An offer for purchasing buckwheat

Identifier D_0043:411/1798
Title An offer for purchasing buckwheat
Subject Sigmund Strobel, Buckwheat, Purchase, Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Description Sigmund Strobel offers to buy off 1000 measures of buckwheat
Creator Sigmund Strobel
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Sigmund Strobel, Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Date May 1st, 1798
Type Text; Offer
Language Latin
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, May 1798
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Amplissime Magistratus Domini mihi Colendissimi

Sub hodierno accipio literas tam ex Domino Stigisisz, quam etiam sillosino, ubi mihi significatur, quod ex mixto tritico nihil amplius venumdari posit, cum ipsi subliti, exigum ad remansit coemant verum hodie advenit Navis ….. cum ….. seguricos 1700 mercetis Posoniensis onerata huc Bajam, ubi in loco nobis 5f 18….. appronturis, provide Posoniensi verum cum jam nuper pro parte Libere Regieque Civitatis ejatis appronserim, hinc etiam prius amplissimo Magistratui id ipsum significandum …. Ac una interogandi utrum toto quantum … pro parte egentiorum Civium retinerent a 5f 30…. Siquidem pro vectura nova condicta occasione 4 grossi desiderarent aut fors ipsi cives erga tantundem Seu preparatam solutionem soli emerent mihi per eunde expressu notificare non gravarent. Qui in reliquis expertis favoribus comendatus manus.

Amplissimo Magistratui
Baja die 1 Maii
Obligatisimus Servus Sigismundus Strobel, Bonor ……. ……. …….

Strobl Sigismundus 1000 mettas Fagopyri Civitati huic emendas offert.
Amplissimo Libera Regia Civitatis Zomboriensis Magistratui et Dominis mihi singulariter Colendissimis

Amplissimum Libere ac Regie Civitatis Zombor Magistratum

Ex quo mihi relatum est per Laurentium Matarits, quod certus Martinus Mattarits consanguineus ejus obiverit, vidua autem ilium ad secunda vota Monossors Lehinum transiens duas femellas proles habens remansam substantiam cum prajudicio prolium dillapides. Hinc apud eundem Amplimum Magistratum humillime recurro, quatenus pro securritate dictarum prolium substantiam hanc ex domo, vinea, escura, equis ac aliis minutiis consissens conscribi ac distrahi facere dignaretur.

Sigilatum Zombor die 12a Decembris 1798
Ejusdem Amplimi Magistratus
Humillimus servus Joannes Zoller praecurator …………..

Martini Mattarits substantiam remansam conscribi petit procurator.
Exalted Magistrate and esteemed gentlemen!

On this day, I received a letter from Mr. Stigišić about the condition of his silo, informing me that there was nothing left of the mixed wheat that could be sold further, and that what little was left had already been bought. However, today a ship loaded with 1,700 measures of buckwheat arrived from Pressburg here in Baja, where one part of the cargo will be intended for the needs of Pressburg, and the other I suggest to offer for the needs of this Free Royal City and on this occasion I inform the exalted Magistrate. For the transport of this new cargo, a fee of 4 groschen (?) should be paid, so the citizens can then buy it individually. I remain faithful and in every way at your service,

To the Exalted Magistrate
In Baja, on May 1
Humble servant Sigmund Strobel (Sigismundus Strobel)

Sigmund Strobel offers the city to buy 1,000 measures of buckwheat
To the Exalted Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor and to the esteemed gentleman

Uzvišeni Magistratu slobodnog kraljevskog grada Sombora,

Lavrencije Matarić obavestio me je da je njegov rođak Martin Matarić preminuo, a njegova se udovica se preudala i iz Monoštora prešla u Blagaj, te da su njene dve ćerke iz prvog braka ostale oštećene za deo preostale imovine svog oca. Stoga ponizno molim uzvišeni Magistrat da zarad sigurnosti imetka dotične dve ćerke omogući da se sve od sitnijih dobara poput vinograda, konja i sličnog prepiše i prevede na njihovo ime.

Overeno u Somboru, dana 12. decembra 1798.
Uzvišenom Magistratu
Ponizni sluga Johan Coler (Zoller), pravni zastupnik

Pravni zastupnik moli za prenos preostale imovine Martina Matarića