An order regarding people who left their residences without permission

Identifier D_0052:65/1798
Title An order regarding people who left their residences without permission
Subject Vagrants, Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor, Council of Liutenancy of the Kingdom of Hungary
Description An order requesting that all people who left their homes and families without permission must return until due date and justify their absence. There is also an instruction for the Magistrate on how to organize files and documents regarding this issue.
Creator Council of Liutenancy of the Kingdom of Hungary
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Council of Liutenancy of the Kingdom of Hungary, Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Date January 16th, 1798
Type Text; Order
Language Latin
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, January 1798
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Prudentes ac Circumspecti, Nobis honorandi!

Creditioribus Nobilis Martini Buday per Comitatum Bihariensem ad gremialem suam Possessionem Ér-Adony Concursum in diem 12am Martii anni praesentis 1798 praestitutum haberi: Civico huic Magistratui sine solitae publicationis Consilium hoc Regium Locumtenentiale intimat. De Dato 9. Januarii 1798.

Edictales Terminos ad comparendum certae Evae Dregány alias Pater a marito suo Adamo Csiki, Oppidi Hajdonicalis Nánás Incola ante annos 7 profugae, per Districtualem Oppidorum Hajdonicalium Magistratum in dies imos affuturorum mensium Martii, Aprilis, et Maji, - item Joanni Slezak alias Szluchár, e Possessione Peklanetz Comitatui Sárossiensi ingremiata oriundo, adhuc anno 1791 accepta secum filia sua 12 annorum, semet a conjuge sua Maria Gubáska Possesionis Bethlér Comitatui Gömöriensi adjacentis Inhabitatrice perfide subducenti per Comitatum Gömöriensem in diem I. mensis Februarii, et Martii, nec non in 2dam Aprilis a. I. praefixos esse: Civico huic Magistratui sine instituendae in sui gremio publicationis hisce intimatur. De Dato 9. Januarii 1798.

Ad obtinendum in officiosis agendis exactum, celerioremque manipulationis ordinem, Consilium hocce Locumtenentiale Regium Civicum hunc Magistratum hisce reflectendum habet; ut in conformitate intimatarum Eidem praevigentium altiorum dispositionum, deinceps Datum, Annum, et Numerum Intimati, ad quod Relationes horsum praestandas habet, non minus, ac Extractus in dorso Relationum suarum accurate semper exponere noverit. De Dato 16. Januarii 1798.

Theophilo Friderico Borsch, Agente Imperiali Aulico, qua tamen Principatus Nassoviense-Saarbrücensis Mandatario Annam Mariam nuptam Sivert antehac Viduam Reuterianam, aut si illa jam satis functa fuisset, filium ejusdem Franciscum Reuter, aut hujus haeredes de Successione iisdem per absentiam Joannis Philipi Best, in Territorio Wisbadiensi enata edoceri ultro quoque petente, Civicus hic Magistratus in consequentiam intimate sub 19. Septembris a. p. N. 19474 abhinc dimissi, ad praeattactorum Haeredum perquisitionem, ac ad casum detectionis ordinandam eorum de enata praememorata Haereditate edoctionem, praestandamque subinde de effectu Relationem, de altissimo Jussu Regio hisce denuo reflectitur. De Dato 16. Januarii 1798.
Georgio Kiss ex Oppido Békes oriundo, profesione Arculario, helveticae Confessioni addict, ab uxore sua ejusdem Confessionis Maria Nagy, actu quoque in praeattacto Oppido Békes commorante, semet perfide subducenti, - ita etiam Mariae Kováts, august. Confessionem profitenti, Maritum suum Samuelem Bistritsan, Contribuentem Pannificem in Oppido Szarvas degentem, iterates vicibus perfide deferenti, et defacto absenti Terminos Edictales per Comitatum Békessinesem in dies imos affuturorum mensium Martii, Aprilis, et Maji a. I. pro comparitione, legitimandaque absentia praestitutos haberi: Civico huic Magistratui sine instituendae in sui gremio publicationis intimatur. Datum ex Consilio Regio Locumtenentiali Hungarico, Budae, Die Decima Sexta Mensis Januarii Anno Millesimo, Septingnntesimo, Nonagesimo Octavo celebrato.

Eorundem Benevoli ………………….

Martini Budaj concursus Eva Dragany et Joannis Slezak edictales termini representati….. his datum annum etnintimatum ad quod submit…… una cum extratu meriti ………….. apponenda. Anna Maria Reuter et ejus incurssores querendi. Georgii Kiss et Maria Kovacs et pub…. eadem

Prudentibus ac circumspectis N. N. Judici Primario, Consuli, caeterisque Senatoribus, ac Juratis Civibus, Totique Communitati Liberae, Regieque Civitatis Zomboriensis Nobis Honorandis.
Ex officio Zomborinum

Wise and esteemed, which we highly respect!

To the trustees of the noble Martinus Buday, who was to be appointed to a municipal estate called Ér Adony through the County of Bihar on March 12, 1798: the Council of Lieutenancy of the Kingdom entrusts the City Magistrate to do so without the usual announcement. On January 9, 1798.

The deadlines for the appearance of a certain Eva Dregany, also known as Pater, who ran away from her husband Adamus Csiki, a resident of Hajdúnánás, seven years ago, are according to the decision of the Hajdúnánás City Magistrate at the end of March, April or May; the same goes for Jovan Slezak, also known as Szluchar, from the Peklanetz estate in Sáros County and which he received from the municipality in 1791 together with his 12-year-old daughter and his wife Maria Gubaska, who lives on the Bethler estate in Gömör County. Their deadlines to appear are February 1, March 1, or April 2 at the latest; the city Magistrate is entrusted not to accept them publicly into his community without fulfilling that condition. On January 9, 1798.

In order to achieve faster and smoother performance of tasks, this Council Lieutenancy of the Kingdom orders the following changes to the city Magistrate: for the sake of uniformity of already existing cases to be written from existing documents, then year, date and number of documents, then their connection with previous cases, and then, on the reverse, accurately identify the subject's connections to others. Dated January 16, 1798.

At the mediation of Theophilus Fridericus Borsch, a royal imperial official, and by order of the Duchy of Nassau Saarbrücken, this city Magistrate, in accordance with the document dated September 19, No. 19474, asks that Anna Maria Sivert, formerly widow Reuter, who was born in Wiesbaden, appears at the request of the descendants, in order to enumerate her heirs for the sake of inheritance. If she has already done so, then her son Franciscus Reuter or her other heirs in order should appear, due to the absence of Joannis Philipus Best. Dated January 16, 1798.

This city Magistrate is entrusted with no longer counting as members of this community Georgius Kiss, who was born in the town of Békés, a jeweler by profession, of the Protestant faith, and who lived in the town of Békés with his wife Maria Nagy, who cunningly moved away from there. The same goes for Samuel Bistrican, a woolmaster, who lived in the town of Szarvas with his wife Maria Kovats, of the Catholic faith, and who was on several occasions perfidiously absent, and is wanted to appear due to absence by the end of March, April or May at the latest to justify their absence. Issued by the Council of Lieutenancy of the Kingdom of Hungary, in Buda on January 16, 1798.

Their well-meaning
(illegible signatures)