A complaint by members of Trader's guild

Identifier D_0039:364/1792
Title A complaint by members of Trader's guild
Subject Philip Hajduska, Trader's guild, Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor, Complaint
Description A complaint by members of Trader's guild regarding Philip Hajduska's acceptance into community. Reply by the Magistrate is included, stating that Hajduska's acceptance is lawful and potentially beneficial.
Creator Joseph Haller
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Joseph Haller, Sombor senate, Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Date October 9th, 1792
Type Text; Complaint
Language Latin, German
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, October 1792
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Prudentes ac Circumspecti Nobis honorandi!

Querulosam Mercatorum Gremialium instantiam super receptione Judai Philippi Hajduska horsum exhibitam, Civico huic magistratui sine perstando eatenus relationis communicari, eo subnexo, supplicatione novellaris articuli 39. 1791. Interpretationem spiritui Legis adversam, nullam reflectionem mereri. Datum ex Consilio Regis Locumtenentiali Hungarico, Buda, die nona octobris, anno Millesimo, septingentesimo, nonagesimo secundo celebrato.

Jos. Haller

Erga Instatiam mercantorum hujarum in ……….. recepti Judei Philippi Hajduska in…… ………… exigens

Prudentibus, ac Circumspectis M Judici Primario, Consuli, ceterisque senatoribus, ac Juratis civibus Totique communitati Libere Regieque Civitatis Zomboriensis Nobis honorandis

Amplissime Magistratus Domini Domini Singulariter Colendissimi!

Recentissime praeterlapso die veneris seu 14 nunc decurrentis mensis 7bris indatum …… Philippum Hajduska profigendi in hac Libera ac Regia Civitate Zombor habitatione, et exerundo cum mercibus mercantilibus libero quastu per Amplissimum Magistratum …. determinatione assumptum esse agro admodum animo ferrimus, tum quod nos partim benignis sua ….. Civitas Regia ex Amplissimus Magistratus privilegiis ad graci non uniti ritus mercantilem compagniam Zombor Clementissime expeditis provisi partim extradicta compagniam stantes, ductu instrumenti huic sub producti ……30 mercatura exercitimum colentes hic loci praevie haberemur, et ex mercatura, licet variarum speciarum merces non modo ad hujus sed et aliarum civitatum provisionem sufficientes et quindem in abundantia adsint, vitam nostram vel debite instentare, facemus quempiam profectus ad augemdam substantiam nostram deservientem capere ….. qui tam ante quam etiam belluis circumstantiis cum Turca non ita pridem rigidissimum in modum habitis fidelissima semper servitia perstantes potius minutionem substantia pati unanimiter voluimus, quam ut juribus ab altimino trono emanatis nobis quo per Amplissimum Magistratum publicatis non satis fecissemus, cum etiam, quod indigitante …….. 38 1791 huic sub …… ……. Judai tantummodo illi in civitatibus, ac aliis locis in quibus ad 1a januarii 1790 comperti sunt usque ad ulteriorem inclitaram …….. dispositionum conservandi preciperunt neque eorumdem nova receptis admissa haberet. Cum prejudicio 3tii prout fatus Philippus Hajduska in prajudicium nostrum receptus est. Ut proinde prajudicium hanc contra manifestum Legis Tenorem nobis illatum emaneat Amplissimum Magistratum humillime oramus! Dignetur ex permissis motivis persusciptum Judaum usque ad ulterorus Regni Dominis dispositiones pro indigno in hac Libera ac Regia Civitate inhabitatore ac mercatore declarare, aut ad minus casum quo A. Magistratus a Determinatione sua recaderent…. Vellit eundem a sui horsum transpositione?, usque quo presens negotium ab Electo? Regio locumtenentiali Consilio, ad quo nostrum humillimum remisum sumpturi sumus superatum in fuerit inhibere non gravet. Qui in reliquo omni cultu manemus. Ejusdem A. Magistratus humillimi servi Georgius Magyar Janos antesignans totaqui Mercantilis Compagnia …….. ……. Ac reliqui cives et mercatores Zombor. Zombor die 21 7bris 1792. Ad Amplissimum Magistratum Libere Regie Civitatis Zombor …… Dominos Singulariter Colendissimos, humillima instantia Georgii Magyar Janos antesignantis totiusque mercantilis compagnia ……. …….. ritus nec non reliquorum civium et mercatorum Zombor, Philippum Hajduska Judaum perniacensem ab inhabitatione hujus Civitatis et exercendo questu inhiberi supplicantum. Per presenti memoriali Perluto existente Determinatum est tum quod ingremiatio introserti Judai relate ad contribuentes per facilem quarum rerum prout et productorum distractione pecuniarum ad lanam et ….. anticipationem utilis sit, tum et preterea siquidem per Magistratum hunc partibus in his prorsus non existens tale quale commercium ad exigentia Boni Publici introducendum intendat, suplicatum receptionem haud quaquam interturbandum ad Civitatem sub conditione tamen ut conformitate arti 38i 1791 asscitua circa statum Judaorum Regni Deisimi Semet omnimode conformare noverit ultro ad……. Haberi. In senatu Zombor die 24a 7bris 1792 celebrato. Extradato per Abrahamum Botics per Civitatis ordinator

Productum sub.

Daß in dem Mittel dieser Königl. Freystadt vermöge den zur Contributions-Einhebung bey dieser städtischen Kasse zur Richtschnur vorhabendene diesjahrigen Indirectes Steuerrepartitions Entwurft 30. sage Dreyßig Kauftleuthe und zwar denn weder mehr, nachweiser förderlich befindlich seyn wird hirmit Graft gegen vortegen mit den Leystugen beurkundet, daß herunter drey Juden befindlichen seyn. Zombor 20ten September 1792. Freystädtische Filial Steuer Kassa alda (b. s.) Basilus Athanaczkowits Controlor m.p.

Productum sub
Extractus Articulorum dictalium anni 1791 articulus 38vo de Judais: Ut Judaorum conditioni interea etiam prospiciat donec negotium ipsorum et privilegia nonnulla Liberarum ac regniorum Civitatum eosdem tengentia per deputationem regnicolarum quoque imis comitis relationem facturam in deliberatione assumant et de Judaorum conditione unanimi sua Majestatis Hungarice et statuum ac ordinum voluntate constituat statuto et ordinis annuento sua Majestatis Hungarice Decreverunt, ut Judai intra ambitum Regni Hungariae partim aductarum degentis in cunctis Liberis ac Regiis civitatibus et aliis locis non in….llectis hunc sue Regie Majestatis Civitatibus in statu illo in quo ad 1a Januarii anni 1790 profuerant conservant et si nefors exturbati fuissent ad eundem reponant. ……. Extradatur per Abrahamum Botics quo civitatis ………. Presentes copias in omnibus cum suis geminis origilalibus conformes esse testor. ……. ….. die 5. 8bris 1792
Nicolaus R………… Tabule Regie Judicie notarius
Wise and much respected!
Here is the complaint submitted to this City Magistrate by the members of the Trade Guild on the topic of admitting Jew Philip Hajduska to their community, with reference to Article 39.1791, which, according to them, makes such a decision against the law. On this occasion, it is stated that the appeal has no grounds. Issued by the Council of Lieutenancy of the Kingdom of Hungary in Buda, on October 9, 1792.

Their well-meaning
Joseph Haler

A case about a complaint by local traders regarding the admission of Philip Hajduska to their community

To the wise and highly respected Chief Judge, Consul, and other senators, sworn citizens and the entire community of the Free Royal City of Sombor
From the office in Sombor

Uzvišeni Magistratu i mnogouvažena gospodo!

Nedavno, tj. prošlog petka, na dan 14. septembra, Filip Hajduška je po odluci uzvišenog Magistarta dobio dozvolu da se nastani u slobodnom kraljevskom gradu Somboru i tu se bavi trgovačkim zanatom. Tu smo odluku teško podneli, budući da deo nas, a zahvaljujući velikodušnosti i privilegijama koje nam je ustupio Magistrat ovog kraljevskog grada, ujedinjen u Trgovački esnaf grada Sombora, a drugi deo izvan pomenutog esnafa, a na osnovu Člana 38.1791 koji reguliše trgovinu, trgujemo i snabdevamo više nego dovoljnom količinom robe ne samo Sombor, već i okolne gradove, obezbeđujući sebi na taj način sredstva za život i mogućnost da svoj imetak dodatno uvećamo. Čak i u teškim oklonostima rata s Turcima uvek smo bili verni i poštovali zakone, izvršavajući svoje obaveze, spremni da ujedinjeni radije pretrpimo materijalne gubitke, nego da se oglušimo o uredbe koje nam je, preko uzvišenog Magistrata, propisalo preuzvišeno kraljevsko veličanstvo. Budući, dakle, da postoji uredba 38.1791 po kojoj se nalaže da u gradovima mogu boraviti isključivo oni Jevreji koji su se u tom konkretnom mestu zatekli do datuma 1. januara 1790, te da nije dozvoljeno da se njihov broj uvećava i da se u gradove primaju novi, držimo da je gorepomenuti Filip Hajduška ovamo primljen na našu štetu. Stoga ponizno molimo uzvišeni Magistrat da iz navedenih razloga konstatuje da se pomenuta odluka kosi sa zakonom, te da slučaj narečenog Jevrejina prepusti višim instancama da utvrde da je dotični Jevrejin nedostojan da bude primljen kao žitelj grada i bavi se trgovinom, ili da svoju takvu odluku jednostavno opovrgne. Puni poštovanja i vazda na usluzi, ponizni sluge uzvišenog Magistrata, Đorđe Mađar Janoš u ime čitavog trgovačkog esnafa i drugi trgovci grada Sombora. U Somboru, dana 21. septembra 1792, uzvišenom Magistratu slobodnog kraljevskog grada Sombora. Mnogopoštovanoj gospodi, ponizna molba Đorđa Mađara Janoša, prvopotpisanog u ime čitavog trgovačkog esnafa i ostalih građana Sombora da se spreči doseljavanje Filipa Hajduške u grad i ukine dozvola za njegovo bavljenje trgovinom.

Ovde prilažemo i odluku da je dotični Jevrejin od koristi i doprinosa za trgovinu, te da Magistrat drži da nema nikakvog razloga da ga ne primi jer može samo da doprinese dobrobiti grada, te da se naša odluka ni najmanje ne kosi sa zakonom, uz uslov da dotični dostavi dozvolu koja je sasvim u skladu s članom 38.1791 koji se tiče statusa Jevreja u ovom kraljevstvu. U Senatu grada Sombora, dana 24. septembra 1792. godine. Izdao Avram Botić, gradski poravnavatelj

Exalted Magistrate and esteemed gentlemen!

Recently, ie. last Friday, on September 14, Philip Hajduska, by the decision of the exalted Magistrate, received permission to settle in the Free Royal City of Sombor and engage in trade. We had a hard time with that decision, since part of us, thanks to the generosity and privileges granted to us by the Magistrate of this royal city, is united in the Trade Guild of Sombor, and the other part is outside the mentioned guild, and based on Article 38.1791 which regulates trade, we trade and supply more than enough goods, not only to Sombor, but also to the surrounding cities, thus providing ourselves with the means to live and the opportunity to further increase our wealth. Even in the difficult times of the war with the Turks, we have always been faithful and respected the laws, fulfilled our obligations, and were ready to suffer material losses rather than to disobey the decrees prescribed by the exalted royal Majesty through the sublime Magistrate. Since, therefore, there is a decree 38.1791 stating that only those Jews who found themselves in that particular place before January 1, 1790, can stay in the cities, and that it is not allowed to increase their number nor admit them to the cities after that date, we hold that the above-mentioned Philip Hajduska was admitted here to our detriment. Therefore, we humbly ask the exalted Magistrate to conclude that the mentioned decision is contrary to the law, and either to leave the case of the said Jew to higher instances in order to determine that the Jew in question is unworthy to be accepted as a resident of the city and engage in trade, or to refute its previous decision. Full of respect and always at your service, humble servants of the exalted Magistrate, George the Hungarian Janos (Georgius Magyar Janos) on behalf of the entire trade guild and other merchants of the city of Sombor. In Sombor, on September 21, 1792, to the exalted Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor. To much respected gentlemen, the humble request of George the Hungarian Janos, the first to sign on behalf of the entire Trade Guild and other citizens of Sombor, to prevent Philip Hajduska from immigrating to the city and to revoke his license trade.

Here we enclose the decision that the Jew in question is of benefit and contribution to trade, and that the Magistrate holds that there is no reason not to accept him because he can only contribute to the welfare of the city, and that our decision does not violate the law, provided that the person concerned submits a permit which is fully in accordance with Article 38.1791 concerning the status of Jews in this Kingdom. In the Senate of the city of Sombor, on September 24, 1792. Published by Avram Botić (Abraham Botics), city coordinator

Filed under

That in the means of this Free Royal City is able to use this year's indirect tax repartitions draft, which is intended as a guideline for the collection of contributions from this municipal fund, 30 i.e thirty merchants, as there is no evidence that more of them are beneficial, it is noted that among them are three Jews. Sombor 20th September 1792. Free City’s Branch office of the tax treasury (b. s.) Vasilije Atanacković [Basilus Athanaczkowits] Controlor m.p.

Filed under
Excerpt from the articles from 1791, Article 38 on Jews: To reconsider the position of the Jews, their work and numerous privileges concerning the Free Royal Cities, and to have their status considered by the inhabitants of the Kingdom, to inform county authorities, and to all unanimously, with the approval of His Royal Highness the ruler of Hungary, and until then all those Jews living under the auspices of the Kingdom in the Free Cities retain the same status they had until January 1, 1790, and that no one disturbs them. This document is issued by Avram Botić, testifying that this copy is in every sense identical to the original. Dated October 8, 1792.
Nikola R ………., notary of the royal court office