An opinion reqarding Jewish community's request for building a synagogue

Identifier D_0041:402/1810
Title An opinion reqarding Jewish community's request for building a synagogue
Subject Pavle Fratrićević, Treasury Synagogue, Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Description An opinion by treasury official regarding the reconsidering the request of the Jewish community to be granted funds for the construction of a place of worship or to be allowed to purchase an already existing building that would serve that purpose
Creator Pavle Fratrićević
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Pavle Fratrićević, Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Date June 1st, 1810
Type Text; Opinion
Language Latin
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, June 1810
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Infrascriptus ad exigentiam determinationis Magistratualis erga readvolutam gremialium Judaorum instantiam sub dato 3a Maii a. c. no. prot. 569 interventa, opinionem meam deprompturus humillime censeo instantibus equidem tum ideo quod juxta articulum 38vo 1790/1791 in eo, in quo ad 1am Januarii anni 1790 profuerant, statu conservandi ac relinquendi precipiantur, hic loci vero hucdum nullum pro eorundem Oratorio destinatum fundum jure perennali, et proprietario possederint, cum vel maxime ideo, quod sensu art. 91i 647. Jurium Regni, et sic possidendorum fundorum civilium incapaces sint, nec fisci civici fundum proprietatis, et perennalitatis Jure possidendum finem in expetitum assignari, nec Domus cujuspiam ad premissum scopum applicanda perennalem emptit nam emptitionem admitti posse; cum tamen sine exercitio religionis sua esse nequeant, iisdem aut vacantem quempiam fisci civici fundum jure .........tuario possidendum erga moderati Magistratualiter defigendi annui census depensionem ad complures annos ea ratione, ut evolutis his, in quantum Civitas excensuationem hanc ad ulteriorem subsequos annos prorogare haud quaquam, sed fundum hunc pro sua necessitate recipere voluerit, super adificatum suum tollere, ac fundum fisco civico remittere teneantur pro desiderato scopo assignandum, aut similem cum privato quopiam, quem fundo inhaerentis quanti Contributionalis depensio semper respiciet contractum in eundem facultatem admittendam esse. Zomborini die 1a Junii 1810.

Paulus Fraticsevics prelibato Civitatis ……. Fiscalis

Opinio Fisci Magistratualis Libere ac Regie Civitatis Zomboriensis erga readvolutam gremialium Judaorum pro oratorio fundum sibi assignari, aut emptionem domus alicujus admitti pertentium instantiam deprompta.
I, the undersigned, in charge of giving an urgent opinion on the subject of reconsideration of the petition filed by the Jewish Community on May 3, in document 569, modestly hold that according to Article 38 of 1790/1791, which was valid until January 1, 1790, no annual funds were provided for the Jews for their worship, since according to Articles 91 and 647 of the Code of this kingdom, they have no right of possession over any civil funds or property of the state treasury, nor can they be allowed to buy a building for that purpose. However, since they cannot do without practicing their faith, free funds from the state treasury hould be directed, in the amount estimated by the city authorities, and this decision should be extended to the following years, so that they meet their needs and erect the desired building, so in that name, they will pay the tax agreed in the contract in the future. In Sombor, on June 1, 1810.

Pavle Fratrićević, treasury official of the mentioned city

Opinion of the treasury officials of the Free Royal City of Sombor on the topic of reconsidering the request of the Jewish community to be granted funds for the construction of a place of worship or to be allowed to purchase an already existing building that would serve that purpose