Senatu Zombor die 28 martii 1821. Celebrato

Extradatum per Joannem Lippay ordinatus Notarius

Ad Amplissimum Libere Regieque Civitatis Zomboriensis Magistratum
Iszrael Hertzeg Judaus questor gremialis facultatem hic loci domum emendi et fornicem mercantilem errigendi sibi concedi supplicat.
I, the undersigned, have been asked to express my opinion on the attached application of the Jew Israelis Hertzegh (Israel Herceg) to buy a house and build a shop in this place, on March 28 of the current year, protocol number 244. My humble opinion is that - how did he Calls for the fact that his father received the same permit almost 40 years ago, so it should naturally belong to him, and I state to the exalted Magistrate that his argument is justified, as well as other reasons contained in his application, in terms of interpretation of Articles 38.1790 / 91 . In Sombor on May 4, 1821.
Paulus Fratricsevisc (Pavle Fratričević), in charge of the fiscal of this city

Fiscal of the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombra on the subject of the attached request of the Jew Israelis Hertzegh (Israel Herceg) to be allowed to buy a house and open a shop in this city

Exalted Magistrate!

Almost 40 years ago, my father received permission to establish his home in this city community and open a shop. He really opened a shop in the house where Mr. Basilius Athanatskovits (Vasilije Atanacković) issued him a permit for that, and then he was engaged in trade for a long time. Relying on the right of my father, with the fact that I have many children and that I am obliged to support them, I humbly ask the exalted Magistrate to allow me to buy a house and open a shop in this city community, especially since I have to rely on the law and interpretation of Decree No. 60, according to which the father's right is transferred to the son. Then we should take into account the fact that my brother Lawrence was also allowed to buy a house here, and we should not ignore the fact that due to the closure of Jakov Stein's shop, this will not increase the existing number of shops. Guided by these reasons, I once again ask the exalted Magistrate to respond positively to my request. With due respect, a humble servant of the exalted Magistrate, Israelis Hertzegh (Israel Herceg), a Jew and a city merchant.

Submit the fiscal of the Magistrate to further state this. In the Senate of the City of Sombor, on March 28, 1821.
Issued by Joannem Lippay (Jovan Lipaj), indebted notary

To the Exalted Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Iszrael Hertzeg (Israel Herceg), a Jew and a city merchant asks for permission to buy a house and build a shop in this city