The report on the settlement and working permit request of Jew Flösch Salamon to the City Council of the Free Royal City of Sombor

Identifier D_0071:3/1841
Title The report on the settlement and working permit request of Jew Flösch Salamon to the City Council of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Subject Flösch Salamon, B. Eőtvős Ignácz, Ambrus Mihály, The Parliament of the Board of Governors of the Kingdom of Hungary in Buda, Request, Settlement and working permit, Soap maker
Description The Report by Ambrus Mihály to the City Council of the Free Royal City of Sombor in which he reports that the Parliament of the Board of Governors of the Kingdom of Hungary in Buda received request for the settlement and working permit by Jewish soap maker Flösch Salamon.
Creator Ambrus Mihály, The Parliament of the Board of Governors of the Kingdom of Hungary in Buda
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Ambrus Mihály, The Parliament of the Board of Governors of the Kingdom of Hungary in Buda
Date December 15th, 1841
Type Text; Report on request
Language Hungarian
Coverage Buda, The Kingdom of Hungary, December 1840; Free Royal City of Sombor, March 1841
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Becsületre méltó értelmesek, és gondosok!
Flösch Salamon Izraelita Szappanos Mesternek Esedezőlevele mellyben magának Városuk kebelében a lakhatási jogot megadatni, s mesterségének űzhetését megengedhetni kéri; T Városi Tanátsnak adandó Tudósítás végett, visszavárólag ide mellékelve általtétetik. Kelt Budán a királyi Magyar Helytartó Tanátsnak, Ezer nyolc száz negyvenedik Évében, karátson hó Tizenőtődikén tartatott Tanáts Űléséből.
Ezen Városi Tanátsnak
Jó akarói.
B. Eőtvős Ignácz
Ambrus Mihály
Zombor Városának

39463 Zombor Szabad Királyi Városa általunk becsülendő értelmes és gondos N.N. Fő- Birájának, Polgár-Mesterének, s többi Tanátsnokainak, hites polgárainak; és egész Községének.

The honorable are reasonable and considerate!

The request of Flösch Salamon, a Jewish master of soap making, in which he begs to be granted the right to reside in your city and to be allowed to practice his craft; For reporting to the esteemed City Council, the same will be attached here. It was created at the session of the Parliament of the Council of Lieutenancy of the Kingdom of Hungary in Buda on December 15th, 1840.
of this City Council
B. Eőtvős Ignácz
Ambrus Mihály
City of Sombor

39463 Reasonable and careful supreme judge, Mayor and other councilors, loyal citizens of the Free and Royal City of Sombor and the entire municipality.
By position
for Sombor