A plea of Josephus Flesh for the money he is eligible to receive

Identifier D_0085:609/1816
Title A plea of Josephus Flesh for the money he is eligible to receive
Subject Josephus Flesh, The Government of the Free Royal City of Sombor, Jewish Community, Bezdan, Kula,
Description Jisephus Flesh asks to be paid the remaining funds intended for orphans, to be written off from the orphanage and to receive the inheritance that follows him as an adult.
Creator Josephus Flesh
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Josephus Flesh
Date June 12, 1816
Type Text; Plea
Language Latin
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, June 1816
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Presentium ostensor Josephus Flesh juvenis Judaicus Annorum 22 etatis sua majorennitatis sua annos nec dum attingens minorennitati adhuc subjectus, sed enim idem in privilegiali oppido isthac Bezdan se firmum illocacaverit, viduamque matrem providendam habendo se matrimoniali vota cum Kulensi Judaici Vitriarii filia obstrindisset, eidem rata successionali Paterna Zomborini in Cassa Orphanali preelistans a reliquis minorennitatis annis merito dispensando secure et libere conferenda et extradanda hice per nos subscriptos in fidem competenti foro reperesentari et substerni. Sigilatum Bezdan die 12a Junii 1816.

Judai et Jurati Privilegiali oppidi Bezdan

Amplissime Magistratus!

Cum inviationis isthic sub adnexi Regio Casalis oppidi Bezdan – attentati viduam matrem victu ac amictu providendam haberem, sponsalia vero cum Kulensis Judaici Vitiarii filia jam contratissem vigesimum secundum porro etatis mea annum jam transcendissem, Pupilli vero jam 18a etatis anno sensu titulo numero 1a de Capitalibus disponere quirent Amplissimo Magistratui demisse supplex sum, quatenus …. successionalis Rata me respiciens ac gremiali publica Pupilari provisioni subjectum Capitale una cum exharente interusuris per gremialem cassam orphanalem mihi extradandum resolvere et exassignare dignaretur: debito cum venerationis cultu perseverando. Zomborini die 6a Julii 1816.

A, Magistratus
Humillimus cliens
Josephus Flesh
Judaus Bezdaniensis

Ad Ampilssimum Magistratum Libere Regieque Civitatis Zomboriensis, Dominos Singulariter colendissimos
Josephus Flesh Judaus Bezdaniensis capitale suam gremiali Pupillari provisioni subjectum sibi per cassa Pupillarum una cum exharente interusurio extradando resolvi et exassignati supplicat.
The bearer of this document, Josephus Flesh, a 22-year-old Jewish young man, who is no longer a minor, has already moved from here to the privileged city of Bezdan, having previously taken care of his widowed mother, and married in Kula the daughter of a Jewish glazier from that city. The remaining money for the support of the orphans that he had left in the coffers of the city of Sombor and which was intended for him until he came of age. We, the undersigned, assure that the money belongs to him and that it should be entrusted to him safely and freely. Certified in Bezdan, on June 12, 1816.

Jews, sworn citizens of the privileged city of Bezdan

Exalted Magistrate!

With the attachment of this document, I declare that I left the city of Bezdan, leaving in it a mother who is a widow and whom I provided with the basic necessities of life, and that I married the daughter of a Jewish glassmaker from Kula, since I was over 22 and over. at the age of 18 the status of an orphan, I ask the exalted Magistrate to pay me the arrears of what belonged to me as an orphan and to inherit the funds that subsequently belong to me by law. With due respect, in Sombor on July 6, 1816.

Humble servant Of the Exalted Magistrate Joseph Flash A Jew from Bezdan

To the Exalted Magistrate of the free royal city of Sombor, esteemed gentleman Josephus Flesh, a Jew from Bezdan, asks to be paid the remaining funds intended for orphans, to be written off from the orphanage and to receive the inheritance that follows him as an adult.