A correpondence between members of the Jewish community and officials of the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor regarding right of Jews for indepent election of representatives

Identifier D_0082:862/1811
Title A correpondence between members of the Jewish community and officials of the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor regarding right of Jews for indepent election of representatives
Subject Jewish community, The Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor, Representatives, Judge, Rabbi, Election, Payment, Correspondence, Religion rights
Description A correpondence contains several opinions of the officials of the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor and members of the Jewish community of Sombor. Their correspondence is following question of Jewish rights to elect independently from Magistrate representatives of their community such as Judge, rabbi, cantors etc.
Creator Đorđe Janković, Matija Lang; members of the Jewish community of Sombor, Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Đorđe Janković, Matija Lang; members of the Jewish community of Sombor; David Konjević, Nikola Leović, Salamon Veisz, Pavle Fratričević, Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Date July 30th-27th October, 1811
Type Text; Thank-You Note
Language Latin
Coverage Novi Sad and Free Royal City of Sombor, July-October 1811
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Erga quorumdam gremialis Judaica Communitatis Primorum sibi super eo, quod videlicet in gremio Civitatis hujus formalis Judaica communitatis praetistat quod eadem judicem suum suosque juratos communitatis assessores orphanorum curatorem, Syndicos tribunum plebis, Rabinos, Cantores, Circumcisores ut habeat, quod item proprium macellum, et jus pro suo religionis hominibus liquores epocillandi habeant, testimonium perhiberi petentium: requisitionem testamur et recognoscimus in gremio Civitatis hujus pro ut petitum sonat, formalem Judaicam communitatem, proprium quo ad ritus sui acta et facta judicem et juratos assessores qui singulo anno in conformitate normalium sua Majestatis Sacratissima Ordinum sub Presidio Magistratualis Deputationis per eandem Communitatem restaurari solent, non minus reliqua ad essentiam plenam formalis Judaica communitatis individua habentem praexistere, qua jus macelli et epocillationis habet, pro jure tamen macelli, et epocillationis titulo recognitionis juris regalis quovis anno singilativos quadrigentos florenos annuos Cassa Civitatis solvit, beneficia vero hac sua religionis hominibus licitatione mediante exarendare et lucrum inde promanans ad dotationem Rabinorum, schola docentis et aliorum Communitatis respective ministrorum, respective etiam servisorum nec non ad supportando in extraordinariis casibus onera publica convertere solet. In cujus fidem appressa Civitatis hujus sigillo subscripsimus. Neoplanta die 30a Julii 1811. L.S. Georgius Jankovits m.p. Consul, Mathias Lang m.p. ord. notarius.

Presentem copiam suo originali conformam esse testor Zomborini die 5a 7bris 1811.
Nicolaus Leovits juratus civitatis cancellarius

Amplissime Magistratus Domini Nobis Singulariter Colendissimi!

Tracterium Judaicum, seu Jus Extraneos Judaos ad gremium Civitatis huius advenientes Hospitio, victu et liquoribus erga solvendorum solutionem providendi hucdum publica Licitatione mediante plurimum offerenti plerumque exarendatum fuisse equidem verum est; verum tamen una est ex simili licitationali exarendatione inter Tracterii hujus arendatorem et ceteros gremiales Judaos controversias ideo semper enatas fuisse, quod arendator hic illos quoque Extraneos ad gremium Civitatis hujus venientes Judaos, qui per nostrum aliquem hospitio et victu gratuitis providebantur, erga respectivam solutionem cum gravi sui prejudicio simili victu et hospitio provideri assolere continuo declaraverit et sic propter usurecaptam hanc licitationalem Tracterii huius Judaici exarendationem eo plane deventum fuit, ut ne quidem consanguineos, affinitate nobis junctos, amicos, quastus socios, pauperes, eo minus veralios ad gremium Civitatis hujus venientes, qua tansennantes Judaos gratis et absque omni pecuniaria solutione hospitio, et victu excipere nobis hucdum integrum fuerit: Quia vero nos preter unicum cumque satis restrictum quastum aliis rite media querendi modis destituti sumus, quastum vero , dum Extranei Judai a Domum et quarteriorum nostrorum accessu arcentur, labefactari, taliterque nos dependendorum onerum publicorum incapaces reddi, riteque mediis frustrari debere consequens foret, quia porro hac ratione legali illo Jure, vigore cujus cuivis rebus suis utendi et disponendi libera facultas comperit privaremur; quia demum ipse leges Divina id, ut proximis nostris pro posse beneficia prestemus , injungentis taliter effectui mancipari haud quirent: Ideo ad similes Tracterii Judaici arendatorum usurecaptas querelas et ex his promanantes preallatas nobis admodum prejudiciosas consequentes in futurum efficaciter propediendas Amplissimum Magistratum demissis interpellare presummimus precibus quatenus antelatum Tracterium Judaicum cum Jure Educilli conjunctum erga certam numero et quantitari tam gremialium, quam et Extraneorum per Civitatem hanc transennantium, aut in gremio Civitatis hujus tantis per commorantium Judaorum commensurandum fixam annuam arendam nobis, nostrisque successoribus semet pro semper cum eo exarendare dignetur, ut pro ratione evenebilium temporis adjunctorum et interventurarum circumstantiarum beneficium hocce cui cui sufficientem eatenus cautionem probituro plurimum offerenti gremiali Judaos publica Licitatione mediante per nos etiam subarendari possit. Demissa huic supplicationi nostra locum dandum esse suadet etiam id, quod hac ratione Civitatis hacce stabilem, fixum, certumque quotannis a beneficio hocce habitura esset proventum.
Aliud, quod ab Amplissimo Magistratu nobis deferri instamus est, ut nobis velut liberum Religionis nostra exericitium in Regno hocce ceteroquin habentibus unum in Re nostra Religionaria superiorem controversas, alique Spheram hanc tangentia objecta superare et dirimere valeantum quotannis in concursu unius Magistralis eatenus exmittendi individui eligendi facultatem impetiri dignetur.
Demissis hisce petivis nostris Amplissimum Magistratum tanto certius gratiose delaturum confidimus, quanto luculentius est ductu hicce sub in copia adnexi et pro re nata in origine etiam reproducendi attestati id ipsum velut altissimis Normalibus Dispositionibus non modo non contrarians, quin potius coherens in aliis quoque Liberis Regiis Civitatibus, signanter vero Neoplantensi introductu haberi, debito cum venerationis cultu perseverndo. Zomborini die 24 aug. 1811.

Amplissimi Magistratus
Humillimi clientes
Franciscus, Lazarus, Jacobus, Leopoldus, Philippus et Casparus omnes Stein, Laurentius item et Israel ambo Herczegh, nec non Simon Hay et Simon Hajduska, Abramus Hajduska et Simon Veisz – Judai gremiales nomine totius gremialis Judaica Communitatis

Cum Salamone Veisz gremiali Judao fine depromendatum relate ad Tracterium Judaicum intra quindenam communicari. In Senatu Zombor die 6a septembris 1811. Celebrato

Extradatum per Davidem Konyovits juratum Civitatis vicenotarium

Ad Amplissimum Magistratum Libere Regieque Civitatis Zomboriensis Dominos Singulariter Colendissimos
Gremialis Judaica communitas Tracterium Judaicum cum Jure Educilli pro more solito conjunctum erga certam fixam numera et quantitati tam gremialium qua Extraneorum hic loci tantisper commorantium et respective transennantium Judaorum commensurandam annuam arendam semet pro semper sibi exarendari et unum in Re Religionaria superiorem quotannis eligendi facultatem sibi concedi demisse supplicat.

Per Nicolaum Leovits juratum Civitatis Cancellarium

Amplissime Magistratus Dommini mihi singulriter Colendissimi!

Ad hicce sub ………. Readvolutam Instantiam gremialis Judaica Communitatis et mecum fine depromendarum refelxionum relate ad Judaicum Tracterium intra quindenam communitatem, sequentibus humillime respondeo me in casu hacce nullas reflexiones depromere posse , sed suplex sum Amplissimo Magistratui, dignetur egeno et misero statui meo succurrere mihique Judaicum Tracterium, seu Jus extraneos Judaos victu et hospitio excipiendi expirante alioquin Termino cum fine mensis octobris, ultro quoque erga per me solvendam arendalem summam 609 r. florenorum in arendam gratiose elocare dignaretur; in reliquo gratis sum patrocinarium et protectionem exorans, altis pratiis devotus jugi cum venerationis cultu emorior. Zomborini die 27 7bris 1811.

Amplissimi Magistratus
Humillimus cliens
Salamon Veisz
Judaicus Tracterius gremialis

Determinatum est:
Cum fisco Magistratuali fine depromendarum reflexiounum suarum Communicari. In Senatu Zombor die 25 septembris 1811. Celebrato.
Extradatum per Davidem Konyevits juratum civitatis vicenotarium

Ad Amplissimum Libere Regieque Civitatis Zomboriensis Magistratum Dominos Singulariter colendissimos
Humillimum responsum
Salamonis Vaisz gremialis Judai Tracterii
ad instantiam
Communitatis Judaica gremialis
In merito tracterii Judaici

Infrascriptus ad exigentiam Magistratualis erga readvolutam gremialis Judaica Communitatis Tracterium Judaicum erga certam fixam annuam arendam pro stabili exarendari et unum in Re Religionaria superiorem quotannis eligendi facultatem sibi concedi supplicantis instantiam, desuperque prestitum actualis arendatoris Salamonis Vaisz responsum dedato 25a 7bris a.c. no protocolli 1236 interventa determinationis reflexiones meas deprompturus humillime censeo, instantionalia instantis communitatis petita, habita etiam motivorum instantionatem aductorum ratione vel ideo maxime, quod Tracterii Judaici usuintroductis proventus pro libere Regalis Civitatis hujus beneficio stricte summi nequeat, sub ictum proinde altiorum ordinum Beneficia Civitatis Regalia publica licitatione mediante plus offerentibus exarendanda esse percipientium minus cadat, quod porro in Re Religionaria superiorem unum sub Cautela Instantionaliter declarata eligendi facultas sensu etiam Colomanni Libri 1 capitis 47 iisdem competat, ex parte fisci civici dummodo arenda pro prettacto Tracterio quotannis dependenda exigua haud sit Magistratuali Tentinio in salvo permanente controversi nequire. Zomborini die 12a 8bris 1811.

Paulus Fratricsevics prelibata Civitatis ord. fiscalis Magistratualis

Fisci Magistratualis Libere Regieque Civitatis Zomboriensis ad exigentiam Magistratualis erga readvolutam gremialis Judaica communitatis Instantiam desuperque prestitam Salamonis Veisz responsum dedato 25 7bris 1811. No prot. 1236 interventa determinationis deprompta.
With regard to the demands of the leaders of the Jewish community to have within their community their judge, their sworn representatives, orphans, representatives of the people's tribunes, rabbis, cantors, circumcisers, and also their own butcher as required by the law of their religion in respect of food and drink, the following should be stated: we testify and recognize that within the city community the official Jewish community, in accordance with its request, already has a judge and judicial assistants who are elected each year in accordance with His Majesty's decrees and under the supervision of the Magistrate; as for their religious customs related to food and drink, according to the law of the Kingdom, the city treasury allocates 40 florins for that every year; Privileges for people of their faith, which are related to the lease, are obtained every year through an auction, and the income obtained from there is given to rabbis, those who teach in schools and other officials of that community, and part is left for extraordinary fees to city. That all this is credible is confirmed by the seal of this city and our signature. In Novi Sad, on July 30, 1811, ĐordjeJanković, consul, in his own hand, Matija Lang, notary in charge, in his own hand.
I certify that this document is identical to its original. In Sombor, on September 5, 1811.
Nikola Leović, sworn City Chancellor

Exalted Magistrate, esteemed gentlemen!

It is true that the Jewish inn, or the law of providing hospitality to foreign Jews who come to the city community, that is, supplying newcomers with food and drink, has so far been awarded to the one who offers the highest amount at a public auction; also, however, it is stated that the auction for the lease of the inn constantly caused numerous disputes between the tenant and other members of the Jewish community, because the tenant often accused those Jews who received newcomers and provided them with hospitality and food free of charge,thereby causing damage. Therefore, due to the monopoly over the mentioned inn, it obviously happened that we were forbidden to receive our blood relatives, relatives, friends, the poor and those in need, and to provide hospitality to the passing Jews without any monetary payment. Therefore, since we were denied any right to receive foreign Jews in our home due to the mentioned prohibition, this violated our basic right and law to freely use and dispose of our own property. Since God's law itself requires us to provide services to our neighbors in accordance with the possibilities, there is also a need to get rid of this kind of prohibition. Because there are numerous similar complaints from the tenants of the Jewish inn, and consequently the damages and penalties we bear, we humbly ask the exalted Magistrate to set a fixed minimum annual rental price for the lease of the Jewish inn, closely related to the law on wineries. with the number of Jews who come and go through our city, temporarily staying here, so that the mentioned privilege of lease would be available to us and our heirs in the coming times, in such a way that the one who offers the highest amount of money at the public auction gets the lease. This request of ours has an additional reason to be accepted, and that is to pay off for this city to have a stable, fixed and certain income from the mentioned privilege every year.
What we also ask the exalted Magistrate is to allow us the right to, in the name of free practice of our own faith, be allowed to elect one representative to the competition every year in disputes concerning higher instances regarding religion dealing.
We hope that these requests of ours will be generously answered by the sublime Magistrate before they not only do not contradict the highest decrees, but agree with them, as they are in accordance with the decrees of other free royal cities, primarily the city of Novi Sad. Obedient, and with due respect, in Sombor, on August 24, 1811.

Humble servants
Of the Exalted Magistrate
Franciscus, Lazarus, Jacobus, Leopoldus, Philippus et Casparusomnes Stein, Laurentius item et Israel ambo Herczegh, nec non Simon Hay et Simon Hajduska, AbramusHajduska et Simon Veisz- Jews on behalf of and in front of the entire Jewish community

Testimony from Solomon Weiss, a member of the Jewish community regarding the case, should be taken within 5 days. In the Senate of the city of Sombor, on September 6, 1811.
Issued by David Konjović, city viceroy

To the Exalted Magistrate of the free royal city of Sombor, esteemed gentleman
The Jewish community begs that the privilege of renting a Jewish inn related to the law on wineries be determined by a precise annual rental price that would be in line with the number of Jews temporarily residing in the city or just passing through, and also begs to be granted the right to choose one person who would deal with the resolution of religious disputes at a higher level.
Nikola Leović, sworn city chancellor

Exalted Magistrate and esteemed gentlemen!

Regarding the request to state my position on the request of the Jewish community regarding the lease of the Jewish inn within five days, I humbly answer with this statement that I have nothing else to say, but to ask the exalted Magistrate to have mercy on my poverty and unfortunate condition and to, since the term of my lease expires at the end of October, he generously gave me the opportunity to re-lease the inn at a price of 609 rubles florins. I remain obedient and at the service, with due respect, in Sombor on October 27, 1811.
Humble servant
Of the Exalted Magistrate
Tenant of a Jewish inn

It was decided:
To convey this statement and discuss it with the magistrate's office.In the Sombor Senate, on September 25, 1811.
Published by David Konjević, city viceroy

To the Exalted Magistrate of the free royal city of Sombor and to the esteemed gentleman
Humble answer
SalamonVeisz, a tenant of a Jewish inn
On request
City Jewish Communities
On the subject of the Jewish inn

I, the undersigned, at the request of the Magistrate regarding the request of the Jewish community to determine a fixed annual rent for the stable collection of rent and to allow the Jewish community the opportunity to choose one person each year to resolve higher religious issues, and taking into account Solomon's statement Weiss from September 25 of the current year, protocol number 1236, I modestly express my opinions on the whole case: regarding the request of the Jewish community, since it has a basis and reason, it must be said that the income from the Jewish inn cannot be only the subject of city administration, is already under the jurisdiction of the higher provisions of the royal cities on privileges, and this privilege must be granted on the basis of a public auction, as specified in the higher decrees on confession of faith in Coloman's Book No. 1, Chapter 47, which also allows the right to the election of a representative of the religious community to deal with issues and disputes of a religious nature. As long as this is the case and as long as a stable income is paid to the city treasury from the lease of the mentioned Jewish inn, there are no reasons to conduct any disputes. In Sombor on October 12, 1811.

Pavle Fratričević, fiscal official of the mentioned city

Fiscal of the Free Royal City of Sombor at the request of the Magistrate, regarding request of the Jewish community, as well as the testimony of Salamon Veisz given on September 25, 1811, under protocol number 1236.