Tolerance tax report

Identifier D_0038:350/1810
Title Tolerance tax report
Subject Tolerance tax, Report, The Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor, Bacs county
Description A report on the billing of the remaining sum of the Tolerance tax in the Bacs county.
Creator Council of Lieutenancy of the Kingdom of Hungary
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Council of Lieutenancy of the Kingdom of Hungary, The Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Date March 3rd, 1810
Type Text; Report
Language Latin
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, March 1810
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Prudentes ac Circumspecti nobis honorandi!

Comitatus Bacsiensis ad incassationem Restantium Taxarum Tolerantialium, apud gremiales Comitatus hujus Judaos inexacte harentium, abhinc inviatis, isthuc retulit, Judaos ad portas Comitatus hujus spectantes, restantiis suis usque annum 1807/1808 exhorentibus plenarie satisfecisse, restantias proinde hunc annum procedentes, Judaos Civitatem hanc perire, in qualinam autem summam Judai insimul Civitatis hujus inde ab anno 1799/1800 usque annum 1808/1809 restiterint, ex submissa per eundem Comitatum Taxae Cameralis subdivisione patere, nihilque amplius opinione sua testare, quam ut Regalium salis Officium Bajense, ad mox instituendam restantiarum harum incassationem invietur.
Qua proinde adrepartitio per prefatum Comitatum hac ratione submissa, civico huic Magistratui eo cum mandato hisce communicatur, ut circa exhorentem, exigendamque restantiarum harum summam, pro Civitate hac ejectatam, mutuo Consilis cum Regio salis Officio Bajensi, sub hodierno eatenus sua via abhinc inviato, agat, atque notificatione quoad exigendam restantiarum harum summam currens item quantum, quotannis defigendum adscitis gremialium suorum Judaorum primaribus, inter Judaos individualiter, pro ratione cujusvis virium subrepartiri factaque repartitione mox eligi eidemque Salis officio Bajensi, erga quietantias inferri faciat, de facta vero exactionis progressu Consilio huic R. L. relationem submittat, Comitatus Bacsiensi una eo abhinc inviato, ut sine instituendo debito tempore Taxa hujus Cameralis exactionis, si quo ad Taxam Judais precitatarum Civitatum quotannis adrepartiendam mutato quopiam intercederet, mutationem talem tam Civitati huic quam et Regio Salis Officio Bajensi cum 1a mensis 9bris cujusvis anni militaris notificet. Datum ex Consilio Regio locumtenentiali Hungarico Budae die decima tertia Martii, anno millesimo octigentesimo decimo celebrato.

Eorundem benevoli
Bano Joannes ………………
Andreas Jakobsalory

Taxa Tolerantialis a Judais gremialibus incassanda, et una cum curenti Quanto Regio Salis Officio Bajensi inferenda.

Prudentibus ac Circumspectic N.N. Judici primario, Consuli, ceterisque senatoribus, ac Juratis civibus, totique Communitati Liberae Regiaeque Civitatis Zomboriensis nobis honorandis.
Zomborineum ex officio

Taxa tolerantialis Judaorum inter gremiales Judaos et liberarum ac regiarum Civitatum comitatum Bacsiensis

Pro anno 1799/1800 omniuno comitatus Bacsiensis Judaorum taxa tolerantialis constituit _ _ _1881….
Ex his usque annum 1805/1806 obtigerunt gremialibus Judais _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1491 … 224
Judais vero Libera ac Regna Civitatis Zombor 63 …..
Judais vero Libera ac Regna Civitatis Neo Planta 223 ….. 30 …..
Judais vero Libera ac Regna Civitatis M. Theresiopolis 103 ….. 74 // 389 ….. 374
Summa ut supra 1881 ……
Ab anno vero 1806/1807 usque annum 1808/1809 addita 50 procentualitate obtigerunt ex annuis 2821 .... 30 ….
Gremialibus Judaus - - - - - - - - - - - - 2237 …… 3 6/8 x
Zomboriensibus - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 94 ….. 30
Neo Plantensibus - - - - -- - - - - - - - - 335 15
M. Theresiopolitanis -- - - - - - - - - - 154 412 // 2821fl 30x
Suma ut supra - - - - perse
…….. Vashut 5a 7li 1809
Per Stepahanum ......culteti m. p. …… Bacsiensis Rat. Exachos
Wise and respected,

On this occasion, Bačka County submits a report on the collection of the remaining amount for the Tolerance Tax owed by the residents of the Jewish community, namely those who are under the jurisdiction of this county. In this regard, we would like to inform you that they have now fully settled their debts for the period up to 1807/1808, and it remains for them to settle what refers to the current year. All in all, it remains to clearly separate and indicate the mentioned levy from the total amount for the State Chamber Tax that this city owes for the period from 1799/1800 to 1808/1809, and to be sent the to the Royal Office in Baja.

Bačka County also informs this city Magistrate that it has consulted with the Royal Office in Baja regarding the collection of the remaining amount for the Tolerance Tax, so it was concluded that it is up to you to inform the leaders of Jewish communities, and to choose among them those who will collect and charge Tax individually among the Jews, as well as submit a progress report to the Royal Office in Baja. Bačka County also orders that everyone should be informed that from now on the Tolerance Tax paid by the Jews should be submitted to the Royal Office in Baja on February 1 of the current year, since it has been charged on a different date than the State Chamber Tax. Issued by the Council of Lieutenancy of the Kingdom of Hungary in Buda, on March 3, 1810.

Their well-meaning
Ban Jovan (Joannus) ………
Andreas Jakobsalory

The Tolerance Tax that Jews still have to collect and hand over to the Royal Office in Baja together with the current levies

To the wise and highly respected Chief Justice, Consul and other senators and sworn citizens, and to the entire community of the Free Royal City of Sombor
In the office in Sombor

Tolerance Tax for Jewish communities within the Free Royal Cities in Bačka County
For the year 1799/1800, the total amount of the Tolerance Tax for the Jews of Bačka was… 1881…
For the period up to 1805/1806, members of the Jewish community paid …………………… 1491… 224
Jews of the free royal city of Sombor 63….
Jews of the Free Royal City of Novi Sad 223… .30….
Jews of the Free Royal City of Subotica 103… 74 // 389… 374
In total, as written above 1881…
From 1806/1807 to 1808/1809, with an additional 50% for the years 2821… 30…
For members of the Jewish community ……………………… ..2237… .3 6 / 8x
For the Jews of Sombor ……………………………… ..94 …… 30
For Jews of Novi Sad ……………………………… .335 15
For Jews of Subotica ………………………… .154 412 // 2821fl 30x
Amount as written above
…… Vashut, July 5, 1809.
Stephan ……………… m. p., calculation for Bačka County