A request of the Privileged association of merchants for implementation of their privileges
Identifier | D_0092:198/1829 |
Title | A request of the Privileged association of merchants for implementation of their privileges |
Subject | Privileged association of merchants, Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor, Jewish shop owners, Suburbs, Privileges |
Description | A request of the Privileged association of merchants for implementation of their privileges, asking that the local Jews are forced to move their shops to city suburbs |
Creator | Privileged association of merchants |
Publisher | Historical archive Sombor |
Contributor | Privileged association of merchants, The Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor |
Date | February 25, 1829 |
Type | Text; Request |
Language | Latin |
Coverage | Free Royal City of Sombor, February 1829 |
Rights | This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor). |
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Amplissime Magistratus! Sua Majestas Sacratissima pro naturali sua, qua erga Subditos suos ducitur Clementia, paternaque propensione ac Solicitudine, dignata est erga remonstrationem Amplissimi Magistratus, pro parte gremialis Societatis mercantilis, novum Privilegium clementer concedere ac elargiri. Quo feliciter die 16a febr. A.c. isthuc delato ac mox sequenti die in pleno Magistratu, adstante quoque tota mercantili societate, publicato existente – posteaquam e tenoribus privilegialium articulorum notorium foret, singulis ac cunctis mercatoribus gremialibus, societati huic suo modo haud incorporatis, one in Libera Regiaque hac Civitate mercatura exercitium interdictum esse – Judaos vero non nisi ad aperiendos in Suburbio Civitatis fornices restrictos haberi – hinc, quo effectus praelaudatorum clementer concessorum privilegialium articulorum procurari, hacque ratione iidem semper sarti tectique conservari valerent – Amplissimum Magistratum demissis interpelamus precibus , quatenus Judaos, mercaturam in meditullio Civitatis exercentes, ad aperiendos in suburbio Civitatis fornices, inviare, cunctos vero mercatores juxta isthic advolutam consignationem societati huic mercantili haud in corporatos eo, ut semet preprovocatis articulorum privilegialium tenoribus conformare noverint, judicialiter provocare et admonere et ad casum non subsequendi intra prestituendum tempus effectus, eosdem ab exercenda mercatura inhibere gratiose dignaretur tanto magis quia societas hac tenoribus clementer sibi concessorum privilegialium articulorum strictissime inherens iisdem conformiter agere necessitabitur. Omni venerationis cum cultu perseverando. Amplissimi Magistratus Humillimi servi Petrus Veszelinovits antesignans Franciscus Berenyi resignans Totaque societas mercantilis privilegiata gremialis Joannes Margetits Josephus Markovits Peter Schverer Georg Stampfl Senior Georg Stampfl Junior Josephus Vranits Laurencius Faliani Paul Belyansky Peter Teofanovits Johan Jerasevits Johan Moshanovits Stamitzky Seel Virtun Georg Gergurov Isak Bikar Lazarus Mashirevits Stafan Kurjak Caritan Obuskovits Sabbas Gergurev Ad Amplissimum Magistratum Libere Regieque Civitatis Zomboriensis Pertus Veszelinovits privilegiate mercantilis societatis gremialis antesignanus Franciscus Berenyi resignans totaque societas mercantilis demisse ut intus supplicat. Inventarium Substantie mobilis et immobilis post mortem civis et torneatoris magistri gremialis Ignatii condam Huberth remansa; prolesque ejus orphanos ut pore Ignatium 14, Leopoldum 12, Michaelem 11, Ferdinandum 8 Josephum 5 et Franciscum 3 annorum; nec non viduam ejus Annam natam Dorner respicientis, et qudem no f. Xr. 1. Domus in Civitate sub no 287. Fundo 332. Orgiarum quadratarumSuperstructa; ex 4 cubiculis, 2 culinis celario, stabulo in area extructo; horrulo aeque in area erecto, constans, totum in statu mediocri estimat… ad 800 - 2. Vinea 1600 orgiarum quadratarum In vicinitate D.D. Demetrovits estimata ad 300 - In primo Cubili 3. Instrumenta ad opificium spectantia, in statu utrunque bono et completo estim. ad 35 - In secundo Cubili 4. Unus lectus cum mediocri apparatu pro pueris estim. ad 4 - 5. Una mensula et unum scamnum omnia e ligno molli estim. ad 2 - In tertio Cubili 6. Unum canapae et 4 sello nigris pellibus obducto estimata ad 12 - 7. Duo sello ex ligno duro 3 - 8. 4 frustra imaginum parvarum 1 In quarto Cubili 9. Unus lectus omnibus necessariis instructus 10 In Cellario 10. 7 Urna vinoceorum vasorum a 45x 5 15 Latus 1172 15 no translatum F Xs 1172 15 11. Unus cadus 25 urnarum omnia circulis ligneis estim. Ab 20xris 8 20 In Stabulo 12. Duo equi cum halciis in statu misero 20 13. Antiquus currus ex parte obferatus 10 14. Una vacca senex 5 In aula 15. Foenum et stramen insimul estim. ad 8 16. Una cista nundinalis obferrata 4 17. Duo caduli, ferreis circulis cincti pro lotione vestium albarum necessarii 5 summa 1232 35 Debita activa non sunt Pasiva autem adsunt et quidem: Apud D Joannem Demetrovits 200 - Apud D. Viduam Bossnovits 500 - insimul 700 - Sigilatum Zomborini die 20a januarii 1825 per me Martinum Boross senator |
Exalted Magistrate! His Royal Highness, in accordance with his nobility and gentleness towards his subordinates, and in accordance with his paternal care, decided that we, the Privileged association of merchants, should receive another new privilege. This privilege was happily announced on February 16 of the current year, and the very next day it was made public in the full convocation of the Magistrate and in the presence of the entire Privileged association of merchants – with this privilege and the content of its articles it is clear that only members of the Privileged association of the Free Royal City have a right ot trade, while Jews are allowed to own trade shops exclusively in the suburbs. In order for this commendable and noble privilege to have an effect, and for its Articles to be respected and carried out in reality, we humbly ask the exalted Magistrate to instruct those Jews who continue to run shops in the middle of the city to open their shops in the suburbs, and to teach them about the above-mentioned articles and the content of our privilege, and to officially urge them and warn them to respect this decision in reality. We therefore ask that they be graciously forbidden to engage in trade outside the suburbs, so that the Privileged association of merchants may really enjoy the benefits of the privilege obtained as it is written in its contents. With due respect, Humble servants of the exalted Magistrate Petar Veselinović first signed Franjo Berenyi second signed In the name of all other members of the Privileged association of merchants Jovan Margetić Jozef Marković Peter Schwerer Georg Stampfl Senior Georg Stampfl Junior Josef Vranić Laurencius Faliani Paul Belyansky Peter Teofanović Jovan Jerasević Jovan Mošanović Stamitzky Seel Virtun Georg Gergurov Isak Bikar Lazar Maširević Stafan Kurjak Karitan Obusković Sava Gergurev To the Exalted Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor Petar Veselinović, first signed and Franjo Berenji, second signed on behalf of the entire Privileged association of traders - request as stated in the document |