Appeal of Lazarus Stein to the Magistrate for the opening of the new store

Identifier D_0049:471/1799
Title Appeal of Lazarus Stein to the Magistrate for the opening of the new store
Subject Lazarus Stein (Lazar Stein), The Government of the Free Royal City of Sombor, Jacobum Lallosevits (Jakob Lalosevic), new store, trade guild, Sombor
Description Lazarus Stein (Lazar Stein), son of Francisci Stein (Franjo Stein) asks the Magistrate for the premission to open/modify store for his personal use. The decision of his appeal will be known in 15 days after the consulatations with the members of the city trade guild of both Orthodox and Catholic faiths, that was decided by the Jacobum Lallosevits (Jakob Lalosevic)
Creator Lazarus Stein (Lazar Stein)
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Lazarus Stein (Lazar Stein), Jacobum Lallosevits (Jakob Lalosevic)
Date December 7, 1798.
Type Text; appeal
Language Latin
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, December 1798.
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Amplissime Magistratus! Domini mihi singulariter colendissimi!

Praesentibus A. Magistratui humillime supplicare praesumo, ut mihi exercitium Juris quastus a Georgio Kop gremiali inhabitatore actu Koczianam Domum in arenda servante emptione mediante recepti gratiose admittere dignetur ex subsequis rationibus:
Quod me hisce declarem me nunquam merces ad ulnam distrahibiles servaturum quod genitor meus Jus mercatus a Perillustri Domino Senatore Demetrovics receptum ad suos reliquos filios extendere haud intentionetur, et semel pro semper huic favori renunciet.
Quod per gratiose indulgendam in gremio Civitatis hujus fornicis adaperitionem non multiplicentur fornices sed per aliud individuum jam praexistens fornis administretur duntaxat, siquidem in locum suprafati Kop infrascriptus questum exercerem.
Ex his motivis eo pro superpondio addito quod genitor meus a multis annis in hac Civitate degens omnia imposita onera alacri tulerit animo, et per fatale ante aliquot annos in sua vicinia exortum incendium ad tenuem rerum suarum Statum redactus nullum plane filiis suis succurendi possideat medium dignetur A. Magistratus gratiose decernere, ut mihi infraserto non novum, sed quoad personalem administrationem tantum mutatum liceat erigere mercatum.

Amplissimi Magistratus
Zomborini die 7a Decembris 1798
Humillimus servus
Lazarus Stein
Gremialis quastoris Francisci Stein filius

Ad Amplissimum Liberae Regiaeque Civitatis Zomboriensis Magistratum Dominos peculiariter colendissimos

Humillima instantia Lazari Stein gremialis questoris Francisci Stein filii

Determinatum est:
Cum gremialibus tam Graeci ritus quam et R. Chatolicis mercatoribus eo sine communicari; quatenus intra terminum quindennalem responsionem suam exhibere noverint. In Senatu Zombor die 21a decembris 1798.
Per Jacobum Lallosevits
Dear Magistrate! Dear gentlemen!

With this document, I humbly ask the Supreme Magistrate to generously allow me to buy a house by law from Georgio Kop, a resident of the city community, which I am currently only renting, and to allow me to do so for the following reasons:
Because I hereby declare that I will not sell and carry goods in two shops at the same time, and because my father, who received the right to trade from the most brilliant senator Demetrovics (Demetrovic) under trade law, but he has no intention of transferring that right to his other sons and always objected to doing so.
Therefore, I ask that you generously allow me to open a store in this city community, not to have more stores, but to work in only one, instead of the mentioned Kop.
For the reasons mentioned, and also because my father, living in this city for years, willingly performed all his legal obligations, but a few years ago a terrible fire broke out in his neighborhood and he lost so much property that he left almost nothing to his sons, so it is appropriate for the esteemed Magistrate to graciously decide to issue me a permit, not to open another, but only one but modified store for my personal use.

To the Exalted Magistrate
In Sombor on December 7, 1798.
Humble servant
Lazarus Stein (Lazar Stein)
Son of the city quaestor Francisci Stein (Franjo Stein)

To the Exalted Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor and to the esteemed gentleman
Humble request of Lazari Stein (Lazar Stein), son of the city quaestor Francisci Stein (Franjo Stein)

It was decided:
To talk to the members of the city trade guild of both Orthodox and Catholic faiths, and to answer the petitioner's request within 15 days. In the city of Sombor on December 21, 1798.
Jacobum Lallosevits (Jakob Lalosevic)