An order regarding Jewish teachers's Tolerance tax exemption

Identifier D_0011:554/1788
Title An order regarding Jewish teachers's Tolerance tax exemption
Subject Tax exemption, Tolerance tax, Teachers, Council of Lieutenancy of the Kingdom of Hungary, The Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Description An order declaring that all Jewish teachers, who can prove their knowledge of the normal teaching method with an adequate certificate from a normal secondary school, should be exempt from the Tolerance tax, along with their families.
Creator Karl graf Zichy
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Karl graf Zichy, Johann von Mihalkovits, The Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Date August 7th, 1788
Type Text; Order
Language German
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, August 1788
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Dem batscher Komitat!

Seine Mästet haben allergnädigst zu verfügen geruchet, des sämtlichen jüdische national schullerer, welche sich über die Kentniß der normal lehrmethode, mit den gehörigen Zeugnisse einer normal hauptschule ausweisen können von der jüdichen Person, und Familie zu entrichtende Toleranztape auf solange befreyt werden sollen ein des lehramt wirklich versenken, diese befreyung hat mit den nächsten militärjahr 1788/9 den anfang zuerkene.

Ferners haben sen Mästet verandert, das der Betrag dieses nachlasses auf die übrigen in Lande befindlichen Judenschaft vertheilet, und die eigentliche Summe des selben von Jahr zu Jahr durch einen besondern Bericht hieher angezog werden solle. Um selben sodann zu hochsten Einsicht unterlegen zukommen. Welche altste Entschliessung diesem koat zur Richtschnur, und darnachachtung hiemit bedeütet werden. Carl graf Zichy mp. Ex Consilio Regio Lttli Hungarico Ofen den 7ten aug 1788. Johann v. Mihalkovits mp.

No. 2548/2549 Vorstehende dem Originali gleichlautend sehn Verordnung wird den Zombor Stadt-Magistrat zur genauer Befolgung anderch mitgetheilet seyn. An 20ten septembris 1788. von Löbl batscher Komitat

... Szalohy Mosaire

To the Bačka county!

His Majesty has graciously condescended to exempt all teachers of Jewish nationality, who know the normal teaching method, and who can prove it with the appropriate high school certificate, from paying the tolerance tax together with their families. The exemption will be valid for as long as the teaching service lasts, and the exemption will take effect from the next military year, 1788/9.

His Majesty has further determined that this amount should be distributed among the Jewish communities in the country and that this exact amount should be brought here from year to year with a special report, in order to gain a better insight immediately afterwards. The oldest decree would serve as a guideline, and its implementation is imposed. Carl von Zichy m.p. Council of Liutenancy of the Kingdom of Hungary Buda, August 7, 1788. Johann von Mihalković m. p.

No. 2548/2549 The above-mentioned decree, which is identical to the original, will be submitted to the Sombor Magistrate for more accurate implementation. On September 20th, 1788, from the praiseworthy Bačka County

... Szalohy Mosaire