An order not to allow Jews to buy crops before collecting provisions for the army

Identifier D_0054:678/1805
Title An order not to allow Jews to buy crops before collecting provisions for the army
Subject The Government of the Free Royal City of Sombor, Jews, Council of Lieutenancy of the Kingdom of Hungary
Description An order by the Council of Lieutenancy of the Kingdom of Hungary in Buda to the Court in Sombor not to allow Jews to buy crops before collecting provisions for the army
Creator Council of Lieutenancy of the Kingdom of Hungary
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Royal Council of Hungary in Buda
Date October 28, 1805.
Type Text; order
Language Latin
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, Buda, October 1805
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Prudens ac Circumspecte!

Cum sua Majestas …. in Benignis Prepositionibus huis Regiis pro necessitate exercitus subsidium etiam in Anuana frugibus quippe panalibus et Avena in … Preparanum a …… Regni dicetaliter congregatis desideret, hos vero B. huic desiderio pro viribus salis facturas sperare liceat, hinc nota hac altissima suae Majestatis … Intactione ne Judaei aliique vocivi …… sine propemendarum memoratarum frugum Regnum percurrare incipient hac autem ratione promptissimam etiam Regnicolarum fruges parolas et Avenam in natura prestandi voluntatem admodum difficilem reddant eisdem serio committitur ut permitiosis hujusmodi peremptoribus omni posibili sedulitate invigilet eosque ab attentanda memoratarum frugum peremptione efficaciter …… Sed cum una etiam scire aparteat procurationem hujus annis menssisque resultatum eidem inpingitur, ut in quantum relationes et informationes intimicato dedato 17 Julii a.c. no 17627exertie prestitie adhuc non finissent, quo …… submittantur. Datum ex Consilio Regio L. Hungarico Budae, die vigesima tertia mensis octobris , anno Millesimo octingentesimo quinto celebrato.

Potpis necitak

Presentis die 28. Oct 1805
Judai aliique perviciosi …..eneratores a pre emendis frugibus efficaciter sarcendi
Prudenti ac Circumspecto N. N. Liberae Regiaeque Civitatis Zomboriensis Judici consignandum
Ex officio Zomborinum ……
Wise and respected!

Since His Majesty, in the benevolent decrees of this Kingdom, ordered that for the needs of supporting the army, in addition to the annual crops from which bread is made, a certain amount of oats be set aside, it is ordered that all these crops shall be collected for that purpose. If you wish, as much as you can, do your best to carry out this order of the Most High Majesty, and not to touch the mentioned crops, nor to allow the Jews to buy cereals before this condition is fulfilled. Please make sure that this is the case with regard to the above-mentioned cereals and that what is collected by the date of July 17, and according to Article 17627, and which has not yet been handed over for the above-mentioned purpose, is delivered where it is needed. Issued by the Council of Lieutenancy of the Kingdom of Hungary in Buda on October 23, 1805.

Signature illegible

On October 28, 1805.
An order not to allow Jews to buy crops before collecting provisions for the army
To the wise and highly respected Judge of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Office in Sombor