A request of the Trade Association to the City regarding the plea of Hertzeg
Identifier | D_0090:350/1821 |
Title | A request of the Trade Association to the City regarding the plea of Hertzeg |
Subject | Isaac Hertzeg (Izac Hertzeg), Trade Association The Government of the Free Royal City of Sombor, Jewish Community, trade, store, permission |
Description | Two documents, the second is the request dfo the Trade Association of Sombor to the City Authority with their explanation why Hertzeg shouldn't be allowed to open a new store for his activites. The second document is the plea from Hertzeg. |
Creator | Isaac Hertzeg (Izac Hertzeg), and Trade Association |
Publisher | Historical archive Sombor |
Contributor | Isaac Hertzeg (Izac Hertzeg) |
Date | March 28th 1821. |
Type | Text; report |
Language | Latin |
Coverage | Free Royal City of Sombor, March 1821 |
Rights | This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor). |
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Amplissime Magistratus, Domini Singulariter Colendissimi! Ad instantiam Izaci Hertzeg Judai questoris, facultatem hic loci domum emendi et fornicem mercantilem erigendi sibi concedi supplicantis humillime respondemus. Tam Benigni Privilegii nobis gremialibus elargiti art. 8 et 10. quam etiam intimata Excelsi Consitii Regii in Benignis Resolutionibus Regiis fundata, in specie autem gratiosum intimatum sub no 13327. Dedato 9. Junii 1800 emanatum pro ea directione nobis determinerunt actuque deserviunt, quod nostrum gremialibus mercatorum qui olim in gremio hocce ad 22as reductus erat modo autem ad 66 increvit, ultra justam proportionem, sarti ac substantia nostra summe prejudiciosum, adaugere semper vetitum facerat – lege preterea Regni art. 38 1791 sancitum est: ut preter numerum actualem Judaorum, receptio ulterior eorumdem penitus cesset. – insuper illud quoque pro …… nobis detercit, quod ipse quoque complures determinationes Magistratuales uti sunt dedato 9. Martii 1798 no 342, dedato 9. Junii 1799 no 22, nec non dedato 27. Maii 1801 no 341 id modi recurrentes Judaos in eodem merito, fundamento precitatorum ordinum et legis , a petito eorundem amoverint. Jam autem actualem mercatorum nostrum in gremio hocce ultra proportionem in tantum increvisse – ut sars et ratio substantio ………. In discrimen posita habeatur, quod nonnulli nostrum nec necessaria vita media comparare valeant, alii vero ad incitat reolcuti, opem alienam querere debeant, ipsi Amplissimo Magistratui plus notum …….. quam ut demonstratione ulteriori opus sit. – idcirco: Amplissimo Magistratui in cujus equanimitate et benevolentia confidemus, supplicamus quatenus ductu permissorum instantem Izacum Hertzeg Judaum a petito ejus amovere tanto afortiori dignaretur, quod ut ut, fornis Jacobi Stain Judai gremialis cessaverit: defectum attamen hanc duo ejus fratres et parens, singulus separatas mercaturas et respective fornices habentes, abunde suppleverint. Qui in reliquo Jugi cum venerationis cultu perseveramus. Amplissimi Magistratus Humillimi servi Antesingnanus ceterique privilegiale societatis gremialis mercatores Ad Amplissimum Libere Regieque Civitatis Zomboriensis Magistratum Dominos singulariter Colendissimos. Societas Privilegiata mercantilis gremialis ad instantiam Izaci Herceg Judai tacultatem hic loci domum emendi et fornicem mercantilem erigendi concedi supplicantis, humillime respondet – et ductu intus atactorum altiorum ordinum, legis item patrio nec non complurium determinationum Magistratualium, eundem a petito suo amovendum decerni, humillime supplicant. Amplissime Magistratus! Ante quadraginta fere adhuc annos pater meus ingreminationem consequendo facultatem domum in gremio civitatis sibi comparandi et fornicem erigendi obtinuit ac revera in domo ubi actu D. Consulis Basilii Athanatzkovits constituitur fornicem mercantilem erexit et mercanturam longa annorum serie continuavit ego juribus patris mei insistens, cum prolibus copiosioribus provisus essem et easdem in tertenere debeam ad Amplissimum Magistratum supplex confugio humillime exorando quatenus mihi facultatem domum extravallatum in gremio civitatis hujus comparandi et fornicem errigendi gratiose concedere dignaretur et quidem potissimum ideo quod vi legis in statu quo relicti ad mentem interpretatiorum Excelsi consilii ordinum jus patris in me que ipsius filium derivatum sit: quod item fratri meo Laurentio facultas concessa sit domum emendi adeoque quo ad jura minime erit partim, quod tandem cessante fornice mercantili Jacobo Steiniano, actualis status fornicum in augeatur sed in suo esse permaneat. Quorum ductu dum iterum iterumque previo in merito suplicarem omni cum venerationis cultu persevero. Amplissimi Magistratus humilimus servus Iszrael Hertzeg Judaus quastor gremialis. Cum gremialibus mercatoribus fine pretanda desuper declarationis communicari in Senatu Zombor die 28 martii 1821. Celebrato Extradatum per Ivannem Lippay ordinarum notarium Ad Amplissimum Libere Regieque Civitatis Zomboriensis Magistratum Iszrael Hertzeg Judaus questor gremialis facultatem hic loci domum emendi et fornicem mercantilem erigendi sibi concedi supplicat. |
Exalted Magistrate, esteemed gentlemen! We humbly respond to the request of Izac Hertzeg, a Jewish salesman, who submitted a request to buy a house in this place and set up a shop for himself. According to the generous privilege and its articles 8 and 10, which were graciously granted to us and which are based on the gracious decision of His Majesty, and under number 13327, a document issued on June 9, 1800, it was decided as follows: that our Privileged Trade Association, which was numbered only 22 members, and that number then increased to 66, beyond the permitted measure, and to our material detriment, it must not grow at all - and this is prohibited by royal decree in Article 38, item 1791, and therefore no new Jews can be admitted to the city community. All this is dictated to us by numerous decisions of the Magistrate, such as those of March 9, 1798, number 342, then of June 9, 1799, number 22, and also the document of May 27, 1801, number 341. which say that all requests of Jews to enter the city community are automatically annulled. The real number of merchants in this urban community has already grown to such an extent that many of us are unable to obtain things basic for life, while others are forced to seek someone else's help, and all this is more than well known to the exalted Magistrate. Therefore: we kindly ask the exalted Magistrate, relying on his justice and good intentions, to annul the request of the Jew Izac Hertzeg (Isaac Hertzeg), in accordance with all the above, at least until the trade of the Jew Jacob Stein is closed. All his needs, meanwhile, can be covered by his two brothers and father, who already have their own separate shops. With respect and appreciation, Humble servants of the exalted Magistrate First signed and all other members of the Privileged Trade Association To the Exalted Magistrate of the free royal city of Sombor, esteemed gentleman. The privileged association of city merchants humbly responds to the request of the Jew Izac Hertzeg to be allowed to buy a house and open a shop - the association humbly begs the Magistrate, and on the basis of the higher decrees attached above, to cancel his request. Exalted Magistrate! Almost 40 years ago, my father received permission to establish his home in this city community and open a shop. He really opened a shop in the house where Mr. Basilius Athanatskovits (Vasilije Atanacković) issued him a permit for that, and then he was engaged in trade for a long time. Relying on the right of my father, with the fact that I have many children and that I am obliged to support them, I humbly ask the exalted Magistrate to allow me to buy a house and open a shop in this city community, especially since I have to rely on the law and interpretation of Decree No. 60, according to which the father's right is transferred to the son. Then we should take into account the fact that my brother Lawrence was also allowed to buy a house here, and we should not ignore the fact that due to the closure of Jakov Stein's shop, this will not increase the existing number of shops. Guided by these reasons, I once again ask the exalted Magistrate to respond positively to my request. With due respect, a humble servant of the exalted Magistrate, Izac Hertzegh (Isaac Hertzeg), a Jew and a city merchant. Submit the fiscal of the Magistrate to further state this. In the Senate of the City of Sombor, on March 28, 1821. Issued by Joannem Lippay (Jovan Lipaj), indebted notary |