A request for delivery of a letter to builder Carl Pfeller, sent by the military construction management (Militär bauleitung) in Sremska Kamenica

Identifier D_0003:1483/1855
Title A request for delivery of a letter to builder Carl Pfeller, sent by the military construction management (Militär bauleitung) in Sremska Kamenica
Subject Carl Pfeller, Mayor's office of the Free Royal City of Sombor, Military construction management (Militär bauleitung) in Sremska Kamenica, Official letter
Description A request by military construction management in Sremska Kamenica for delivery of an official letter to Sombor resident, builder Carl Pfeller. The confirmation of receipt was also requested.
Creator Military construction management in Sremska Kamenica
Publisher Historical archive Sombor
Contributor Mayor's office of the Free Royal City of Sombor
Date May 15th, 1855
Type Text; A request for letter delivery
Language German
Coverage Free Royal City of Sombor, Sremska Kamenica, May 1855
Rights This material has been digitized to expand access while protecting the materials from degradation through physical handling. Access to the digitized material will be granted to all interested parties. The physical copy of the document is available at the Historical Archive Sombor. In the case of citation or use, please state the origin of the material (Istorijski arhiv Sombor / Historical Archives Sombor).

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K. K. Militär bauleitung zu Kamenitz

An das löbliche Bürgermeister Amt zu Zombor

Ein löbl: Bürgermeisteramt wird diensthaftichst ersucht, beiliegendene dienstbrief st. 231 dem dortigen Baumeister Carl Pfeller /: Zimmerarbeits Contrahenten der Militär bauleitung :/ zustellen, und die beiliegende, durch ihn zu unterfertigende Empfangsbestättigung hiehere reitsenden lassen zu wollen.

Kamenitz b. Peterw: am 15ten Mai 1855

Bürgermeister Amt zu Zombor den 16/5 1855.

K. K. Militär Bauleitung zu Kamenitz


Zu erledigung der geehrten Zuschrift von 15ten May Z. 231 beehrt von sich euer löbl: Empfangsbestättigung uber das eingehändigte Dienstschreiben an den hieher Baumeister Carl Pfeller Dienstfreundlichst zu reiternachen.

I. R. Military Construction Administration in Kamenica

To the praiseworthy Mayor’s office in Sombor

We collegially ask the praiseworthy Mayor’s office to deliver the attached letter No. 231 to the local builder Carl Pfeller (who was contracted as a carpenter by the Military Construction Administration), as well as to send us the signed acknowledgment of receipt.

Kamenica near Petrovaradin, May 15th, 1855.

Mayor’s office in Sombor, May 16th 1855

To the I. R. Military Construction Administration in Kamenica


For the execution of the esteemed request of May 15th No. 231 we are collegially enclosing a confirmation of receipt of the letter handed over to the local builder Carl Pfeller.