A request by Isaac Ostereicher to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor

Identifier D_0025:1134/1808
Title A request by Isaac Ostereicher to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Subject Isaac Ostereicher, Jewish Inn, The Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor, Request, Salamon Veisz
Description A humble request by Isaac Ostereicher, after request of Salamon Veisz, to the Magistrate of Free Royal City of Sombor to open two more Jewish inns within the Jewish community.
Creator Isaac Ostereicher
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Isaac Ostereicher, The Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Date September 9th, 1808
Type Text; Request
Language Latin
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, September 1808
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Amplissime Magistratus, Domini singulariter Colendissimi!

Dignabatur Amplissimus Magistratus ad Instantiam Salamonis Veisz, Judai et Tracterii Judaici gremialis arendatoris resolvisse, ne ullus Judaorum gremialium, extraneos quocunque peregrinantes hucque divertentes; aliosque sive in proprio privato negotio, sive ad nundines venientes Judaos ad Domicilium suum fine prostandi quarterii, et suppeditando commorationis tempore intertentionis, sive gratuite, sive erga mercedem suscipire sub certa penalitate audeat. Hocque ideo potissimum, quod secus idem antelatus arendator arendatitia summa pendenda impar esset. Jam vero notorium est, quod preterquam quod pronuncupatus arendator sufficientibus, isdemque idoneis pro excipienda et inservenda quantitate permeantium judaorum provisus haud esset commoditatibus, ita ut distinctioris characteris vir commodiorique vivendi modo asvetus, sapenumero cum deterrimo quoque imo nonnunquam et periculoso in unico duntaxet Cubili Cohabitare cogatur insuper ingruente sapissime notabiliori quantitate peregrinantium, eosdem nec sufficienti pretereo bono, ac salubri victu providere valeat. Hinc necesario Domicilio privata quareta necessitantum. Evenitque ut eosdem utpote qui nos quoque ad Lares eorundem adpellentes benigno animo exceperant; tum vetante idipsum sensu natura, tum contrariante ipso stimulo moralitatis violenter e domiciliis nostris amandare ne quaquam valeamus, taliterque ………… evitantes in Char………… videlicet stabilitam penalitatem incidamus. Ne igitur talismodo peregrinantes obversa incapantate aut militia Tracterii semet excusantes, ultro quoque privatis oneri, et sapenumero damno sint; imprimis vero quantitas arenda, habitis notabilio rebus proventibus, adaugeatur. Amplissimum Magistratum humillime in eo interpellare sustineo; quatenus iminente utique dicti Traterii judaici ea arendationis tempore, duo adhuc alia sufficientibus iisdemque idoneis commoditatibus provisu tracteria huic adjicere dignaretur, quo taliter nemo peregrinantium judaorum causam ullam habeat quarulandi aut semet ad privates Judaos gremiales conferrendi; talique modalitate accessus copiosior peregrinantium ad fata Tracteria conciliabi……. , quo accedente ipso facto proventus augentur (acegentur), quibus auctis evidenter patet arenda quantitatem augeri posse quoque ipsemetque instituta tali Ordinatione, ad collicitandum concurram , pro modoque jam 250 florenos pendendos, imo et plus appromito. Quod dum ab Amplissimo Magistratu demise exorarem jugi cum venerationis cultu persevero.

Amplissimi Magistratus
Humillimus servus
Isaacus Osterraiher
Judaus gremialis

Determinatum est:
Unum Jus Tracterii aut in tribus, aut una localitatibus exercendum exarendandum decerni. In Senatu Zombor die 9na 7bris 1808. celebrato
Per Emericum ……………….. ………. Civitatis vice notaries

Ad Amplissimum Magistratum Libere Regieque Civitatis Zomboriensis, Domios singulariter Colendissimos

Humillima instantia
Isaaci Aesterraiher, Judai gremialis, Tracterio Judaico gremiali ad huc duo adjicienda supplicationis e motivis
Exalted Magistrate, esteemed gentlemen!

At the request of Salamon Veisz, a Jew and tenant of an inn within the Jewish community, the exalted Magistrate honored us with the decision that none of the members of the Jewish community, under threat of punishment, should receive foreigners or Jews traveling here and staying for business or coming to the fair, to stay in your home either for free or in some way charging it. Especially since the mentioned tenant of the inn was not able to pay the entire amount of the rent. However, it is very well known that the above-mentioned tenant simply does not have enough suitable and good conditions and comfort to receive Jews who come here, to the extent that people of better means and those accustomed to a better way of life are often forced to live there completely inadequate conditions, among other things because too many people come to that inn and cannot be provided with healthy and valid living conditions. It is for this reason that the need has arisen to provide some of them with hospitality in private homes. It turns out, however, that what is a matter of basic hospitality, good morals and a natural feeling leads us to commit a misdemeanor and pay fines because we are forbidden to be elementally hospitable and merciful. Therefore, in order for the newcomers not to be spoken to by bad conditions or lack of capacity of the mentioned inn, and not to be at the private expense and harm of others, the number of rented places for that purpose should be increased first. That is why we humbly ask the exalted Magistrate to allow the opening of two more inns in addition to the existing one, so that the newcomers Jews no longer have any reason to complain or be forced to seek private accommodation. Let it be arranged so that more people can be accommodated in better conditions and that the income from all that, which currently amounts to 250 florins, increases because it can be even higher. With full respect, persevering in his commitment,

To the Exalted Magistrate
Humble servant
Isaac Osterraiher
Member of the Jewish community

It was decided:
The law on the inn should now be applied to three different locations instead of just one. In the Sombor, Senate on September 9th, 1808.
Emeric (surname illegible) city vice notary

To the Exalted Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor, esteemed gentleman
A humble request
Isaac Ostereicher, a member of the Jewish community, to open two more inns within the Jewish community for the above reasons.