A Report on the beating of Jew Laurentio Hertzeg

Identifier D_0026:1202/1808
Title A Report on the beating of Jew Laurentio Hertzeg
Subject Laurentio Hertzeg, Medical care, Joseph Oravetz, Cost specification, Investigation, Report
Description A thorough report of city surgeon Joseph Oravetz, and senators Nikola Simić and Đorđe Šljivić on the case of investigation and medical treatment of Jew Laurentio Hertzeg beaten by Nikola and Đorđe Fratrić, Augustin Radoš and Đorđe Jozić
Creator Nikola Simić and Đorđe Šljivić
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Nikola Simić, Đorđe Šljivić, Joseph Oravetz, The Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Date August 8th, 1808
Type Text; Report
Language Latin
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, July-August 1808
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Cure chirurgica Judei Laurentii Hertzeg gremialis inhabitatoris, ut sequitur

f x
1. Pro viso reperto 2f
2. A 19a Julii usque 6em augusti a.c. 38 visitas ei prestiti, singulam visitam a 36x computando facit 20f
3. Pro necessariis medicamentis 6f 51x
Summa 28 f 51x

Sigilatum Sombor die 12a aug. 1808
Josephus Oravecz
Ord Civitatensis chirurgus
Specificatio cure chirurgica Judei Laurentii Hertzeg

Naredni dokument je u potpunosti nečitak.

Expensarum per infrascriptum in sui curam habitarum et quidem

33f in argentea pecunia penes se habitos qui periverunt in moderno pretio assumpti facit – 66f
Para Chyrurgo pro medicamentis soluti – 3f 4x
Pro vectura homini cuidam Zomborinum usque soluti – 2f
Tunicam brevem ex ……. Lacerarunt et inusuabilem reddiderum pro qua computanque – 10f
Pro ternis advocationibus illos Huszaroni voluti – 3f
Chyrurgo pro cura et ad apotecam pro medicamentis soluti – 28f 51x
Cancellista pro opposite specific presenti – 1f
Summa ---------------------------------- 113f 55x
Positio 1a limita ad 33f -------------33f
80f 55x
Laurentus Hertzeg, Judaus gremialis
Sigilatum Zombori 12a Augusti 1808.

Visum repertum
Super Judao Laurentio Hertzeg inhabitatore Zomboriensi die 19a Julii 1808. In sequenti statu valetudinario reperi; ut sequitur

1. Dextera pars faciei lasionem cutaneam unius, a medii pollicis longam, probabilius unguibus factam passu est.
2. In sinistra parte Maxilla inferioris depillatio barbe apparebat
3. In dextera parte colli sex no lasiones cutana sanguine suffuse, ita censeo ungvibus facta reperta sunt.
4. Sinister humerus luxationem passus est, preterea duo no signa contusionum cum tumore, et decussione cutis duorum pollicum in latitudine, cum tendinum lasione videbantur.
5. Sinistra Clavicula duo no contusions accepit.
6. Supradictus patiens contra pectoris dolores, et contra grave respirium mihi conquestus.
Quod luxationem brachii sinistri ego non reposuerim, de eo sum certus veram luxationem brachii habuisse, qua per chirurgum Garensem die 17. Julii reposita est.

Qua fidedigne Amplissimo Juditio humillime refero.
Sigilatum Zomborini die 19. Julii 1808.
Josephus Oravecz
Ord. chirurgus civitatis Zombor
Visum repertum Judai Laurentii Hertzeg


Intuitu aggresionis ac verberationis Laurenci Herczegh Judao hujati in via Bajam ducente, non procul a Civico educilli Gacoviensi dictum, per Nicolaum ac Georgium ambos Fratrics, nec non Augustinum Nadoss, atque Georgium Jozits omnes gremiales.
Die 17. Julii 1808. illata, per nos infrascriptus facta
Primus Michael Fratrics fasses est quod prenominata die cum Nicolao et Georgio Fratrics, item Augustino Radoss, nec non Georgio Jozis in educillo Gakoviensi dicto recreationis causa cum liripio existentes ad allodia domum dum reverses fuisset, ob immentes febres semet male valere sentiens, pro suis consociis domum ad allodia abeundo non indexit, qualiter eius consocii Judaum Laurentium Herczegh aggrediendo verberaverins; ast sibi notum sit, quod ipsissime die ad vespetas (vespexas, vesperas) et eius consociis duo quippe Nicolaus et Georgius Fratrics testem accedendo testi sequential his formali…. Naraverim: darzi bio darzi vidio, kako izmo Cifutinu bradu iscupali (da si bio, da si video kako smo Čifutinu bradu iščupali) de reliquo nihil.
Secundus Martinus Fratrics detexit, quod idem a loco agresionis non procul constitutus vident quilter Judaus proprimis pronuncinatis videlicet aggresori…. Deviaverit, illi vero eo non obstante Judaum aggradiendo telyiga…. rutas Capiendo eundem Judaum e teljiga evertare voluerint, scique luctando ad terram Detracerint, de neque Augustinus Nadoss eundem Judaum per barbam coceperit. De reliquo nihil. Testius

Species – Facti

Intuitu aggresionis ac verberationis Laurentio Herczeg Judao gremiali, in via Bajam ducente, non procul a Civico educillo Gakoviensi nuncupato, per Nicolaum et Georgium ambos Fratrics, nec non Augustinum Radoss, atque Georgium Jozits onmes gremiales, die 17. Julii 1808. Illata; et quidem:
Laurentius Herczegh intuit aggressionis, ac verberationis per Nicolaum ac Georgium Fratrics, item Augustinum Radoss, nec non Georgium Jozits eidem illato coram nobis Magistratualiter Commissionatis detexit: quod idem die 17. Julii 1808 propria teljiga ad nundines Bajenses pacifice profectus, et non procul a Civico Educillo Gakoviensi nuncupato in publice via constitutus viderit preexpositos …. 4 inhabitatores hujates pro tum sibi de cognominibus ignotos, Liripipio ludentes, ex parte Gakoviensis Educilli versus allodia redeuntes, praeter condecentiam ob majorem ini haustum latos, videndoque ob amorem pacis ipsis sue teljige a procul deviaverio illi vero non considerate hacce per eundem Judaum facta deviation, inter blasphemias primo rutas talyiga capiendo telyigam invertere, ipsumque Judaum e talyiga ejicere voluerint subseque e telyiga ad terram detractum per vestem capiendo traxerint complures ictus corpora eiusdem intulerint trahendoque Manum heram luxaverint, imo per barbam eius barbre capillarum cum ……sione coeperint, hacque occasioned um taliter per eosdem aggresus fecisset, idem Judaus penes se habitos in argento 32 florenos perdiderit, deniqui prenominati aggressors Judaum, du mille Zomborinum reverti coactus fecisset ac redere voluisset eatenus querelam deponendi gratia, Zomborinum redire non admiseret, verum eundem

Extractus Protocolli
Judao gremiali Laurentio Herczegh ob sui per Nicolaum et Georgium ambos Fratrics, nec non Augustinum Radoss atque Georgium Jozits in via Bajam ducente protensive faceram aggressionem et verberationem querulante

Determinatum est:
Dominis senatoribus Nicolao Simits et Georgio Sztivlits pro investigatione exmissis auditis Testibus oralem Relationem prestantibus siquidem pro uberiori erudentione plures Testes exaudiendi forent incareratos qudem erga Fidejussionales Domini senatoris Mathia Jozits, Thoma Radoss, Marci Fratrics dimitti ulteriorem vero investigationem Dominis prraeexmissis senatoribus Relationem facturis committi: In Senatu Zomboriensi dei 25 Julii 1808. Celebrato.
Extradare per Emericum Bossnyak
Jur. Civitatis vicenotarius

Infrascripti penes hic sub advolutum prothocolli Extractum Magistratualiter Commissionati A. Magistratui hisce off…..referimus per nos peractam in punito verberaonis gremiali Judao Herczegh illata hic sum advolutam facti speciem et sub investigationem. Zomborini 8. Avg, 1808.
Nicolaus Simits senator
Georgius Sztrilich senator

Relatio Intuitu verberationis Judao Herczegh illata.
Medical care for the Jew Laurentio Hertzog, a member of the community, cost this much:

For examination and finding: 2 florins
For 38 medical visits in the period from July 19th to August 6th, where each individual visit costs 36 krajcars: a total of 20 florins
For necessary medicines: 6 florins and 51 krajcars
Total: 28 florins and 51 krajcars

Certified in Sombor, on August 12, 1808.
JozefOravec, city surgeon
Specification of the costs of medical treatment of the Jew Laurence Herceg

Specification of costs and damages of the undersigned

33 silver coins that he had with him and lost on that occasion, and which are worth 66 florins in modern currency
To the surgeon for medicines: 3 florins and 4 krajcars
For transport to a person to Sombor: 2 florins
The tunic was torn and returned completely unusable; its value is 10 florins
For three visits to the lawyer: 3 florins
Nursing surgeon and pharmacy for all medicines: 28 florins and 51 krajcars
To the officer compiling this specification: 1 floren
Total: 113 florins and 55 krajcars
Or, if the first item is estimated at only 33 florins: a total of 80 florins and 55 krajcars

Laurence Herceg, a member of the Jewish community
Certified in Sombor, August 12, 1808

After examining the Jew Laurence Herceg, a resident of Sombor, on July 19, 1808, I found that he was concerned with the following health conditions:

On the right side of his face he has a scar, half an inch long, probably caused by nails.
His chin was torn on the left side of the lower part of his jaw.
On the right side of the neck there are 6 scars, with scabs, I guess applied by nails
The left shoulder was dislocated, with two more contusions followed by swelling, and abrasions two inches wide, and with a ligament injury.
The left side of the collarbone suffered two contusions.
The patient mentioned below complained to me that he felt chest pains and had difficulty breathing
I did not fix his left shoulder, but I am convinced that it was really dislocated, since another surgeon fixed it for him, on July 17.

I present all this as credible and humble to the Honorable Court.
Certified in Sombor, on July 19, 1808.
Jozef Oravec
Surgeon of the city of Sombor
Finding for the Jew Laurence Herceg


A case of attacks and beatings suffered by a Jew, Laurencije Herceg, a resident of Sombor, on the way to Baja, not far from the winery called "Đakovska", and by Nikola and Đorđe Fratrić, Augustin Radoš and Đorđe Jozić, members of the community.
The attack took place on July 17, 1808, and the investigation was conducted by us, the undersigned.
First, Mihailo Fratrić stated that on the mentioned day, with Nikola and Đorđe Fratrić, Augustin Radoš and Đorđe Jozić, he stayed at the "Đakovska" winery for fun, but returned home earlier, as he had a high temperature and did not feel well, and did not attend the attack. of his friends and acquaintances to the Jew Laurence Herceg. However, he knows that Nikola and Djordje Fratric said the following in front of him and other witnesses that evening: "If you had been, if you had seen how we plucked Jews’s beard!" That is all he knows.
Another witness, Martin Fratric, said that, standing not far from the scene of the incident, he saw that a Jew, approaching on carts, first addressed the attackers, and then turned off the road, but that they grabbed the carts by the wheels and tried to stop them. They overturned the cart, the Jew was then knocked to the ground and that Augustine Rados grabbed him by the chin. That's all he knows.

Facts as it seems so far

On the topic of attacks and beatings suffered by a Jew Laurencije Herceg, a resident of Sombor, on the way to Baja, not far from the winery called "Đakovska", and by Nikola and Đorđe Fratrić, Augustin Radoš and Đorđe Jozić, members of the community, on July 17 1808
When Laurence Herceg was attacked and beaten by Nikola and Djordje Fratric, Avgustin Rados and Đorđe Jozić, officially summoned before the Magistrate, he stated the following: that on July 17, 1808, he traveled peacefully to the fair in Baja, and that not far from the winery " Đakovska" noticed the four people in question returning home from the direction of the winery. That they wore hoods, that he did not know them by name, and that he therefore deliberately diverted the carts from the road - out of decency and in order to avoid any quarrel. That in spite of that, they cursed, grabbed the carts for the wheels and tried to overturn them. That they pulled him out of the cart, knocked him to the ground, dragged him by his clothes, beat him, dislocated his left arm and pulled his chin. That on that occasion he lost 33 silver florins that he had with him, and he was forced to return to Sombor after this incident.

Excerpt from the protocol
A member of the Jewish community, Laurence Herzog, who complained that he was attacked and beaten by Nikola and DjordjeFratric, AvgustinRados and DjordjeJozic on the way to Baja

It was decided:
That Messrs. Senators Nikola Simić and ĐorđeŠljivić, who have already heard the oral statements of witnesses, and for the sake of even better acquaintance with the case, hear more credible witnesses: MatijaJozić, TomoRadoš, MarkoFratrić in order to conduct an additional investigation. In the Senate of the city of Sombor, on July 25, 1808.
EmerikBošnjak, vice-secretary of the city of Sombor

We, the undersigned under the excerpt of the protocol, hereby inform the esteemed Magistrate of what we have done regarding the investigation into the beating of Laurence Herceg, a member of the Jewish community, which is still ongoing. In Sombor, August 8th, 1808.
Nikola Simic, senator
DjordjeSljivic, senator

Report on the beating of the Jew Herceg