A report on the topic of allocating the property of Philip Hajduska (Filip Hajduška) and his orphans

Identifier D_0086:517/1814
Title A report on the topic of allocating the property of Philip Hajduska (Filip Hajduška) and his orphans
Subject Philip Hajduska (Filip Hajduška), Martinus Boross (Martin Boroš), The Government of the Free Royal City of Sombor, Sombor, Jewish Community, orphans, mother, stepfather
Description A report on the topic of allocating the property of Philip Hajduska (Filip Hajduška) and his orphans and the question who is taking care of Sara and Jacob as their mother remarried and it's not clear why money for orhpans is not still used.
Creator Martinus Boross (Martin Boroš)
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Martinus Boross (Martin Boroš)
Date April 24th 1814
Type Text; report
Language Latin
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, Apirl 1814.
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Infrascriptus in sequelam Commisionis Magistratualis eatenus mihi dato Bona et orphanos denati ante 5 annos Philippi Hajduska, Judai et questoris hujatis conscribere volendo. Comperi Bona Testamento regulara jam divisa et relata esse, quin tamen massa hac aliquando proscriptam manipulationem orphanalem ingressu fuiset, igitur a Pupillorum curatoratus officio declaratio erigenda est, quare hac orphanalis massa hactenus normaliter proscripta modalitate manipulata non sit? Pro uberiori clarificatione hic hoc dumtaxat prenoto, quod Philippus Hajduska preter alias majorennes proles actu duas adhuc orphanas habeat, nimirum Jacobum 12 et Saram 9 annorum, ambo ha orphane prolies intertenentur et providentur per Matrem ad alia vota Jacobi Steini transenntem. Sigilatum Zomborini die 24a Aprilis 1814.

Martinus Boross Magister Commisionatus Senator

Super orphanali conscriptione Bonorum denati Philippi Hajduska Judai er questoris hujatis.

Naredni dokument je od reči do reči istovetan prethodnom

I, the undersigned, am in charge of the Magistrate to list the property and goods, and the orphan of Philip Hajduska, a local Jew and seller, especially an orphan born 5 years ago. The property listed in the will has already been mostly divided, however, there is a certain prescribed amount intended for the support of orphans, and the power of attorney over that money has been given to their guardians, so the question arises why the mentioned amount is still not used for that. For additional clarification, in addition to the adult children, there are two orphans, Jacobum (Jakov), 12 years old, and Saram (Sara), 9 years old, and both of these children are supported by their mother and stepfather, since she remarried Jakov Stein. Certified in the city of Sombor, on April 24, 1814.

Martinus Boross (Martin Boroš), senator in charge of the Magistrate

The report
On the topic of allocating the property of Philip Hajduska (Filip Hajduška), a local Jew and seller.

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