A statement by Schendl Stein regarding Abraham Hajduska's request for right to trade

Identifier D_0034:23/1810
Title A statement by Schendl Stein regarding Abraham Hajduska's request for right to trade
Subject Schendl Stein, Abraham Hajduska, Philip Hajduska, Jacob Stain, Trading rights, Step-siblings, Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Description A statement by Schendl Stein regarding Abraham Hajduska's request for right to trade. Schendl Stein explains that Abraham Hajduska should not be granted a right to trade, because of his dubious moral and business qualities. Also, Schendl Stain points out that Abraham's father Philip Hajduska has three more underage sons, Simon, Isac and Jacob, who also have rights to inherit their father's right to trade. Therefore, she suggests that the trading rights should be transferred to her until Simon, Isac and Jacob reach maturity.
Creator Schendl Stein
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Schendl Stein, Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Date January 12th, 1810
Type Text; Statement
Language Latin
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, January 1810
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Amplissime Magistratus

Abrahamus Hajduska Judaus gremialis alias privignus meus, mediante instantia sua hic in origine sub reactura Patris sui Philippi condam Hajduska jus exercenda mercatura sibi conferri supplicat, ad quam sine dandi desuper responsi Communicatam sequentibus famulor: Abrahamum Hajduska supplicantem ante 12. Circiter Annos cum Patre suo, meo autem denato marito in consocietate mercantili exstitisse postquam autem animadversum fuisset, eundem in fornice notabilem defectum causasse, exinde a patre accepto non contemnenda summa divisum fuisse postea Apathini, aliquandiu inde autem Csonoplya sedem fixisse, ubique vero facultatibus lapsum tandem huc Zomborinum remigrasse denato marito meo ex Testamento eidem etiam aliqua exigua rata obvenit, cujus majorem partem jam consumpsit. Ego certe miror in quem finem jus exercendi quastus sibi conferri supplicat, quando nullum fere capitale habet, sed prouti certo asseverare possum, quod cum ipse supplicans capitali ad erigendum fornicem destitueretur alium in oculto pro consocia assumere alieno capitali fornicem mercantile cum delusione tam Amplissimi Magistratus, quam et ipsius publici erigere intendit, alterum est quod non ille solus sit filius Philippi Hajduska, qui jus exercendi quastum habuit, sed sunt prater cum adhuc tres, et quidem unus est Simon Qui etsi Kulam habitationem suam translatatus est, filius tamen denati Philippi Hajduska Judai gremialis fuit, alter est Isacus, tertius Jacobus, qui licet actu minorennes ex promisse Fundamenta gratiam Amplissimi Magistratus implorandi jus habent quare illud esset demissum petitum meum, ut donec reliqui etiam minorrenes filii mei ex denato Philippo Hajduska suscepti perfectam attingerint etatem jus exercenda mercatura mihi infrascripta, et marito meo actuali gratiose dimitterentur Dum et quando autem antelati filii Hajduskaioni perfectam attingerint etatem Amplissimus Magistratus dijudicare dignabitur cuinam Ex iisdem beneficium forte Conferet, et hoc tanto a fortiori quod supplicatus Abrachamus Hajduska propriis viribus fornicem mercantilem propriis viribus erigendi extra statam sit et facto eo ut aliquem obtento jure in oculta consorcium habeat, reliquis minorrennibus fratribus suis per extraneum contra omnem aequitatem naturalem prajudicaret quare ……. Supra declarata petita mea gratiose deferri humillime suppllicarem patrocinantibus gratiis devota, jugi cum cultu emorior. Zomborini die 9 a Januaris 1810
Amplissimi Magistratus
Devotissima Ancilla Schendl prius Philippi Hajduska nunc Jacobo Stein uxor

Determinatum Est
Cum parte A Replicatura communicari. In Senatu Zombor ex 12a Januaris 1810 celebrato

Presenti die 10. Jan. 1810
Amplissimum Libere Regie Civitatis Zomboriensis Magistratum Dominis singulariter Colendisimis
Per Emericum ………………….. que Civitatis vice notarium

Demisum responsum
Schendl prius Philippo Hajduska modo Jacobo Stein Judao nupta ad instantiam Abrahami Hajduska jus exercanda mercatura sibi conferri petentis.
Esteemed Magistrate,

Abraham Hajduska, a member of the Jewish community and my stepson, asked for the right to trade that belonged to his late father Philip Hajduska to be transferred to him, and I have the following to explain why he does not deserve to get that right: Abraham Hajduska begged some 12 years ago together with his father, and then my husband, to be in the Association of traders. However, it was determined that he caused significant damage to the shop, so he received a large sum of money from his father and moved to Apatin, and after that to Čonoplja, where he had a permanent place of residence. When he spent those funds, he finally moved to Sombor again and, according to the will of my late husband, received an another amount of money, most of which he had already spent. Therefore, I rightly wonder why he is asking for the transfer of the right to trade to him, when he has almost no capital, and why he is asking for funds to open a commercial store when he has already left one secretly and now wants to use someone else's capital and fraudulently open another trade shop for his life companion and thus deceive both the exalted Magistrate and the public. Another important thing is that he is not the only son of the late Philip Hajduska who has grounds to claim this right, because besides him there are three others: one of them is Simon, who, although living in Kula, is also the son of Philip Hajduska, a member of the Jewish community. The second is Isaac, and the third one is Jacob. Although they are minors, they have the right to ask the exalted Magistrate for the same benefits, so my request is that the right to trade be generously transferred to me, the undersigned, and my current husband until the remaining minor sons of Philip Hajduska reach adulthood. When the mentioned sons of Hajduska reach the required age, let the exalted Magistrate then decide which one of them will this benefit be granted, and let Abraham Hajduska open a trade shop from his own money so as not to hide that he already has one, snatching someone else's right and inflicting harm to his remaining minor brothers in favor of someone who is not a member of the family, against all justice and natural law. I earnestly ask that the above-mentioned request be generously granted to me, a devoted subject until death, in Sombor on January 9, 1810.

To the Exalted Magistrate
Loyal and devoted maid Schendl, once the wife of Philip Hajduska, and now the wife of Jacob Stein

It was decided:
To announce an earlier decision. In the Sombor Senate on January 12, 1810.
To the Exalted Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor, dear gentleman
Emeric (surname illegible) city deputy notary

Schendl, former wife of Philip Hajduska, and now wife of a Jew Jacob Stein - statement regarding Abraham Hajduska's request to transfer the right to trade to him