An order by the administration in Novi Sad (Neusatz) to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor, regarding Jewish artisans

Identifier D_0007:488/1788
Title An order by the administration in Novi Sad (Neusatz) to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor, regarding Jewish artisans
Subject Novi Sad (Neusatz), The Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor, Jewish artisans
Description An order by the administration in Novi Sad (Neusatz) to the Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor, requesting that the Jews who were admitted among artisans should be reported according to the Order 2784. The Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor replied that there's only one Jewish family in the city, that they were traders, and that the head of the family has never been an artisan of any sort.
Creator Administration in Novi Sad (Neusatz)
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Administration in Novi Sad (Neusatz), The Magistrate of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Date January 21st/29th, 1789
Type Text; Order
Language German
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, January 1789
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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Dem Zomborer Stadt Magistrat

Ob einige Juden bei handwerks dürften aufgenommen worden sind, und ob sie den übrigen kunstmässigen Meistern wollkommen gleichgehalten, oder in den Ausübung einiger, und allerfalls welcher sind, hat man derselben noch mittelst eines von 19. October No. 2784 erlassenen Auftrages zur berichtlegung aufgefordert.
Weil sonach derselben dieser Gegenstand auch bis gegenwärtig unerledigt belassen hat worden ist.
Als will man derselben die unverzügliche berichtslegung um so mehr eingebunden haben; als derselben ansonst sich einer verantwortung auszusetzen gefahr laufen wird.
Neusatz, den 21. Jäner 1789.

An seine Löbl: Königs: batscher Gespannschafft, 29. Jäner 1789.

Wenn zur befolgung des gefälligen auftrags 21. huj. 155. nicht an denen genug ist, daß man schuldigst andienen, wie in der hiesigen freystadt Zombor nur einzige Juden familie existiert, derer Nahrungserwerb in der handlung bestehet. Derselben Hausvater weder zu einer zuerstgehörig folglich weder in eine aufgenommen worden, mit hin auch hiebey keine andere anstände eintretten, so wohl seine Löbl: Gespannschafft, worunen man schuldigst bittet. Jenes in abberührt gefälligen auftrag cittirte Intimat att. 19. Octobris 1788, No 2784 um so gütiger mitzutheilen belieben als man venenirund versichern kann seine auftrag dieses Inchalts dati der 21. nicht erhalten zu haben.

To the City Magistrate of Sombor

In case that some Jews have been accepted among the artisans, regardless whether they are considered proper artisans or whether they are merely in the training, and in case that they are, they should be reported according to the Order No. 2784 from 19th October.
Because this issue hasn’t been dealt with so far.
It is requested that the reporting is conducted as soon as possible; otherwise, there is a risk of being held accountable.

Novi Sad [Neusatz], 21st January 1789

To the Praised Royal Bačka [Batschka] County, 29th January 1789

We dutifully report that there are no conditions to fulfil the request from 21st of this month, because in the Free City of Sombor there is only one Jewish family that earns its income by trade. The householder has never practiced craft, nor has been acepted into one, and accordingly there were no other complaints, as the praised county stated. With this in mind, we kindly report that we did not receive the Order of October 19, 1788, No. 2784.