A request for compensation

Identifier D_0036:250/1809
Title A request for compensation
Subject Joseph Bel, Abraham Hajduska, The Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor, Compensation, Damages
Description A request by Joseph Bel for compensation of the damages done by Abraham Hajduska. According to Bel, Hajduska has fraudulently claimed Bel's wool packages as his own. Specification of damages is included.
Creator Joseph Bel
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Joseph Bel, The Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Date April 18th, 1809
Type Text; Request
Language Latin
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, April 1810
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Amplissime Magistratus Domini mihi Singulariter Colendissimi

Ad exigentiam initi sub dato 23a Februarii a.c. cum certo Judao Bonishadiensi? Samuele Hersehenfeld emptio venditionalis contractus levataque 50 florenorum arha semialtorum centenarium lana in et pro 150 floreni venditum eidem emptori Samueli Hersehenfeld Pestini occasione ultimarum cum festo S. Josephi celebratarum annualium nundinarum administrare, et resignare debuissem ast Quamquam hanc accordatam lana quantitatem pro perstituto termino Pestinum transponi fecissent Obligationi tamen mea contractuali ex eo satisfacere nequivi siquidem gremialis Judaus et quastor Abrahamus Hajduschka ad memoratas jam preter lapsas nundinas Pestienses, ante quam ego eorum pertigissem, ascendens nescio qua temeritate ductus lanam hanc coram Pestiensi Depositario Judeo suam esse dolose prendendo, eandem citra ullam prehabitam meam comisionem, aut interventam hoc in passu requisitionem /: cui ? et quanti ? ignoratur :/ distraxit tam meo, quam memorati Emptoris Samuelis Hersehenfeld damno, ac prejudicio manifesto; quem ad modum hac omnia coram Perilustri Domino Primario Judice Stephano Putnik benevole jam recognovit.
Quia vero injuste damnificati ad exigentiam 17i 1859 omnimode indemnisandi forent similes vero defraudatores preter damni bonificationem publica etiam animadversione digni forent.
Ex eo A. Magistratum humillimis interpello precibus, quatenus prefatum Abrahamum Hajduschka in causati et sub specificati damni bonificatione Judiliter convincere, et exequendorum executionem decernere dignetur omni cum venerationi cultu perseverando.

Zomborini die 12a Aprilis 1810.
A, Magistratus
Clientum intimus Josephus Bel Judaus et quastor Csonoplisensis

Determinatum Est
Cum parte J. intra quindenum responsura communicari. In senatu Zombor die 18am Aprilis 1810
Ad Amplissimum Magistratum Libere Regieque civitatis Zomboriensis Dominos singulariter Colendisimos

Josephus Bel Judaus et quastor Csonoplisensis gremialem Juadaum Abrahamum Hajduschka in lansati 245 florinorum damni bonificatione judicialiter convince supplicat.

Specificatio damni per Abrahamum Hajduschka infrascripto causati
1. Accomodatum lane emptio: venditionale pretium facit – 150
2. Si infrascriptus emptio: venditionalem lanae summam in Pestiensitis nundinis levasset, pro obtenta hac pecunia in iisdem nundinis merces emisset, in huis mercantile 20 persentuale lucrum habuisset, quo illo infrascripti damnum exponit cum – 20
3. Samuel Hersehenfeld Judaus Bonishadiensis ab ifrascripto 50 florinus sibi persolvi pretendit, quos videlicet in empta lana, si eidem rite administrata fuisset, illo lucri habuisset: quo illo exponatus – 50
4. Infrascriptus pro presentionis hujusce sua tam amica quam judeia sollicitatione csonoplya Zomborinum occasione ter intravit, expensus itinerales, et temporis dispendium exponutur cum – 20
5. Pro libelli supplici compillatione – 5

Summa 245 f

Josephus Bel Judaus et quastor csonoplyensis

Exalted Magistrate and esteemed gentlemen,

According to the agreement of February 23rd with a certain Jew from Bonyhád, Samuel Hersehenfeld, I made a purchase agreement according to which he was supposed to buy loads of wool for 50 florins paid in advance, whose selling price is 150 florins, and to deliver them to the annual fair in Pest, which is held on the feast of St. Joseph, and although I made sure to transport the agreed amount of wool to the scheduled place at the mentioned time, I have failed to fulfill my contractual obligation. Namely, a member of the Jewish community, Abraham Hajduska, for a reason unknown to me and before I was able to react, fraudulently presented the Pest depository with the wool in question as his own, causing obvious damage and loss to me and the aforementioned buyer Samuel Hersehenfeld. All this was already well-intentionedly acknowledged and received by the well-meaning chief judge, the most glorious Mr. Stefan Putnik.
Therefore, I hope that we will both be worthy of compensation in all ways, and that in the future the public's attention will be drawn to such frauds and actions.
I humbly ask the Magistrate to oblige the mentioned Abraham Hajduska in court to compensate the damage he caused. With the deepest respect,

in Sombor, on April 12, 1810.
Client Joseph Bel (Josephus Bel), a Jew and applicant from Čonoplja

It was decided:
To examine the other party to the case within five days. In the Senate of the city of Sombor, on April 18, 1810.

To the Exalted Magistrate and the esteemed gentleman of the Royal Free City of Sombor
Joseph Bel from Čonoplja submits a request for a court decision to receive a financial compensation of 245 from the Jewish community Abraham Hajduska

Specification of monetary damage caused by Abraham Hajduska

1. Purchase of wool: the selling price is 150 florins
2. If the undersigned had delivered the said wool to the fair in Pest, he would have had a gain of 20 per cent, so the undersigned is also owed that fee of 20 per cent.
3. Samuel Hersehenfeld, a Jew from Bonyhád, paid 50 florins in advance for the agreed amount of wool, so he, in addition to the stated amount, would also have a percentage benefit that should be paid to him
4. The undersigned was forced to travel from Čonoplja to Sombor on three occasions in connection with this whole case, and the travel expenses amounted to 20 florins
5. To compile this request: 5 florins
Total: 245 florins

Joseph Bel, a Jew and petitioner from Čonoplja