An order requesting that Jewish convicts are no longer fed separately

Identifier D_0028:135/1789
Title An order requesting that Jewish convicts are no longer fed separately
Subject Jewish convicts, Kosher food, Prison, The Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Description An order requesting that convicts in public prisons are to be fed exclusively with the food that is prepared in prisorn kitchen, regardless of their confession. It is further stipulated that the Jewish prisoners are no longer allowed to use separate dishes for their food; it is also forbbiden to receive food that is prepared elsewhere and which is brought in by other Jews.
Creator Count Antonije Janković (Antonius Jankovics)
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Count Antonije Janković (Antonius Jankovics), The Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Date March 27th, 1789
Type Text; Order
Language Latin
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, March 1789
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Sacrae caesarae, et regio-apostolicae majestatis Domini Domini Clementissimi Nomine Civico Magistratui Zomboriensi
hisce benigne intimandum: Cum juxta Novum Ordinem Criminalem deliquentibus non attento Religionis Discrimine nonnisi in loco carcerum publicorum praeparati Cibi propinari, Vasa porro Cibis praeparandis idonea illa tantum applicari possint, quae Usui huicce communiter deserviunt.
Hinc ea est benigna Suae Majestatis Voluntas ut nec Judaeis deliquentibus admittatur, quo iidem Cibis per Judaeos paratis, et ad carceres adferendis vescantur, aut seorsivis ollis, aliisque fictilibus in praeparandis Cibis utantur.
Quod ipsum Civico Magistratus hinc pro Norma et sui directione de benigna mente Regia hisce notum reddi. Datum in Libera Regiaque, ac Metropolitana Civitate Budensi, die vigesima septima Mensis Martii, Anno Domini Millesimo Septingentesimo, Octuagesimo Nono.

Comes Antonius Jankovics m.p.

Ad Benignum Sacrae Caesareae, et Regio-Apostolicae Majestatis Mandatum

Judais deliquentibus separatique cibi adserti per Judaos ……. Haud admi…….

In the name of His Holy Imperial and Royal Majesty and pious lord, the City Magistrate of Sombor is kindly ordered to: according to the new criminal law, criminals in public prisons are to be served only food prepared there, without any regard to their religion, and only prepared in the appropriate containers used by everyone there.

It is a well-intentioned wish of His Royal Majesty that even Jewish criminals should not be allowed to receive food which is prepared and brought by other Jews in prison, nor are such prisoners allowed to use any special containers for food preparation.

This is, therefore, made known as the norm and entrusted to the Magistrate by a benevolent royal decision. Issued in the Free Royal capital of Buda, March 27, 1789

Count Antonije Janković (Antonius Jankovics) m. p.
By the benevolent order of His Holy Imperial and Royal Majesty
That Jews are not allowed to bring special food to Jewish inmates