A request concerning Lazar Stein's request

Identifier D_0032:206/1800
Title A request concerning Lazar Stein's request
Subject Trading Guild, Lazar Stein, The Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Description A request regarding Lazar Stein's request, asking that his plea for extension of the right to practice trade should be accepted.
Creator Joseph Babothy
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Joseph Babothy, Paul ..., The Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Date June 3rd, 1800
Type Text; Request
Language Latin
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, June 1800
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Prudentes ac Circumspecti nobis honorandi!

Motivis in suppletoria ad civium hunc Magistratum directa Instantia mercantilis societatis Zomboriensis, Judaos ab ulteriori Ingremiatione et fornicum mercantilium erectione arceri supplicantis, contentis, in ulteriorem combinationem assumptis, civico huic magistratui sequentia intimari: querimoniam circa separatum Judai Lazari Stein quastum per recurrentes positam, eo magis cessare, quod Judao huic, motivo potissimum illo, siquidem idem praexistens jam alterius mercatoris quasturale beneficium continuandum sibi admitti petierit, separatum quastum exercendi facultas virtute intimati ……… 12/13a Nov. 1799. ……………. 266….0 emanati concessa fuerit, cujus proinde intuitu querulantem societatem civicus isthic magnatus edoceat, simul autem sumpto in reflexionem eo: quod actualis numerus mercatorum in Civitate hanc existentium in 32. ejati provisioni publici omnino sufficere videatur, civicum huncce Magistratum eo inviari: ut in occurentis similium, quoad concedenda fornicem separatam tenendi facultatem recursum casibus, eo peculiariter advertat, ne quastu sic dicto circumforaneo, pro Judais aliunde in salvo permanente, in promiscuum separati quastus admissionem numerus ejatum quassorum ultra justam proportionem increscat, taliter ………… etiam sors, et ratio subsistentia recurrentis privilegiate societatis discrimini exponatur. Datum ex Consilio Regio Locumtenentiali Hungarico, Buda die tertia Junii, Anno Millesimo, Octingentesimo celebrato.

Paulus ……………
………………. …………………..
Josephus Babothy

Prudentibus ac Circumspectis N.N. Judi Primario Consuli, caeteris Senatioribus, ac juratis civibus, talique Communitati Libera Regiaque Civitatis Zomboriensis, nobis honorandis.
Wise and respected,

We are addressing the city Magistrate regarding the additional request sent to the Magistrate, which deviates from the request of the Trade Guild of Sombor to deny Jews the right to additional construction and opening of shops: a separate request, submitted by the Jew Lazar Stein, should be granted because he had previously asked for permission to extend his right to engage in trade on 12/13 November 1799, and this permit was granted to him. Therefore, in connection with the appeal of the Trade Guild, the following should be taken into account: the current number of merchants in the city is 32 and it seems that this is quite sufficient for public needs. Therefore, care should be taken that, when such separate requests for trade are made, to avoid that their number increases excessively, and these requests should be resolved individually in such a way that the interests of the guild are not endangered. Issued by the Council of Lieutenancy of the Kingdom of Hungary in Buda, on June 3, 1800.

All the best,
Paul …………………….
Josephus Babothy

On the occasion of the request of the Jew Lazar Stein
To the wise and respected N. N. Consul General, other senators and sworn citizens of the community of the Free Royal City of Sombor