The Contract between the city of Sombor and the Jew Isaac Estereicher

Identifier D_0024:1133/1808
Title The Contract between the city of Sombor and the Jew Isaac Estereicher
Subject Isak Estereicher, The Judge and Senate of the Free Royal City of Sombor, Contract, Jewish Inn, Issuance, Food and Accomodation
Description The Contract between the City of Sombor and the Jew Isac Estereicher who made best offer on the issuance of the Jewish inn on three years
Creator Isaac Estericher, The Magistrate of the Free City of Sombor
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Isac Estereicher, The Judge and Senate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Date September 17th, 1808
Type Text; Contract
Language Latin
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, September 1808
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Amplissime Magistratus!

Maritus meus miles I. Regiminis St. Galien Stephanus Bensits se pro certo tempore domuum dimitti apud I. Regimen solicitavit solicitatque actu verum quia sui dimissionem non prius se cause qui posse mihi scripsisset quam ubi attestatum A. Amgistratus de anteacta die ita pro ferit …………… demisse insto dignetur Amp. Magistratus ejusmodi attestatum …… ……andum et mihi scopo permisso extrada….. gratiose decernere. Zombor die 27 Xbris 1808.

Amplissimi Magistratus
Humillima ancilla
Maragaretha Bentsits

Ad Amplissimum Libere Regieque Civitatis Zombor Magistratus
Humilima instantia
Margaretha Bensits gremialis


Inter Liberam ac Regiam Civitatem Zomboriensem ab una, Partibus vero ab altera Isacum Esztereicher Judaum Gremialem in merito mox declarando sequentibus sub conditionibus initus, et celebrates
1. Pars 1mi Ordinis Contrahens Jus Tracterii Judaici seu jus Quarterio et Victu excipiendi et providendi extraneos Judaos in una, aut tribus Localitatibus exercendum Parti 2. Ordinis Contrahenti velut plurimum offerenti ad affuturum triennium id est a 1o 9bris 1808. Usque ultimam 8bris 1811. in arendam confert, per quod Contractuale tempus arendator Jure ipso imperturbate gaudebit.
2. Pars 2i Ordinis Contrahens Omnes extraneos seu in negotio quastus seu ad nundines, seu in alio quocunque negotio ad gremium Civitatis advenientes et transemantes Judaos erga ceteroquin desumendam competentem et Justam mercedem quarterio et victu providere obligabitur, concomitanter extra arendatorem, omnes alii domicialiti, aut inquarterisati gremiales Judai sub pena 12 florenorum totica quoties incurrenda inhibentur, ne illi extraneis horsum quocunque in negotio advenientibus, aut transennantibus Judeis qualicunque pretextu quarterium et victum prestare presumant.
3. Pars Jure ipso per via modalitate tributo arendator per se plurimum oblatam sex centorum novem id est 609 florenorum annuam arendam recurrente qualibet Angaria anticipato ad Cassam Civitatis deponere tenebitur, secus eadem Civitatis arendatorem ad vires restantis summe et legalium accessoriorum ex bonis suis mobilibus et immobilibus selective denominationi substratis proscindendo a via Juris cui presentibus renunciat instantance exequendi et taliter Cassam indemnisandi plenam facultatem reservat.
4. In omnibus differentiis et controversiis Contractum presentem nefors tacturis Pars 2i Ordinis altiori decisioni Excelsa Camera se per expressum substernit.
Ad qua et premissa Partes Contahentes sponte et benevole accedunt et Contractum hunc uniformi tenore in triplici exemplari expedient. Sigilatum Zomborini Die 2a Novemris 1808.

N.N. Judex et Senatus Libere Regie Civitatis Zomboriensis
Contractus inter Civitatem Zomboriensem et Judaum Isacum Estereicher ad triennium id est a 1o 9bris 1808. Usque ultimam 8bris 1811. Exarendati Tracterii Judaici

Anno 1808. Die 4o 7bris in ………….. Libere Regieque Civitatis Zombor Jus servandi Judaici Tracter sequenti modalitate pro subsequis tribus annis exercensatum

Proclamatur in 250 florenos
Basilius Papits 251
Salamon Veisz 260
Basilius Papits 265
Ostereicher 300
Prokopovits 310, 320, 350
Papits 351
Ostereicher 353, 370, 371, 372, 373,375,
Ostereicher 376, 380, 385, 386, 401, 405,
Ostereicher 406, 410, 411, 412, 413, 420, 421, 422, 423, 425, 426, 428, 430, 450,
Ostereicher 451, 452, 500, 505, 506, 507
Esterehe 508, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 520, 521, 522, 523
Estereicher 525, 526, 527, 528, 530, 531, 600,
Estereicher 601
Prokopovits 602, 603
Prokopovits 604
Estereicher 605
Prokopovits 606
Estereicher 609

Plurimum offerenti Isacus Estereicher pro sexcentis novem florinis, id est 609f
17a 7bris 1808.

Between the Free Royal City of Sombor on the one hand, and Isaac Esztereicher, a member of the Jewish community on the other, in connection with certain rights under the usual conditions contained in the following:
1. The first article of the binding decree - the right of a Jewish inn or the right to provide accommodation and food for foreign Jews in one or three locations provided for in Article 2 of the binding decree, is leased to the highest bidder for a period of three years, ie from the first day of November 1808 until the last day of October 1811, which the tenant will be entitled to enjoy unhindered during the term of the contract.
2. Another article of the binding decree - / the Tenant / will undertake to provide all Jewish newcomers, who come or pass through the city by any business or fair, or any other business, accommodation and food for otherwise determined appropriate and fair compensation. Apart from the tenant, all other landlords or local members of the Jewish community should not dare to give the mentioned accommodation and food to foreign Jews who come here and go through any business, under the threat of a fine of 12 florins for each individual violation.
3. According to the law itself, the tenant who offered the most will be obliged to deposit six or nine, or 609 florins of annual rent, in the city treasury through the tax that is paid in advance. In the second, the city tenant will have to guarantee his movable and immovable property in accordance with his property possibilities and the law, while by law this document reserves the right to confiscate the mentioned property if he does not fulfill his obligations and thus settle the cash register.
4. All disagreements and disagreements arising from this Agreement, which concern Article 2, are subject to higher decisions rendered by the High Court.
The contracting parties acceded to this statement voluntarily and according to their decision, and this contract in a single form will be made in three copies. Certified in Sombor, on November 2, 1808.

N.N. Judge and Senate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Agreement between the city of Sombor and the Jew Isaac Esztereicher on the lease of a Jewish inn for three years, i.e. from November 1, 1808 until the last day of October 1811.

On September 4, 1808 in ……………. The Free Royal City of Sombor, in accordance with the Law on Jews in the following manner for the next three years

Estimated at 250 florins
Basilius Papits 251
SalamonWeisz 260
Vasilije Papic 265
Ostereicher 300
Prokopovits 310, 320, 350
Papic 351
Ostereicher 353, 370, 371, 372, 373,375,
Ostereicher 376, 380, 385, 386, 401, 405,
Ostereicher 406, 410, 411, 412, 413, 420, 421, 422, 423, 425, 426, 428, 430, 450,
Ostereicher 451, 452, 500, 505, 506, 507
Estereher 508, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 520, 521, 522, 523
Estereicher 525, 526, 527, 528, 530, 531, 600,
Estereicher 601
Prokopović 602, 603
Prokopović 604
Estereicher 605
Prokopovic 606
Estereicher 609

The highest bid was given by Isaac Estereicher, six florins, or 609 florins.
Isaac Estereicher
Dated September 17, 1808.